Hello everyone
I have just come back to the game after a nice long break(2 months) well I will be back in the morning when my new Dell pc arrives. Anyway I am looking for a friendly, helpful, active Linkshell that has some events and meetings etc I am Rank 5 SanD and my highest job atm is 54 Summoner with Fenrir ^^ I also have my carby mitts and some parts of my AF, I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to welcome me to there Linkshell. I don't mind if it's Euro or NA ^^ either way it's cool aslong as ya friendly hehe I will be a very active person ^^ so please give leave a message below or private message me ^^
I have just come back to the game after a nice long break(2 months) well I will be back in the morning when my new Dell pc arrives. Anyway I am looking for a friendly, helpful, active Linkshell that has some events and meetings etc I am Rank 5 SanD and my highest job atm is 54 Summoner with Fenrir ^^ I also have my carby mitts and some parts of my AF, I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to welcome me to there Linkshell. I don't mind if it's Euro or NA ^^ either way it's cool aslong as ya friendly hehe I will be a very active person ^^ so please give leave a message below or private message me ^^