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Asura linkshell

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  • Asura linkshell

    Been looking for a decent linkshell for a while,the past two i was in were not good..
    Won't name them,don't beleive in that kind of stuff,but would comment
    on the armor,equipp.(bad comments).it's hard to play a game like this right.
    I farm items for gill,don't buy it ,wait a long time for stuff to sell at a.h.
    I'm looking for a linkshell who WILL NOT!,flame its members on their job,equipp,
    or main jobs are 30 war,12 drgn,10 bst,10 pld.working on other jobs too
    but so far my favs are pld,drg war.I am very kind and treat others with respect,
    no matter what lvl.please send tell.right now i am in giddeus farming a key,
    but my home is always in bastok.....Thank you.....
    A Warrior's place is not to die,

    But to allow others to live.....

  • #2
    Re: Asura linkshell

    send a tell to smokeone and ask to join the storm riderz


    • #3
      Re: Asura linkshell

      lol smokeone

      Thanks Yyg!


      • #4
        Re: Asura linkshell

        wats wrong wid smokeone


        • #5
          Re: Asura linkshell

          Nothing wrong with the name,kinda catchy,

          been hard locating you what area do you usually stay in?
          still looking for a linkshell to im usually around bastok
          right now im lvl a dragoon in /near the dunes..
          A Warrior's place is not to die,

          But to allow others to live.....


          • #6
            Re: Asura linkshell

            send tell to xzion or zyme around 10gmt im normaly around s sanny and cralerz nest


            • #7
              Re: Asura linkshell

              I'm also in search of a linkshell. Being Australian, my playing times are around 9am to 1pm GMT (at least, I'm pretty sure that is what 7pm to 11pm at GMT+10 translates to )

              Since Stormriderz is advertising here, perhaps their representative can tell me whether they have many people on during those hours?


              • #8
                Re: Asura linkshell

                stormriderz have a web site if you search on yahoo for stromriderz on ffxi go on the web site to get a list of the admins or just send a play online message to smokeone


                • #9
                  Re: Asura linkshell

                  Yes I heard that Stormriderz ls is a very good ls.
                  Finally found Smokeone in Bastok,tried to send a tell but the send/receive has
                  been acting strange lately going yellow then red,then timing me out after about
                  5 min of play.guess ill shut down my modem let it cool and try it again.
                  And Kevstarius, I thank you for your offer and i will keep it in mind..
                  A Warrior's place is not to die,

                  But to allow others to live.....


                  • #10
                    Re: Asura linkshell

                    If you wanna get into Smokeones LS just go camp yourself in lower jeuno for a little while. Seems like he's always recruiting there.
                    You have to work twice as hard to be half as noticed for good things, but when it comes to bein bad you only have to work half as hard to be twice as noticed.

                    I've been around the world only to find that only the stupid people are breeding.


                    • #11
                      Re: Asura linkshell

                      Hiya all ... if u want to join a new LS then Oblivion is recruiting ... cant vouch for it yet per'se but looks promising an since its new we'd all progress together :D PST to tigralia ingame


                      • #12
                        Re: Asura linkshell

                        ............... Smokeone ? Are you serious? You do know hes a JOKE to most of the HNM comunity right?


                        • #13
                          Re: Asura linkshell

                          I'm in the Stormriderz and currently am a sackholder but something i want to warn you.....most people in our ls are either still in school or work shitty hours so those times you will only see 5-10 people on at a time....but sometimes at night we can get a solid 15-20 nice people.....

                          oh and blessed you seem to be the only one in this thread opposed to Smokeone so you fail


                          • #14
                            Re: Asura linkshell


                            oh and blessed you seem to be the only one in this thread opposed to Smokeone so you fail[/QUOTE]

                            thats not accurate i know MANY ppl opposed and for many a good reason, but we are not friends for that reason, and ppl do like him. so not really a disscusion topic is it, we dont need to share friends... BTW ignore my last post the LS im in is NarcolepticInsomnia, my own creation, so msg me if your interested


                            • #15
                              Re: Asura linkshell

                              Originally posted by Wolfandre
                              oh and blessed you seem to be the only one in this thread opposed to Smokeone so you fail
                              please read -.-

                              and i know of my friends' reputation....

