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SO asura..

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  • SO asura..

    So ive been told that Asura is amongst the top three populated servers in the game..

    Just curious is their truth to this? I just checked the population and its in the 2500++ range right now which is the highest ive seen yet, bahamaut a close second.

    Im wondering though, would anyone say this is a japanese or bot heavy server or is it pretty decent?

    Just want your opinions on the server really

  • #2
    Re: SO asura..

    Asura's decent. Also, pretty much no server has only japanese people; moreover, when it comes to using illegal third party software to "support" the game, all servers are gonna have some people who still do it. It's really dumb. People take the time to go through all the steps to make an account, make an ass out of themsekves, and SE can simply be one-click away from suspending your account. For the economy, I won't speak too much on that. I'd have to know what the other servers are like to compare it to Asura. Anyway, I hope you have fun! Take care,

    Aaliyah is more than a woman and she graduated with a 4.0 GPA (she only had 1 "C" grade ever in her life).

    I bolded and underlined the "is" just for you, Malacite.


    • #3
      Re: SO asura..

      Still holds the highest population ive seen so far today =)

      Doesnt seem like theirs alot..if any low level characters though, at least in bastok =(
      Is it always like this on most servers though or what?

      Still looking for opinions though.
      Thanks in advance


      • #4
        Re: SO asura..

        Keep in mind that today is an NA holiday. Might not be the best gauge for populations.

        Most servers have at or around that number of people.

        That said, I don't understand. We've already suggested an option for you here (FFXIO LS), which is a guaranteed invitation to a linkshell full of people who can answer your questions and help you out when needed (provided the help you're asking for is reasonable), but you're still looking for greener pastures.


        • #5
          Re: SO asura..

          Originally posted by Murphie View Post
          Keep in mind that today is an NA holiday. Might not be the best gauge for populations.

          Most servers have at or around that number of people.

          That said, I don't understand. We've already suggested an option for you here (FFXIO LS), which is a guaranteed invitation to a linkshell full of people who can answer your questions and help you out when needed (provided the help you're asking for is reasonable), but you're still looking for greener pastures.
          I did check out kujata, i checked out the pop numbers and just lost intrest, it was in the 1500-1800 range while my previous server always remained in the 2300-2600, this was checked during primetime over here on est coast. Also did a who in my area, their was only 6-7 others in that zone with me, half of them way over my level.

          While I do want to join a LS, I get the feeling that in the FFXIO ls everyone is going to be way beyond my level. Just kind of lost hope in it =/

          Im probably gonna give the servers another tally after work tomorrow, so we'll see, asura has caught my attention though as ive been told its one of the top 3 highest servers.


          • #6
            Re: SO asura..

            Originally posted by always.returning View Post
            While I do want to join a LS, I get the feeling that in the FFXIO ls everyone is going to be way beyond my level. Just kind of lost hope in it =/
            In experience possibly, but I think at least a few people are starting new characters on that server to join the shell. So you'll have some good players to level up with.
            lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


            • #7
              Re: SO asura..

              Even if you did get an ls with a lot of people you're own level, there's no reason to expect you'd always have people to level with. With an LS of people beyond those levels, you have people to give advice who may have experience with multiple jobs at those levels.

              There are good and bad points to both.
              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



              • #8
                Re: SO asura..

                Since the number of new players like yourself is going to be low no matter where you look, your chances of getting in with a bunch of newbies is pretty slim. With FFXI's job system, other players, no matter what their "main" level, can generally find something that is close to yours if you need some company.

                I'd think that a social LS of individuals with a lot of collective experience would be a good thing, but maybe not for everyone.


                • #9
                  Re: SO asura..

                  You shouldn't worry about finding a bunch of people at you level on any server. I just recently hit 59 and all my friends are 75s or have been in the past. Just find a social LS with people that you get along with. They will help you out with information they know. Just do everyone a favor and dont expect people to help you just because they're a high level and you aren't. They will give you info all the time but to take you places and do quests/missions can take a lot of time and they don't always want to be stuck helping people when they have things they need to be doing as well.

                  If you do land on Asura, send me a /t and i'll try to get a pearl to you quickly. If you end up not liking the LS, just get another one later on. It's no big deal. We have a small group and we've all known eachother for a while. Play times are spread out and some of the guys play for long times. If you are on Asura and want into our LS to give it a shot...just let me know.

