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Melody , New To Vana'diel Experience

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  • #16
    Re: Melody , New To Vana'diel Experience

    I just tried to explain how charming with /bst works, but it sounded confusing even to me and I wrote it, could one of you pro Bsts explain that?

    It'd probably help alot as she levels Dnc, at least for solo work.

    And welcome, don't be afraid to ask questions. We'll do our best to steer you away from mistaken ideas and bad influences

    Start figuring out how to make gil early would be my advice, that's probably one of the hardest things to learn for a newbie. Oh, and macros. Some people find macros confusing at first, myself included.

    My other bit of advice would be to take Warrior up to lvl 30 in order to unlock the advanced jobs, you'll probably be using it as a sub for all of the jobs you want to level at some point at least.

    You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

    I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


    • #17
      Re: Melody , New To Vana'diel Experience

      I'm in no way a pro BST but I can try to explain.

      So, the Charm job ability is an ability exclusive to BST that allows them to befriend (MIND CONTROL I SAY) a monster. There are key points to successfully charming a monster; their level, your level, and your CHR. Now, Charm is in fact one of the only job abilities that matches the level of your BST. If you have a level 40 BST, you're going to have a level 40 Charm ability.

      This carries on even as a Support Job, which you should read about in one of TGM's links, but in short, your Support Job (or "Sub") will always be half of your "Main" job. So, you have a level 50 BST. You also have a level 40 Ninja. You want to Main job your Ninja, then decide to Sub your BST. You're now a level 40 Ninja/ Level 20 BST. (NIN/BST, half of 40 is 20! Yay math!) Any job abilities the BST learns before 20 are now yours to use, Charm being the key one since you learn that at level 1 BST.

      But! It's not tied to being level 20. Remember what I said about Charm matching your BST level, but as a Support Job, it ignores this limit, and still continues to treat it as if it were level 50.

      Now for example, that monster over there is level 50. You're still 40 NIN/20 BST. Your Charm ability is level 50. Minus the whole CHR thing, you have a pretty good chance of charming that monster. (Then if you wanna be technical, er...

      Yeah, I'll stop right there. Phew, you're right Vyuru. Hard to find an easy way to explain it, but, that's why I love BST. Many things to learn and research before you pick it up.
      Originally posted by Yygdrasil
      Originally posted by Nandito

      You make me want to hurt things.


      • #18
        Re: Melody , New To Vana'diel Experience

        Originally posted by Melody View Post
        Well I am still new, but three jobs I want to do are, Beast Master, Dancer and Ninja. I am an Elvaan so I think it will be fun.
        Actually, what you want to do is to level RDM. And give WHM, BLM, WAR, THF, and MNK a whirl, too.

        The random drops and Fields of Valor's training regemes' rewards from leveling all six standard jobs to LV.10+ will help you get enough gil to gear which ever job(s) you want to take to Lv.30+. And it is at Lv.30 that you have the option to unlock extra jobs like Dancer, Beastmaster, and Ninja.
        Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
        yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
        Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
        leaving no trace in the water.

        - Mugaku

