I just started playing FFXI again the other day (Addiction > Me
), And i decided to start over.
At first i heard the stories about Asura and the extremly wierd economy, but when i got stuck with the
Server 4 times after creating/recreating I decided to check it out. To my suprise the prices were pretty
much the same as Hades. Also the population was much higher which i liked.
So here i am, restarting on Asura and already getting kinda bored with nobody to talk to now. So I am
Posting here in search of a nice Social LS. Prefer it to be more lower level shell so i can actualy interact
with the members in exp PTs, quests, NMs..ect.. But mainly just looking for a nice social LS with friendly
people to talk to.
Um.. a little about my goals ingame i guess if any LS leaders are reading and may recomend me to thier
-Plan to level BST and RDM as mains. More focus on BST.
-Plan to get into crafting, cooking 100 and fishing 100 are my goals.
-Dont realy want to join the "Endgame scene" (HNM,Dynamis)
-Love the storyline and want to do alot of quests/missions/ZM/CoP
-Love to help people, dont realy seek help myself unless i have no other choice.
-Play time is random depending on what I have going on.
-Not looking for help getting started, just people to talk to and enjoy the game with.
I just started playing FFXI again the other day (Addiction > Me

At first i heard the stories about Asura and the extremly wierd economy, but when i got stuck with the
Server 4 times after creating/recreating I decided to check it out. To my suprise the prices were pretty
much the same as Hades. Also the population was much higher which i liked.
So here i am, restarting on Asura and already getting kinda bored with nobody to talk to now. So I am
Posting here in search of a nice Social LS. Prefer it to be more lower level shell so i can actualy interact
with the members in exp PTs, quests, NMs..ect.. But mainly just looking for a nice social LS with friendly
people to talk to.
Um.. a little about my goals ingame i guess if any LS leaders are reading and may recomend me to thier
-Plan to level BST and RDM as mains. More focus on BST.
-Plan to get into crafting, cooking 100 and fishing 100 are my goals.
-Dont realy want to join the "Endgame scene" (HNM,Dynamis)
-Love the storyline and want to do alot of quests/missions/ZM/CoP
-Love to help people, dont realy seek help myself unless i have no other choice.
-Play time is random depending on what I have going on.
-Not looking for help getting started, just people to talk to and enjoy the game with.