I was in S. Gustaberg camping Leaping Lizzy last night (been there for over a week now, no drop) when I saw a high-level THF running through the area. I asked him if he'd help me with the drop since he had TH3, I figured this was my best bet. Offered him 90k (all I had on me) and he agreed.
When we agreed I'd pay him after we got the drop, I told him the pop-window opened in exactly 30 min. Half-way through, another THF (his friend I'm assuming) joined the party. When I said the window would then open in 5 min, they both disbanded and shortly after flee'd to LL and claimed for themselves.
Whenever someone asks for a favor, I'm almost always willing to help, paid or unpaid. People like this really make the game not fun for others. If he didn't want to help that's fine, but don't steal my information like that and use me. Now I'm going to be less apt to trust others because of this. At least I didn't pay him first.
His name was 'Kiego' and his partner was 'Bigjon'. Their LS was 'AfterParty', hopefully the whole LS isn't this way, else they'd have a pretty bad rap.
Word of advice to all players, stick with your LS for help b/c 9 times out of 10, they're the ones you can trust.
When we agreed I'd pay him after we got the drop, I told him the pop-window opened in exactly 30 min. Half-way through, another THF (his friend I'm assuming) joined the party. When I said the window would then open in 5 min, they both disbanded and shortly after flee'd to LL and claimed for themselves.

Whenever someone asks for a favor, I'm almost always willing to help, paid or unpaid. People like this really make the game not fun for others. If he didn't want to help that's fine, but don't steal my information like that and use me. Now I'm going to be less apt to trust others because of this. At least I didn't pay him first.
His name was 'Kiego' and his partner was 'Bigjon'. Their LS was 'AfterParty', hopefully the whole LS isn't this way, else they'd have a pretty bad rap.
Word of advice to all players, stick with your LS for help b/c 9 times out of 10, they're the ones you can trust.