I am starting a static PT that begins at level 40. I request that anyone joining have -at least- lv 35 and -at most level 42 with less than 1k into it (if you are above lv 35 but not 40 yet, we will wait for you. If you are lv41 or 42, we will catch up and then you can start PT'ing with us.) We currently have the following jobs:
We are currently looking for a WHM (typical). Before asking to enter, please consider the following things.
-We will be PT'ing every day (or every other day, haven't decided) from 12pm - 5pm EST. The time may change once public schools start as 2 of our members are grinding out their last years of highschool.
-Make sure WHM is your main job and you want to play it all the way up to 75
Send a /tell to Duolin in-game for details if you're interested. I hope to start the PT within a week.
We are currently looking for a WHM (typical). Before asking to enter, please consider the following things.
-We will be PT'ing every day (or every other day, haven't decided) from 12pm - 5pm EST. The time may change once public schools start as 2 of our members are grinding out their last years of highschool.
-Make sure WHM is your main job and you want to play it all the way up to 75
Send a /tell to Duolin in-game for details if you're interested. I hope to start the PT within a week.