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Who's Who on Bahamut

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  • Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

    Starlett Here: Level 75 SMN for life.

    I have been on this server for over 4yrs now and still see a very large population.

    If any of you all see me running by. Please stop and wave, and I wil return the favor. I luv meeting new friends and Enjoying helping others when I am free.

    Quote: "No one plays on Bahamut server anymore :D"

    The above stated quote is a farse


    • Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

      I have 3 toons and am a returning US player from 04-05.

      Name: Godzillaru
      City: Sandy
      Race: Taru
      Job: BLM/WHM
      ls: the chillin tree (sack holder)
      Description: Godzillaru is the tinest taru with the biggest mouth and is my alter ego in game. He can be regularly heard traveling the streets of Vana'diel threating to bring destruction via stomping and publicly mouthing other ls members for laughs.

      Name: Pimpassassin
      City: Bastok
      Race: Galka
      Job: WAR/MNK
      ls: the chillin tree
      Description: Pimpassassin is my physical representation in game. The name actually is an ode to an old Galka player on Seraph back in 05. When asked in game you will be told it is a job title for pimping assassins for rendered.

      Name: Talonx
      City: Windy
      Race: Hume
      Job: RDM but hoping to become BST/WHM
      ls: RandomEncounters (founder)
      Description: Talonx is the ls founder of RandomEncounters and a member of a small party static. Usually only played on weekends for duo/trio gameplay to relax and play gimped subs for fun. Eventually it will turn into a BST/WHM or BST/WAR duo static with buddy. If you want a casual gaming partner to goof off with then Talonx is your man....just send tell.

      *No taru were harmed in the making of these characters accept my own....stinking gobs.
      ls: the chillin tree / RandomEncounters


      • Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

        Im Liger

        35 Whm/blm

        Sandy For Ever!!!!


        • Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

          hi, my name is Keiranvyis I started out in San O'dria but currently stuck in bastok haha, long story, but im planning on going back to my home land. im a level 7 elvaan, tell me anytime, I need some friends XD haha, I play on the Xbox 360 version and just got a USB keyboard so im all set, yay


          • Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

            Hello everyone ^-^ Shinosuke here!

            I am an aspiring Paladin from Bastok. I may not be extremely strong yet, but I am on my way. I have been playing FFXI since Feb. 14th 2006, and I love having fun in the game, in many different ways. I believe there is more to enjoying Vana'diel than just lvling all the time. LVL58 PLD is my highest, but I also have a 30WAR and a few low level jobs like whm12 and blm18 lol. I've tried other jobs but I love being PLD too much. It's the right job for me ^_^ I like to help out newbies alot, and practically anyone else that I have the ability to. I'm really friendly, and love meeting new friends in Vana'diel. I really wish I had more though, since alot of my friends have sort of dissapeared lol.

            Well, nice to meet you!! ^^
            A Paladin's greatest faith, lies within their shield. - Altanic Teaching


            • Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

              Name: Longelis
              City: Bastok
              Race: Hume
              Job: 14/RDM
              ls: Wilddarkness/Badpublicity
              Description: Heh, funny story this is... When I first got FFXI, I was disgusted. All I did was grind grind at LV8 I canceled my account. I decided to play a 10 day trail of WoW, and left with a meh feeling. So with 20 days left on FFXI I decided to put them to use.
              WHAT THE HELL DID I DO WRONG!? I got to Valkrum dunes and loved it more than ANY mmorpg I played. Reactivating my content ID, I now play A LOT.


              • Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

                Name: Zoltar
                City: Sandy
                Race: Hume
                Job: 25WAR/12MNK
                LS: Ohana
                | 90 SMN | 90 BRD | 90 BLM | 90 THF | 90 WAR |

                5/5 BST +2
                2/5 WAR +2


                • Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

                  Im on the shiva server but once i get my time done ill hop over back to bahamut, hows bahamut? is there a equal number of players on all lvls? I have been surfing servers and some servers are weak on the low lvl but high on high lvl and some not too good on hhigh but very good on low lvl.


                  • Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

                    I think it depends on which time zone you are in really. I find it more diffucult as I'm in the UK, so I dont think I can give an accurate answer for you.
                    All I know is we do have a lot of end game players, and finding a pt isnt that hard as the mire is always swamped.
                    We also have a high Japanese player base.

                    Really hope this helps.


                    • Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

                      Hey guys :]

                      Currently a level 9 MNK!

                      (Current goal: MNK to 18 THF to 37 BLU onward!)

                      I need some friends! hit me up haha
                      [Name: Tokagawa] [Server: Bahamut] [Awesome: Yes I am]
                      [THF:30] [MNK:18] [BLU:10] [BLM:9] [BST:9] [WHM:5]


                      • Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

                        Woot for being back on Bahamut! I haven't posted here in ages, not sure why. Been busy. o.o

                        I've been on Odin for a while, but.. I am back! \o/

                        Name: Hileict
                        City: San d'Oria
                        Race: Elvaan Male
                        Job: Currently boosting my SAM/WAR (solo SAM/DNC) again. I've been leveling various other jobs for DNC, etc.
                        LS: Cake
                        Description: I've probably posted here once before at some point when I was first on Bahamut.. But eh, I've been through other servers and experienced other things since then. I'd restarted that character on Fairy, getting Warrior to around the 30's, I was there for at least 6-8 months until the world transfer came in and I escaped to Diabolos. I'd ended up finding LimitBreakRadio's site, joined up and all and met some awesome people around Diabolos. After about 3 months there, I decided to jump on the bandwagon and join the main LBR base on Odin. I'd said that'd be my final stop.. But it seemed it wasn't. Started to get too quiet last month so, an old friend got me back over to Bahamut. Good ol' home. I'm so glad I did though too.
                        Last edited by Zaneu; 04-12-2008, 06:35 AM.

                        Selphiie the Enchantress is ftmfw.


                        • Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

                          Hello im bahamut to i been playing since 2004 on this sever if anyone need any help im a bst 75


                          • Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

                            Takanaki and Leeman, me and my brother. We more or less started yesterday so we're low level. If you see us say hello.


                            • Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

                              Originally posted by Drkray View Post
                              Hello im bahamut to i been playing since 2004 on this sever if anyone need any help im a bst 75
                              I may hit you up for tips. Working on getting my Galka to 30 and going BST. A buddy and I are going to duo BST. My galka is Pimpassassin.
                              ls: the chillin tree / RandomEncounters


                              • Re: Who's Who on Bahamut

                                Alright, let's post a quick reply:

                                On Bahamut:
                                Name: Zaphyra
                                City: Windurst
                                Race: Mithra
                                Job: Red Mage

                                On Asura:
                                Name: Lamacula
                                City: Bastok
                                Race: Hume Female
                                Job: Monk

                                On Carbuncle:
                                Name: Xanyiel
                                City: San d'Oria
                                Race: Elvaan Female
                                Job: Warrior

                                So if you see see me....hehehe...
                                Life is good, Final Fantasy is better...

                                Silverlance on Leviathan (Hume MNK)

