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Skills level faster with certain classes?

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  • Skills level faster with certain classes?

    Hey I'm currently leveling up a red mage. Needless to say this guy has a bunch of different schools of magic and they don't really get leveled that evenly, especially elemental which I hardly use. So in the interest of leveling up these schools I was thinking about running as a white mage then black mage for a bit because I know they have a higher skill rating in some of these magic fields than my red mage does. Will that higher skill rating help them to level those skills quicker?

  • #2
    Re: Skills level faster with certain classes?

    Yes it would be beneficial to do so.

    Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


    • #3
      Re: Skills level faster with certain classes?

      Wow, kind of wasn't expecting a response for days lol. TYVM for the quick response! OK, I'm off to the field to level my skils!


      • #4
        Re: Skills level faster with certain classes?

        Higher skill rating won't allow them to level a skill much quicker, though they can take the skill higher at the same level. Also, BLM will do a lot more nuking than RDM, so a BLM will keep Elemental capped while RDM probably won't. Healing skill isn't critical to take to cap, and RDMs do a fair amount of healing, so it's not really necessary to level WHM just for that; however, WHM is a very useful sub for RDMs.

        Quickest way to cap Healing skill is to cure EM or higher undead mobs. Quickest way to work on Dark magic skill is to spam Drain/Aspir whenever they become available. If you or anyone else on the party is using Dia II, then you can also use Bio every now and then, since Bio won't overwrite Dia II (Dia effects are preferable to Bio effects in EXP party.)

        RDMs don't have much of a need to keep up on Divine Magic Skill.


        • #5
          Re: Skills level faster with certain classes?

          For a RDM, if the branch of magic has offensive spells, the fastest way to level it is in Besieged, using Chainspell (CS).

          Elemental Magic: CS + Stone
          Enfeebling Magic: CS + Dia
          Dark Magic: CS + Aspir (or Bio)
          Divine Magic: CS + Banish

          Besieged often gives you temporary items to increase max MP and max HP, to recover MP/HP, and to reset job ability timers (Revitalizer?). Take advantage them them and do several Chainspell with large amount of MP. (High max HP also helps along with high max MP for Convert--i.e. more MP to cast spells with.)

          For Enhancing magic, I don't know of any fast way. Seems like casting on party members raises it faster than casting on myself, but as with any eyeballed data, take with a grain of salt. Mostly, mine was leveled by playing in exp parties, but that was before Level Sync getting in the way of skill ups.
          Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
          yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
          Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
          leaving no trace in the water.

          - Mugaku


          • #6
            Re: Skills level faster with certain classes?

            Honestly, Red Mage elemental magic is pointless from about level 25 through about level 65, give or take a few levels. Red Mages just don't get very strong elemental attack spells, and their lowish Elemental skill doesn't do them any more favors.

            You can probably ignore elemental magic as a red mage entirely aside from maybe learning Blizzard and Thunder at the early levels, and then more or less forget about it until you at least can cast Blizzard III.

            For those first 20-25 levels, though you'll "probably" want at least 18 levels of Black Mage anyway to use as a subjob to Red Mage, and you'll definitely have no problems gaining most of the early elemental skill you need that way.

            To be honest, the one skill that takes forever to level up on RDM is actually Enhancing Magic. You really don't get too many opportunities to level it up until you get Refresh at level 41 (and Haste at 48).


