Hey all, I recently came back to the game and would like to try out MMM. There are not many people at all that do MMM on my server any more.
I 2 box so have 2 chars, one a dedicated Tarutaru RDM/WHM, the other Could be DRG, BLU, NIN SAM PUP WAR DNC THF (all40+). I also have some level 10-20s jobs. I have been looking over all the MMM information I could find and I would like to be able to duo the MMM with my 2nd account. The RDM is 56 so hes got most of the good stuff
I would level sync the 2 chars of course.
Would I be better off using the lower level jobs to try and earn some marbles to buy the additional tiles to help build my mazes? or is there a really good solo or duo class for mazes? I remember right before I took my last break is when the MMM came out. I built a couple mazes the first was elementals (did not do well at all) and the other was courels(once again dident do well at all) I was on my BLU/NIN for both runs. (solo)
Currently I only have the voucher and 2 tiles (the 2 they started me with) not sure which numbers they are.
So basically I'm wanting to know if theres any tricks tips or tidbits that may help me out.
I am a doer so I will be trying at least a few duos attemps with various combos.... and I'm sure I'll loose plenty of xp, but hopefully I'll figure it out. If i could select mob types then I dont think id have too much trouble. I just dont have those tiles yet.
So yea any experianced MMM people out there, I'd love some pointers and advice.
Also I did stumble across something about getting a goblin parterner when your down there. Does anyone know more about that ? that wasent around when I played last.
I 2 box so have 2 chars, one a dedicated Tarutaru RDM/WHM, the other Could be DRG, BLU, NIN SAM PUP WAR DNC THF (all40+). I also have some level 10-20s jobs. I have been looking over all the MMM information I could find and I would like to be able to duo the MMM with my 2nd account. The RDM is 56 so hes got most of the good stuff

I would level sync the 2 chars of course.
Would I be better off using the lower level jobs to try and earn some marbles to buy the additional tiles to help build my mazes? or is there a really good solo or duo class for mazes? I remember right before I took my last break is when the MMM came out. I built a couple mazes the first was elementals (did not do well at all) and the other was courels(once again dident do well at all) I was on my BLU/NIN for both runs. (solo)
Currently I only have the voucher and 2 tiles (the 2 they started me with) not sure which numbers they are.
So basically I'm wanting to know if theres any tricks tips or tidbits that may help me out.
I am a doer so I will be trying at least a few duos attemps with various combos.... and I'm sure I'll loose plenty of xp, but hopefully I'll figure it out. If i could select mob types then I dont think id have too much trouble. I just dont have those tiles yet.
So yea any experianced MMM people out there, I'd love some pointers and advice.
Also I did stumble across something about getting a goblin parterner when your down there. Does anyone know more about that ? that wasent around when I played last.