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  • #16
    Re: Abyssea

    Here's the problem.... your probably not going to find people that are "legitmately building experience points party's" level's 30-75. It just isn't how things go now. Basically follow yygdrasil's guide so you understand what's happening, and after you've solo leveled your job to 12ish-15ish, join a Gusgen mines party. They spam GoV pages and level sync so a full alliance get's fast exp. It's sort of like a mini-abyssea.

    After 30 you can start your searching for experience points parties, but i'm gonna be honest, it's going to take you a long time to level a single job to 75.

    Find a friend, or someone who doesn't mind letting you leach. You'll be invited to a exp party in one of the zones. You stand around not doing anything until your lights are built up and you start gaining exp. Often times when this occurs, the level 30 job will be the "curor guy" and he'll run around with 2-3 stacks of keys and open up the chests that drop from the mobs, since he can't do anything else.

    The thing that's going to cause that not to work for you, is the fact that you don't have the level cap quests complete so your going to have to leave abyssea, reseting your lights, and then go do the quests. You'll probably need some high level friends to duo them with you.

    Thing is, Jarre said it best. Learning your job.

    Here's the thing about the FFXI community, and hell, most MMO communites. .3% difference to hardcore gamers means the fucking world to them. If a war does a weapon skill on avg. for 1000dmg and a dragoon does a weapon skill for 970dmg, guess what job people are gonna want you on. It's a stupid attitude with most hardcore MMO players, and it's pretty pathetic. There aren't many games that can balance the different class/jobs/professions well enough that taking any sort of job combo will work, in these hardcore players eyes.
    I considered myself pretty hardcore when I played, but this attitude was one of the reasons i quit. It's pathetic when players figure out a way to win a fight, and then immedietly get the idea that "THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO WIN UNLESS YOU BRING THESE JOBS, WITH THESE ABILITIES, BLAHBLAHBLAH". I'll admit i'm still wishy washy on this also. It's that way in XIV, but definetly not to the extent it has gotten to in XI.

    Where was I going with all this? Well Jarre was right about learning your job as you level, however, I don't think leveling 1-75 is going to teach you anything about fighting NM's at level 99. Honestly the only thing that leveling is going to give you is muscle memory for the way you've setup your skills in your macro bars. I feel this is the problem with all MMO's. Learning your Ability rotation is pretty simple once you have all your abilites, and if you get your job burned to level 99, and then learn your abilites, I see no harm in that. Especially in a Square Enix MMO.
    Good players are going to be able to jump into a level 99 job they've never played before and in 1-2 days are going to understand how to gear it for certain situations, macro for certain abilites/weapon skills, and they'll research mobs that they've never fought before, before they fight them.
    I have never played scholar, however, when i was playing i abyssea burned my mule to level 95 scholar. I had mediocre gear, but i made sure i got all my spells off the AH, and I actually swapped gear for whatever spell/ability/situation i found myself in. Was my gear top of the line? no, but again, abyssea made alot of folks realize that .3% isn't going to ruin a fight. But not casting cure, or haste, or stoneskin, or using your 2hr when your supposed to is.

    Sure you have hardcore players that say things like "oh i can trio anything in abyssea with a Mnk/whm/Blm, and hell you can. But that doesn't mean you can't also bring 8 people to that same mob. It doesn't mean that the other 17ish other jobs are useless, its just them trying to flex their e-penis, as if soloing carabosse on your ninja will go onto a job resume later in life. Anyway. I digress....

    Anyway, went off on a bit of rant there, but seriously, your probably gonna have a hard time finding actuall eXP parties like were abundant back in the day.
    Last edited by ShepardG; 07-16-2012, 09:55 AM.


    • #17
      Re: Abyssea

      Following up on what Shepard laid out regarding hardcore players, the good news is that if you bother to do a modicum of gear-swapping you will be leaps and bounds ahead of the majority of the playerbase so the theoretical maximums become less of an issue. It doesn't really matter if the theoretical maximum damage output of a Warrior is 1000 to a Dragoon's 970 if the WAR is fulltiming gear and only putting out 300 damage while the Dragoon makes use of a few gearswaps and is rocking 700 damage as a result.
      Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
      Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
      Name: Drjones
      Blog: Mediocre Mage


      • #18
        Re: Abyssea

        Yup, exactly what Cid said.

        Like.... I don't want to sound like this dick, I saw Jarre's thread just now, and he's having a blast casually leveling, doing story line missions (CoP is awesome btw) and just generally taking his time with it. This is awesome. Unfortunately 90% of the player base wants to do endgame as soon as possible. and of that 90% probably like 95% don't understand gear swapping, or situation gear sets (like a set of gear for evasion, or a set of gear for - physical damage taken, or an accuracy set, etc.) so basically what Cid said is absolutely true.


