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Limit Break 1 is really breaking me

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  • #16
    Re: Limit Break 1 is really breaking me

    Originally posted by LyonheartLakshmi View Post
    ISounds like either you guys picked a poor camp, or didn't try to camp anywhere at all and simply roamed around.

    I just followed this guys along, I must have taken a stupid pill to follow him round for 5 deaths before realising I had to stay still by zone


    • #17
      Re: Limit Break 1 is really breaking me

      A few tips for future reference.

      Just don't go where the THF is. A 75 THF/NIN should be able to solo easily without taking that many hits. Only run down to cure him here and there. Putting yourself anywhere in AoE range of a casting mob while surrounded by mobs that aggro to yellow HP is a very bad idea. Next time just stay at the entrance. Personally sounds to me like your mercenary sucked. A 75 THF should be able to fight for quite a while without any shadows and still not get hit by those Liches. If he was resting in range of low HP aggro, then that was his mistake and it would only require you running down a few times to heal.

      Also, something that only comes with experience is realizing that the aggro range for sound is very very short. You can almost always find a little corner to recast in. Howevewr, the aggro to blood is huge so the AoE thing still stands.

      For any quest that requires the collecting of items there is no reason to worry about being at the level of the quest to start. Considering you likely had it flagged before deleveling it doesn't matter. But even if you didn't have it flagged before deleveling it doesn't matter. There's no point and no need to wait for that level before collecting said items. I have the subligars for JSE for about 5 jobs that I've yet to level to 50, but when I get there, I won't have to shout for a subligar hunt PT.

      Also, there would've been no reason to solo back to 50. You can get a PT and XP to within 1 XP of 51. Most PTs wouldn't have lasted that long anyway and you would be able to contribute at least 2-3 hours before running into capped XP.

      I swear you don't need TH2 for Paper as much as you need luck. A 75 MNK/WAR got 2 papers in 6 kills for me and my wife back in the day.

      I wish you the best of luck. I know things can feel stagnant when you're waiting on a limit break to happen.
      A Day in the Life of a Taru


      • #18
        Re: Limit Break 1 is really breaking me

        Thanks buddy.

        The THF at one point went down to 1hp and I I could see in the logs him spamming his Utsu:Ni macro lol. I was running to cure him from my HP in jeuno but the whole door system in there got me stuck.

        And the problem with the camp as mentioned earlier is we were roaming, and the lichs normally were in a small square room by the moving doors. So I had to stand inside the doors to make sure we didnt get seperated etc...which brought me in range of everything.

        Well, I know better now. Tonight Ill solo seeming as Kirsteena is good enough to help me out, no point lfp and then bailing 10 mins into a party. But I can see your point, i still need 6k ish i think to reach 51 so a 2-3hr party would still be good.

        I can see challenges coming now where I am going to need more and more high lvl help, but my LS hasnt got them. Great LS and all, helps with everything else and are a great bunch. But if I find another LS with more high lvl available, Id be taking the cookie by logging into it just to ask for help. lol what to do.

        It'll be alright for the new guys in our LS, by the time they get to this stage I'll be able to help.


        • #19
          Re: Limit Break 1 is really breaking me

          Thf loses a lot of power against skeleies so it's no surprise he had a lot of trouble. And even with TH2, the papy can take a LONG time to drop. Though honestly, a group of 50s and 60s shouldn't have too much trouble with them and should have a bit more fun then just sitting and waiting at that too.
          "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


          • #20
            Re: Limit Break 1 is really breaking me

            I wish I was on your server so that I could help you. With as much help as I've gotten in this game I love doing things for other people when I can. And I never charge to come help people either. My 75sam friend use to do runs like this all the time, but no being /nin hurt him bad, so I'd bring out my 75whm and hit on the skellys for a while.

            This is just my opinion, but usually mages are a lot more helpful for free services in this game, or at least appears that way to me. Takes us longer to kill things, but we so rarly get to take out our clubs, staves and scythes that we actually enjoy the hours and hours of pwning too weak mobs. For liches a whm/nin with hexa can actually kill pretty fast and effective in the necropolis. I hope you find your help tonight and not get discouraged trying for the paper. ^^


            • #21
              Re: Limit Break 1 is really breaking me

              Thank you for all the support.

              If you wanna help that much, why not let me send you a WP, set up and account on Bahamut, lvlit up to 75 and then help me out ^^

              There IS another lvl 50 wanting to do LB1, a WHM. Maybe ill see if I can get her along as well. Depends on how much time/luck Kirsteena has as well, last thing I wanna do is occupy everyones time.

              Its funny though, when I shouted for help in L Jeuno, it was /sh {Limit} {Break} 1 {Help me out!} {/tell} <me>

              Few mins, no response. So

              /sh {Limit} {Break} 1 {Help me out!} {/tell} <me> {Reward} ?

              and I got about 5 /tells instantly asking how much I was paying.

              Dont get a lot for free nowadays!


              • #22
                Re: Limit Break 1 is really breaking me

                Really a shame how many people will do nothing for anybody without gil, you know at some point someone helped them, would be nice to return the favor.

