So far I believe the fastest way to make money if the wild onions that sell for 13000 gil in
Windurst, and 9000 at Bastock. to get the Wild onions they are in a cave in the inner horunto ruins usually by Goblins. If you are farming these guys youll get more i got a
stack of them in just 1 hour. Of course i used Cure 2 a lot and led them to me with Dia.
Windurst top selling item__spools of silk 24k___
Bastock top selling item___Darksteel Ore 8000k+__
San D Oria top selling item ___moat carp? last i knew 5k____
Windurst, and 9000 at Bastock. to get the Wild onions they are in a cave in the inner horunto ruins usually by Goblins. If you are farming these guys youll get more i got a
stack of them in just 1 hour. Of course i used Cure 2 a lot and led them to me with Dia.
Windurst top selling item__spools of silk 24k___
Bastock top selling item___Darksteel Ore 8000k+__
San D Oria top selling item ___moat carp? last i knew 5k____