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Opinions Needed and Appreciated

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  • Opinions Needed and Appreciated

    Currently my girlfriend and I are working our way towards 30 so we can get the advanced jobs, but our pickiness is giving us pause for thought as to which advanced jobs would be best to start with.
    For starters, I am a 23 whm/blm and she is a 20war/monk. She does not want to group, atleast not yet, and so we are duoing our way to 30 and so far it has worked surprisingly well. Because of this though I was thinking our best bet for our first job to 75 would be to duo bsts. She hates playing healer, so for her I was thinking Bst/Dnc and for myself Bst/Whm. What are your thoughts? Is this viable or would say Bst/Nin work better for her?
    Money is also an issue at the moment, and since I can only seem to catch between 4 and 7 moat carp per day before I become fatigued it doesn't seem a viable source of income, and the only thing I can think of besides that is to hit 37 with my whm so I can teleport and hopefully suppliment my income. I turn anything I can into something that sells better. Copper ore to ingots, sheep skins to sheep leather etc., they do not sell well however and so that is another snag I'm running into. I have not tried farming yet, and I will soon, but any suggestions would be appreciated here as well.
    I want to thank any who answer in advance and wish you all a great day =)

  • #2
    Re: Opinions Needed and Appreciated

    Well, if you both are living off the sale price of 4-7 moat carps/day, I would definitely suggest NOT /NIN.
    Current Server: Asura
    Current Home Nation: Bastok (Rank 10)
    Race/Sex: Elvaan/Male
    Main Job: 75 DRK / 37 SAM,RDM,NIN,WAR,WHM
    Main Craft: 73 Cloth

    (Read this at a normal pace...)
    Tihs Msseage Connat Be Raed By Nromal Huamn Biegns. Pelsae Ntoify Yuor Firedns Taht If Tehy Can Raed Tihs, Taht Tehy Aenr't Namrol...Cnovrresly, Atmpetnig To Raed Tihs Msasege At Nmaorl Pcae And Bineg Albe To, Cna't be Namrol Etiehr...If Yor'ue Albe To Raed Tihs, Tehn Mybae Yur'oe Not Nrmaol.


    • #3
      Re: Opinions Needed and Appreciated

      Lol. Well the Moat carps are one of the few things we're "trying" to do to make money as a main source of income. We sell crystals, lizard skins etc as we come across them and vendor the trash items, but we know that some advanced jobs, like Ninja apparently, cost more than say a warrior or whm typically. Which is why I was asking for suggestions and advice on it among other things.


      • #4
        Re: Opinions Needed and Appreciated

        Consider that NIN or /NIN costs infinitely more than say Warrior or WHM. Moat carp are a good way to start and you should be catching a few stacks before you get fatigue. Please consider exp parties, you will thank yourself later. If you value your time vs exp/gear/gil/missions/quests achieved, you will need to get parties.
        Current Server: Asura
        Current Home Nation: Bastok (Rank 10)
        Race/Sex: Elvaan/Male
        Main Job: 75 DRK / 37 SAM,RDM,NIN,WAR,WHM
        Main Craft: 73 Cloth

        (Read this at a normal pace...)
        Tihs Msseage Connat Be Raed By Nromal Huamn Biegns. Pelsae Ntoify Yuor Firedns Taht If Tehy Can Raed Tihs, Taht Tehy Aenr't Namrol...Cnovrresly, Atmpetnig To Raed Tihs Msasege At Nmaorl Pcae And Bineg Albe To, Cna't be Namrol Etiehr...If Yor'ue Albe To Raed Tihs, Tehn Mybae Yur'oe Not Nrmaol.


        • #5
          Re: Opinions Needed and Appreciated

          Parties are a fast way to get Exp, but duoing Bsts can be fast exp or so I've heard.

          /Nin will be extreamly costly, so before you do, make sure the two of you have a decent income. Doing the Tiger Fang quest can be worth it, even with Treasure Hunter 1 (Thf 15). The Fangs will sell for 8,400 gil for the quest, and you get fame to boot! You will also get about 15 tiger hides/stack of fangs which sell for 1k on the Ah. Doing this, you can get about 16k/hour (Rough estimate, Haven't farmed them lately, so I am not sure.) But, the faster you can kill them, the faster you can get the items.

          Dnc is a VERY fun job, and is even more fun as a sub. Dnc is the ultimate solo job, along with Bst. Bst/Dnc, and Dnc/Bst helps each other so much. If you are a Bst/Dnc, you will be healing your self fairly often, and your partner. Doing steps, and sambas (Drain, or Aspir depending on the situation, Low Mp, just use Aspir.) As the Pet will be doing a decent amount of damage, she should still be able to weapon skill and put out good damage, and the monster should fall fairly fast. The extra Chr cant hurt either to help keep hate.

          If you are going to level Dnc with Bst sub, MAKE SURE BST IS THE SAME LVL AS YOUR DNC WOULD BE! If not, then you will be having issues taming monsters, and keeping them tame, as well as not having all of the abilities.


          • #6
            Re: Opinions Needed and Appreciated

            That's good to know about the cost of /Nin. I'll strike that off the list for the time being. As for the Dancer sub, that's great to hear because she really wanted to try dancer so that will tickle her pink and purple.
            As to the exp parties, I personally want to group. That's why I came to this game over others because I want the interaction with others and so forth. She hates grouping however....she prefers wow but came here beacuse I just can't stomach wow anymore so she followed. She doesn't want to group at all...she's wanting to duo to 75...hence my thoughts about BST and the creation of this threat to start with. Really annoying but what can you do? >.<


            • #7
              Re: Opinions Needed and Appreciated

              The word "Ninja" and "Extremely Costly" do not belong together in the same sentence.

