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Anyone up to starting an All SMN LS

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  • Anyone up to starting an All SMN LS

    I am thinking about creating an all summoner link shell.

    Is anyone interrested?

    We can lay waste to the land of Vanidiel.

    Time to make gil and treasures summoners.

    Hit me up if you like the idea.

    Starlett (level 75 SMN) here.

  • #2
    Re: Anyone up to starting an All SMN LS

    My SMN is level 1. >.>;


    • #3
      Re: Anyone up to starting an All SMN LS

      That's a Start. Just alittle further to go.

      So.. i take it that there are not to many smn's that would like to start a shell?

      Well, if any of my fellow smn's are up for this epic LS. Please feel free to send a tell my way.

      A full alliance of smn's = pawning time
      Last edited by kglover1969; 05-31-2007, 11:51 AM.


      • #4
        Re: Anyone up to starting an All SMN LS

        I'll join!
        65 SMN

        Fenrir Won: 11/08/2006
        Diablos Won: 07/03/2007


        • #5
          Re: Anyone up to starting an All SMN LS

          Hey, I'd like to join you guys~
          I just came back after a 7 month break and can't be bothered to play my BRD. ><
          SMN is gonna be my new main, I'm still rather low lvl, hope you guys don't mind.

          IGN Koyu


          • #6
            Re: Anyone up to starting an All SMN LS

            Heh heh, I've thought about doing something similar. SMN does seem to be somewhat common on Garuda. (When I took the time to do a little goldfish scooping, for a little while there were four Carby's all out at once. It became believed that Carby was a good luck charm. )

