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So i suppose its that time again, with the same question every year.

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  • So i suppose its that time again, with the same question every year.

    Is it worth me firing up my old FFXI account?? Level 75 summoner. So i left when that was the level cap.

    -Has player activity died in this MMO now or does it still tick all of the boxes?
    -Is leveling becoming impossible or could i quite happily reach the new level cap?
    -What are the server populations like now?

    Overall i loved this game, and i put in hundreds of hours of work in to my character, and i was wondering whether or not it would be worth me joining back

    75 Summoner
    37 White Mage

    75 Red Mage
    37 White Mage

    Rank: 7
    Currently Leveling: WHM

  • #2
    Re: So i suppose its that time again, with the same question every year.

    There are still a lot of people on each server doing stuff. I just did a /sea all on Lakshmi/Garuda, and it's a low time at 6:30 am PDT and 10:30 pm JST but there's about 3000 players on. Leveling is much, much easier but it's not at all what you remember. Most leveling is done in alliances these days, either spamming Grounds of Valor pages or in Abyssea killing worms, doing the Abyssea version of GoV, or having someone mass pull and slay mobs for chests you can open that can contain exp. If it weren't for limit break quests you could reach the new level cap in a day.
    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


    • #3
      Re: So i suppose its that time again, with the same question every year.

      I was kind of hoping there wasn't going to be all new limit breaks but i forget its FFXI thanks for the heads up, ill probably join back up when i next get paid then, ill buy the ultimate edition. Thank you

      75 Summoner
      37 White Mage

      75 Red Mage
      37 White Mage

      Rank: 7
      Currently Leveling: WHM


      • #4
        Re: So i suppose its that time again, with the same question every year.

        I drifted in and out of FFXI about three or four years ago but as I didn't have a credit/debit card and SE didn't offer any alternate means of payment I never really got into FFXI, although I have the 2008 Vana'diel collection. I've just discovered that I can play it and have started a new character on Phoenix - but haven't done anything yet.

        Which servers are the most active? (I definitely think that I've arrived far too late to fully enjoy FFXI but oh well...)


        • #5
          Re: So i suppose its that time again, with the same question every year.

          Most servers are the same. Most active players on this forum are on Cerberus though (granted that's only three of us).
          99 DNC
          99 WHM
          99 WAR
          * 99 THF
          99 BLM * 99 RDM *
          99 PUP



          • #6
            Re: So i suppose its that time again, with the same question every year.


            I really wish I'd decided to stay longer back when I played a few years back.