        • #19
          Re: Abyssea

          Here's "extra" info for when you get closer to 70+ :

          One of the things that an 'experienced' (using the term liberally here) abyssea brings to a table that a fresh player cannot is them going in with atma's. With razed ruins alone, along with maxing out your enhancement effect buff through abyssites grants you a far greater chance to hit mobs; I was able to hit worms by my late 60's (coupled by the fact I had sushi and acc gear) whereas first-time aby players in my group cannot. Whereas their WS's maxed out below 700~ (due to lack of acc and atma's) mine was easily hitting for 800-1000, and averaged over 1400-1600 by the time I was in my late 70's-early 80's.

          No one mentioned this, but the hardest part for a new player nowadays in my opinion is getting your atma's, a few of the abyssites, and your zone boss and caturae kills. I AFK in jeuno frequently and very, very rarely see any yells for those type of events these days in pickup groups. I'm sure you can leech a Rani kill as people still do that one for the Epona ring; in fact waiting at the spawn points of the more popular NM's might be your only way to score a win and atma (Sobek, CC, Briareus, are more common due to the fact they drop items for Kannagi, Almace, Ukon, etc.). I suspect this the case where having an LS or a good group of friends make the world of difference.

          Even when I came back from my hiatus during the Fall(?) of 2011, it was quite evident that focus already shifted to VW and new events, as I had a hard time getting my last two Caturae kills to get Shin access.

          The thing to remember from this is that being level 99 does not make you better than a level 80 in Abyssea; if that 80 is rocking all the good abyssites and popular atma's like RR, VV, GH, Apoc, (I don't know the caster ones off the top of my head..apologies), there's still a very good chance they will outdamage you.

          TL:DR -- (should have added this hours ago...) get your atma's ASAP, I mean obviously finish getting your first character to cap (or at least 90+) but before even thinking twice about farming gear or leveling another job, get dem atma's!
          Last edited by Hayde; 07-16-2012, 06:59 PM.


          • #20
            Re: Abyssea

            I think that's my biggest problem, finding a group to do anything with. I'm playing on Cerberus because at the time, my friends played here as well, but they've quit. Is there a more popular server, or one you guys play on that I could get a World Pass for or transfer to? I don't necessarily want to join someone that'll just let me leech experience (course that'd be awesome, lol), but being on a server where I could occasionally find help if I need it would be nice.

            I was working on the Summoner Job, and got everything but the snow environment for the ruby, and the easiest places to find those are in the bigger zones.

            I have Sat/Sun off, I'm planning on spending a bunch of time this weekend looking into where I should be farming experience, like with the pages. I need to go to the Wiki and look up the pages, and find ones that I can just barely do (ones that I've almost outleveled) so I can actually solo them. That and I need to farm gil so I can get some better equipment, which is my other big flaw with soloing stuff right now I think.

            EDIT: Also wanted to, for the record, thank you guys and this forum. I found this place several years ago when I started up FFXI again last, and you've all have been nothing but helpful. It's rare with a game like this that's so hardcore compared to other MMOs anymore to find a community that's friendly and helpful.
            My character's name is Cadar on Cerberus.

            Red Mage-55
            Dark Knight-55


            • #21
              Re: Abyssea

              Originally posted by KoLAddict View Post
              Oh those, thanks. I have heard of those, my problem is that whenever I find one in a level bracket I am in so I can do them, the enemies are harder than I can kill.

              EDIT: Unless it was changed and you can complete pages on mobs that award no experience for you.
              Returning to Vana'diel - BGWiki

              You don't have to join one in your level bracket. Level Sync means they can lower your level down to theirs, so you can do Gusgen Mines all the way to 99 if you wanted to. When your level is soft-capped, you earn EXP based on the level you are capped to, but it counts towards your real uncapped level.

              Thus the order GoV alliances go is Gusgen Mines, Crawler's Nest or Garlaige Citadel, and Bostanieux Oubliette. Since you only sync to levels 15-20, 33-38, and Bostanieux Oubliette doesn't need a cap as long as you are level 57 or higher, you don't buy gear for every few levels. You wear a set and let Level Sync weaken it a little, and upgrade. I've seen people in level 20-30 armor in Bostanieux Oubliette until they reach level 78 and equip the nearly free armor from Abyssea or their Empyrean armor. Weapons are all they upgrade as they level. Monster drps are sold for gil, much of which is just banked until they reach level cap.

