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Conquest of Movalpolos

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  • Conquest of Movalpolos

    I don't know how many Asurans are on FFXIOnline, but I would like to see if at some point, we could take Movalpolos--at least for one week. I would prefer to see it conquered occasionally (say once a month or so), but it hasn't been conquered since I started playing. I have some questions:

    What kind of party would be suited to levelling in this area?

    Where are some good camp sites?

    Some general conquest questions:

    Conquest points are related to the difference in level of the mob vs. the player. Do mobs gain CP in a similar manner to adventurers when they kill someone or is this known to even a slight degree?

    How much of a "head-start" do the zone's mobs usually get?

    Are there a lot of miners/passers-by down here dying repeatedly?

    I want Movalpolos Water! I'm definitely willing to do whatever is necessary to claim this region and gain access to this rare substance.

    Information on Movalpolos:

    The monsters in the area have a level range of 28-52 which is a superset of the Yutunga Jungle extending into Yhoator Jungle (30-48/28-55). This means that insead of sitting around in Qufim waiting to Ding 25 (which seems rather excruciating especially if your party disbands at 24), you could just to to Mov and hack away at the various monsters skipping Kazham entirely and then just moving on to Crawler's Nest.

    [EDIT] It appears that Oldton Movalpolos is (based on monster levels) a substitute for Kazham (at least in part) and Crawler's Nest (at least in part). This might be appealing to more experienced players who are levelling new classes and do not want to endure the drudgery and n00bishness of the common levelling grounds.

    Let's see what kind of mobs we have down in the deep dark mines:

    We've got Bat Class mobs:
    Possible substitute for Yutunga Mandragora (30-33) and
    Yutunga Goblin Smithy (32-37)?
    Triple Bat: Dark Bats (31-35)
    Big Bat: Stirge (33-36)

    and basically the rest is all goblins (which people always kill anyway after the mandy's don't "do it for them" anymore):

    The Goblin-class mobs are nicely graduated for easy target picking with low level ranges:

    The quintessential Movalpolos Peon:
    Bugbear Servingman (MNK): 32-35

    Lower-class Movalpolos Goblin Family (33-36):
    Possible substitute for Yutunga Goblin Smithy (32-37) and Yhoator Mandragora (35-37)?

    Goblins: Craftsman (WAR), Gutterman (RNG), Hammerman (?), Leadman (BST)
    Moblins: Chapman (BLM), Pickman (RDM), Ragman (THF), Witchman (WHM)

    The upper-crust goblin-class mobs are a bit more varied:

    The Middle & Upper middle goblins below could be a possible substitute for Crawler's Nest Worker Crawler (40-44).

    Lower-middle-class Goblin:
    Moblin Rodman (WAR): 41-43

    Middle Class (42-43)
    Goblins: Oilman (DRK), Shovelman (RNG), Tollman (BST)
    Moblins: Repairman (THF),

    Upper Middle Class (43-44)
    Goblins: Doorman (?) [Drops Key]
    Moblins: Coalman (BLM), Gasman (WHM) [Drops Key], Pikeman (RDM) [Drops Key]

    The uncategorical middle-to-upper class:
    Bugbear Bondman (MNK): 42-45

    The rest of the Goblins are too rare to be really useful in XP parties.
    High society:
    Moblin Ashman (RDM): 45 [Drops Key]

    Goblin Freelance (45-46) [Party Goblin]: Hangers-on: Pikeman, Coalman, Gasman [Note: Probably want to avoid this guy]

    Moblin Gurneyman(RDM+WHM): 46-47 Casts Red and White mage magic.

    There is also:

    The Bugbear Strongman [NM]

    and a number of other quest-spawned NMs here.

    Please have a look at the full list:

    This is just info I got over the web, I haven't actually ventured into the depths of the mine to take a survey [yet]....

    To be continued....

    Cheers for now,

    Last edited by Sabaron; 07-19-2006, 09:53 PM. Reason: Added Region Info