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  • *choking*...need...RP...LS...*collapse*

    **Considering the dregs of reponses (thanks O...kitten), perhaps this should be changed to the formation of an RP LS?**

    I am in terrible, terrible need of RP.

    There are maybe three RP ls on Asura that I can effectively hunt down. For the love of good sweet Jesus, there's got to be someone out there that likes to type three line emotes and taru-speak if they're a taru and wonder aloud how Galka perpetuate.


    Looking for RP Linkshell!
    Last edited by W.o.t.W.; 03-23-2008, 01:28 PM.
    I am proud to bear the distinct honor of being the object of Omgwtfbbqkitten's stalking efforts.

    Mithras make me think naughty thoughts.

  • #2
    Re: *choking*...need...RP...LS...*collapse*

    I heard there was a 75 DRG on Ashura who wanted to roleplay a Sword-wielding Dragon Knight.

    So he never levelled Polearm, just sword.

    His HNMLS kicked him.

    There wasn't much point to my story, just saying there are roleplayers in your server and, apparently, some of them take it all too seriously.


    • #3
      Re: *choking*...need...RP...LS...*collapse*

      1) I keep gameplay and RP mostly seperate, so that's not much of a problem. Example: I always RP as a SAM. I level numerous jobs, though.

      2) You've helped me in two different threads in two different forums.

      ...Are you stalking me...?

      EDIT: Changed my sig to mark this momentous occasion.
      I am proud to bear the distinct honor of being the object of Omgwtfbbqkitten's stalking efforts.

      Mithras make me think naughty thoughts.

