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Who's Who on Bahamut

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  • #46
    Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

    Originally posted by Itatchi
    I actually.. really never drink at all. Cep the other night when my friends tricked me into going out with that at the booby-bar.
    Must find this "trick" out.
    Blm 75 - One and only love! Lets nuke!
    Originally Posted by Kirsteena
    Oh crap, lock down your beer.....
    Originally Posted by Sethe
    With Kutu around no alcohol is safe. Hide ya beer! - Endgame EU ls, bahamut server


    • #47
      Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

      Originally posted by Kutu
      Must find this "trick" out.
      I'll show ya.

      Friend: Hey Cody, my brother, my brother-inlaw, and I are going out. Ya got tonight off work?

      Me: Yeah

      Friend: What ya doing?

      Me: Nuthin *Watches episode of Smallville from the boxset he owns*

      Friend: Wanna come?

      Me: Sure, where?

      Friend: Legends

      Me: Alright, see ya there *hangs up phone* Sh!t, isn't that the strip bar?
      [Sky:O][Lufaise Meadows:O][FFXI PhotoAlbum]



      • #48
        Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

        In other news, I have been leveling my BLM today, and I think I have had every example of a bad party that you can get in the dunes. It's been pretty awesome from an irony point of view.

        Except that I expect this in the dunes, so maybe not so much with the irony.


        • #49
          Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

          Yeah .. dunes >.>

          I just finished doing my RNG in the dunes as well. I can sit in qufim and peg some worms with arrows for awhile. But after I get RNG to 37, than its NIN time. Back to dunes for a lvl or two.
          [Sky:O][Lufaise Meadows:O][FFXI PhotoAlbum]



          • #50
            Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

            My favorite was the Taru NIN/RDM that was invited to tank. His Utsusemi macro said "Please provoke" - like he'd ever have hate anyway!


            • #51
              Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

              NIN/RDM? Hmm.. I'm not one to put down job combinations when soloing, but in xp, a few things are required.. unless he wasn't tankin.. if he was, than yeah, needs /WAR for good ol' voke.
              [Sky:O][Lufaise Meadows:O][FFXI PhotoAlbum]



              • #52
                Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

                Well, NIN/RDM can be pretty nice solo, and post 40 pretty awesome DD in parties. But yeah, we wanted him to tank, so he was pretty useless.


                • #53
                  Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

                  WAR20 MNK20 THF20 WHM10 BLM20 RDM10

                  LoL, smart guy. Get all those jobs to 20 so you'll never have to goto dunes again. /praise
                  [Sky:O][Lufaise Meadows:O][FFXI PhotoAlbum]



                  • #54
                    Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

                    Tomorrow is WHM! I just dinged BLM 20 a few hours ago.^^


                    • #55
                      Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

                      For solo, NIN/RDM has pretty much everything RDM/NIN has.


                      • #56
                        Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

                        Agreed. Unfortunately we're talking about level 14. In the dunes. As a tank. (I didn't invite him - and boy was the the party leader embarassed when he realized what the guy's sub was)

                        NIN/Mage is something that I would really like to give a try one of these days. I didn't do it on my old characters, and I don't know when I'll get the chance to do it on this one, but I hope that eventually I'll be able to give it a go. NIN is just always somewhat of a trial for me, because while I love tanking (so much), I hate, hate, hate just throwing gil away. But I need to let go of that and embrace the fun of NIN (and RNG, for that matter). I think it could be really interesting eventually.^^


                        • #57
                          Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

                          Haha, well I didn't read that part

                          Ninjas can't tank in the dunes anyway lol.. ugh I remember the pain....


                          • #58
                            Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

                            Ya - nin to 37 was painful... very very painful.

                            Nin/rdm post 40, fine. Fastcast, Magic Attack Bonus, Magic Def Bonus. Pre 40 - meh.

                            Originally posted by Aksannyi
                            "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                            • #59
                              Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

                              Name: Eauijhkuu (HAH. SAY THAT 5 times Fast....if at all, once, correctly...)

                              RACE: Galka (Bite me)
                              NATION: Bastok (Bite me)

                              Bahamut's most awesome Galka THF.
                              Loved by many.
                              Hated by the rest.

                              I suck at NM camping.
                              I love being a Galka.
                              I like knives.
                              I like proving people wrong.
                              I marvel at excellent team work.
                              I have a scar on my bottom left cheek....err...maybe that's my second birthmark.
                              I play piano.
                              I draw.
                              I write.
                              I'm a starving college student.
                              I like long walks on the beach. (That we don't have in San Antonio TX.)


                              THF will own you and your wives in the end.
                              That is all.
                              "Vacation. Alienation. Japanamation. Manga. Kanga. Naked Lunch. Hawaiian punch!!"


                              • #60
                                Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

                                I like Galkas! I'm not so sure about Bastokans though.