              With GoV and, once you have built up cruor and leveled a job to max once, Abyssea, it isn't unusual to level a job from 1-99 in a single day once you have the limit break quests finished. My SMN took 17 hours of playtime to max out from start to finish, but I had about a million cruor and about 2 million gil banks from leveling BLM to 99 first (which took 8 years to level to 75 under the old leveling methods and my playtime of ~100 days during those 8 years).

              You alone don't have to be able to kill the enemies. There are 18 of you just steamrolling them in GoV. As long as they are worth at least 1 EXP to you, they count for the miniquest from the book, and you get a several thousand EXP payout every 5-9 kills of monsters. You also get gil, tabs, and buffs with those completions.
     (Adoulin install on NA PS2)
              My PlayStation2 HDD guide. Made with a Japanese PS2 with a HDD and PSBBN 0.20-0.32.


              • #22
                Re: Abyssea

                Awesome thanks.
                My character's name is Cadar on Cerberus.

                Red Mage-55
                Dark Knight-55


                • #23
                  Re: Abyssea

                  For the GoV's, like the one in Gusgen Mines, do I need to buy the tab to unlock it, or can I join a group with someone that's got the tab already themselves?

                  Also, do most groups for Gusgen actually just chill/recruit in Gusgen? Don't want to get there and find it barren, lol.
                  My character's name is Cadar on Cerberus.

                  Red Mage-55
                  Dark Knight-55


                  • #24
                    Re: Abyssea

                    You will get tabs by completing the GoV pages there. Most groups just recruit there, waiting for someone to come into the zone and /shout for an invite. Before you go there, however, I would do a search of the zone to make sure there are people there.
                    99 DNC
                    99 WHM
                    99 WAR
                    * 99 THF
                    99 BLM * 99 RDM *
                    99 PUP



                    • #25
                      Re: Abyssea

                      Yeah, nobody in the area, lol.

                      Thanks all.

                      I've gotten to level 45 now off of FoVs in Sauromugue Champaign, but the mobs for the current FoV is saying they're too weak (I'm doing the couerl and goblin one). So I moved up to the 5 Tabar Beaks and 3 Weapons one, and those weapons owned me, so I'm going to try to figure out a different area I can start doing FoVs in.
                      My character's name is Cadar on Cerberus.

                      Red Mage-55
                      Dark Knight-55


                      • #26
                        Re: Abyssea

                        Ok, so I found a group (well, they found me as I was passing through Rolanberry Fields) and joined them in Crawler's Nest for a few hours. The pages go off of your linked level as far as accepting it right, and not your regular level? There was a guy at level 48 that said after his next page completion he'd have to go because he level capped.
                        My character's name is Cadar on Cerberus.

                        Red Mage-55
                        Dark Knight-55


                        • #27
                          Re: Abyssea

                          He would have level capped at 50 and stopped getting xp (and if he was the sync, everyone would stop getting xp). But yes, they go off of your synced level.
                          99 DNC
                          99 WHM
                          99 WAR
                          * 99 THF
                          99 BLM * 99 RDM *
                          99 PUP



                          • #28
                            Re: Abyssea

                            Ok thanks, so not sure why he left then, he wasn't the sync. We have three parties of people slaughtering bees and crawlers, lol.
                            My character's name is Cadar on Cerberus.

                            Red Mage-55
                            Dark Knight-55


                            • #29
                              Re: Abyssea

                              Originally posted by KoLAddict View Post
                              Ok thanks, so not sure why he left then, he wasn't the sync. We have three parties of people slaughtering bees and crawlers, lol.
                              He left so that he could do the level 50 cap quest so he could get to level 55. When you reach level 50, and you haven't done the first cap quest yet, you will stop receiving Exp once you fill your xp bar.


                              • #30
                                Re: Abyssea

                                I figured out about the level 50 cap the hard way. Turned in probably 3 pages and noticed I was 1 exp. short of leveling. trash was giving exp but it wasn't going up, so I completed another page and checked and saw that it didn't give me anything, so the group told me (when I asked) that you have to do a limit break quest at 50 and every 5 levels thereafter. So I switched to RDM and came back, gained one level on RDM, then one of the other people hit 50. So we went back to Jeuno, and her level 99 friend helped us do the quest. So I hit 50, got the level cap increased to 55, and leveled RDM once, in a lot faster time than it was taking me to level before, and from the look of the monsters, I wasn't soloing the limit break quest. Also learned Sneak and Inviz on my RDM so I should be able to get through to the glacier when I'm ready to finish SMN job.
                                My character's name is Cadar on Cerberus.

                                Red Mage-55
                                Dark Knight-55