                Maybe it's servers, or maybe I was just lucky. I met a 75whm,rdm,brd my 3rd day in game, and started chatting to her, and we struck up a friendship.

                She ended up taking me to the dunes that night, as well as getting me all my subjob items. After that she's helped me with rank5, LB1, 2, and a number of other things, as well as all the information I could want. I've never asked for gil, and she would never except gil from me, just ppl bored that decide to help out other players, and those are the type of people I enjoy. Well from what I've read of kristeena's post on these forums, I'm sure you've found someone like my buddy.

                I'm half tempted to come level whm on your server >.> can you wait 5 months for me to level for your LB1?


                • #23
                  Re: Limit Break 1 is really breaking me

                  Kirsteena is great

                  I havent even the her, in game. but hopefully that will change tonight^^

                  I wish all these nice people I meet here could jump on my server and we could all strike up our own LS :D


                  • #24
                    Re: Limit Break 1 is really breaking me

                    btw, Papyrus is going to be rough to get one way or another. But you can probably get the other two items by befriending random BSTs who are leveling in Garlaige and Crawlers Nest.

                    Explosure is a very popular leveling mob for BSTs 50-53. So if you do a /search of Garlaige for BSTs in that level range, chances are, you can talk them into getting an easy Bomb Coal from them (it drops at least 50% of the time, so you wouldn't even have to wait long).

                    Exoray Mold is a slower drop, but many BSTs will level on Exorays around the same level range as Explosures in Garlaige. I solo'ed in the "donut room" from 51 to 53, and got at least 2 Molds to drop during that time.

                    You won't even need to be in a party with those BSTs when the item drops. If the BST doesn't know about this trick, tell them that by keeping their inventory "full", loot will stay in their party chest until there's room. They can achieve this by unstacking things like crystals, pet food, or other stacked items.
                    lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
                    Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
                    Fishing 60

                    Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
                    Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
                    Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
                    Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


                    • #25
                      Re: Limit Break 1 is really breaking me

                      G-1 oh my!!! this is where most people quit the game. cant imagine why. when i did this this there wernt many people in the 70+ range. we had to do this as a full party. papyrus took me 2 mos to catch a party in eldiemme, with a couple of ls members in it, and ask if by chance they got any drops. i was standing outside asking passer bys for help, when i got a tell from a party that paper had dropped and to zone in and join quickly. now that im lvl 75 i probaly do this 3 or 4 times every month for random shouts. never takes more than a couple of hours. i also usualy ask the person im helping to stay at the entrance. if they do stay with me we pull the lichs out of their rooms.
                      bomb coal is easy, i had a lvl 59 rdm solo it for me. these are quit easy for a drk to solo as well.
                      mold usually isnt to bad, if your lucky you should have an exp party killing exorays in the mid 40s and get your mold. mold or paper either one should take more than 2 hours except for a very rare occasion. i think its sad that you have to pay someone for help for this. i cant do this for every level 50 but i dont mind helping when i can for free. btw if you think this was a pain....... =)


                      • #26
                        Re: Limit Break 1 is really breaking me

                        I could help too, you know. No one ever asks me for help! Taru prejudice!


                        • #27
                          Re: Limit Break 1 is really breaking me

                          Originally posted by hongman View Post
                          I wish all these nice people I meet here could jump on my server and we could all strike up our own LS :D
                          Everyone restart a character on Kujata tonight and you'll be leveled pretty well by the time I have a machine to play again. Problem solved.
                          I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                          HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                          • #28
                            Re: Limit Break 1 is really breaking me

                            Moved to Bahamut server forum.

                            Couple of notes:

                            (1) You can get Ancient Papyrus from the Liches in the back part of Toraimarai Canal if you know where to find them (not many people do, but this is a viable option, and somewhat less dangerous than trekking through Eldieme Necropolis). Any level 65+ Beastmaster should be able to solo these with ridiculous ease (as opposed to Eldieme where they have nothing to charm). Any 75 can also beat them, and there's less chance of blood aggro if you know where to go. Yes, I know Somepage, MysteryTour, and FFXIclopedia say only the ones in Eldieme can drop it. They are all wrong (I've gotten papyrus by accident in there before).

                            (2) Absolute best place to track down Liches in Eldieme Necropolis is from the entrance via the plateau/Beaucedine Glacier side of Batallia Downs. There is a pair of Liches in a set of four small rooms set off the main hallway near the entrance. Further in there is a pair of large rooms there with two Liches each, with a tunnel in between where it is relatively safe to fight and not get blood aggro. The foot travel to get here can be very difficult, however unless you either have the ability to outpost to Beaucedine Glacier or Xarcabard, or have access to Teleport-Vahzl.



                            • #29
                              Re: Limit Break 1 is really breaking me

                              Kirsteena already got him his Coal and Mold. She and I are now heading to Eldieme to get him his Papy. Shouldn't be long.


                              • #30
                                Re: Limit Break 1 is really breaking me

                                rofl, second lich kill...

                                Originally posted by Aksannyi
                                "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."