              Yes, it costs you to use Utsusemi, but it's nowhere near as expensive as they're making it out to be. Stacks of Shihei (99) are 3.4k on Midgardsormr right now. Utsusemi is on a 30 sec timer without any Haste, which you won't have at sub levels or when duoing BSTs. So the absolute max of Shihei casts you can do in an hour is 120. In practice it'll be less. You'll be blowing through more or less a stack per hour if it sees constant usage, but I wouldn't consider 3.4k an hour to be an excruciatingly high price to pay. Soloing makes up for it by keeping all those delicious seals and profit items.


              • #8
                Re: Opinions Needed and Appreciated

                For attacks that can be effectively absorb by Utsusemi, the cost is same per each attack absorbed regardless of the amount of damage. If the mob you are fighting hits very hard, /NIN with Utsusemi is very cost effective. On the other hand, if the mob you are fighting is weak, there are alternative (cheaper) job combination.

                I am not a BST, but I know that BST's jugs and pet food cost gil and consumable too.
                Server: Quetzalcoatl
                Race: Hume Rank 7
                75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU


                • #9
                  Re: Opinions Needed and Appreciated

                  Very true, and something to think about. From what you kind folks have said it seems bst isn't a bad way to go until I can talk her into grouping or until she gets fed up and goes back to wow and then I can group, though I hope she gives grouping a try first. It seems bst/whm and bst/dnc is the way we'd have to go, atleast until we establish some way of making a constant flow of income. Cooking may be a way to, if nothing else, offset the cost of pet foods and such by making our own. Thank you all very much for your help, it is greatly appreciated =)


                  • #10
                    Re: Opinions Needed and Appreciated

                    The purpose of /Whm is for survivability, where you're attempting to survive by not going toe-to-toe with the enemy, but letting pets handle it. It's necessary sometimes when shit hits the fan. Using /Dnc will put you in melee range, because all their abilities are TP based, so you may be putting yourself in harm's way without sufficient healing. With the recent changes, you'll probably be fine, but it's something you should consider.


                    • #11
                      Re: Opinions Needed and Appreciated

                      Well it would be a duo, not just me soloing. So even with my girlfriend as bst/dnc up front fighting if it hits the fan like you said then I would, in theory, be able to back off and play healer until she lost aggro.


                      • #12
                        Re: Opinions Needed and Appreciated

                        Well, at a higher lvl, if you get in trouble, you could Raging Axe, then use Snarl to give all hate to the pet. Even with /Dnc, you can Animated Flourish, then Raging Axe, then Snarl to give the pet tons of hate. So, at higher lvls, I don't think that it will be much of a difference for what you sub. As long as you have STP gear, and ACC gear on, you should be fine with /Dnc.

                        One thing I forgot to mention, with /Dnc, you also get Eva bonus 1 (I think possibly bonus 2 as well, have to check), which will give you 15 points of Eva, which can save you.

                        Yes, ninja isn't as expensive as I made it out. I just hate the job design. I like the Dual Weild, but being able to avoid (almost) all attacks aimed at you, is cheap. Using Eva gear, can cut down the cost of Shihei, as they monster wil miss you more often, but you will not lose as much hate, as if you where to get hit. It also gives you the option to use a second Axe, which can help with damage out put even more. But, it will also get rid of your shield, which can help you negate damage.


                        • #13
                          Re: Opinions Needed and Appreciated

                          Good information to know, thank you. I'm very pleasantly surprised at all of the information you folks have given. Most boards would have flamed me by now for being a newb or some such. So again, thank you all. Now if I can figure out why it only lets me catch 4-7 moat carp a day before I become fatigued I'll atleast have the immediate money issue taken care of lol.


                          • #14
                            Re: Opinions Needed and Appreciated

                            /Dnc gives you these:

                            Drain Samba (lvl 5 dnc, lvl 10 sub) En-Drain

                            Drain Samba II (lvl 35 Dnc, lvl 70 Sub) En-Drain II

                            Aspir Samba (Lvl 25 Dnc, lvl 50 Sub) En-Aspir

                            Curing Waltz (lvl 15 Dnc, lvl 30 sub) Cure II

                            Divine Waltz (lvl 25 Dnc, lvl 50 sub) Curaga

                            Cureing Waltz II (lvl 30 Dnc, lvl 60 sub) Cure III

                            Healing Waltz (lvl 35 Dnc, 70 sub) Erase

                            Quick Step (Lvl 20 Dnc, 40 Sub) Evasion Down

                            Box Step (lvl 30 Dnc, 60 sub) Defense Down

                            Animated Flourish (lvl 20, 40 sub) Provoke

                            Desperate Fourish (lvl 30 Dnc, 60 Sub) Weight

                            Spectral Jig (lvl 25 Dnc, 50 Sub) Invisible & Sneak.

                            Evasion Bonus (lvl 15 Dnc, 30 sub) 15 Extra evasion.

                            Resist Slow (lvl 20 Dnc, 40 sub) Lessens duration of slow.

                            Subtle Blow (Lvl 25 Dnc, 50 sub) Lessens to given to mob by melee attacks.

                            Accuracy Bonus (lvl 30 Dnc, 60 Sub) Increases acc by 15


                            Dual Weild (lvl 10 Nin, 20 Sub)

                            Utsusemi (lvl 12 Nin, 24 Sub) Shadows. This is the main reason why people sub ninja.

                            Ninjitsue Elemental Enfeebles (15 Nin, 30 Sub) Lowers elemental resistance, depends on the spell.

                            Ninjisue Enfeebles (Lvl varies) Blinds, Paralyzes, ect...

                            Stealth (lvl 5 nin, 10 sub) Lessens chance to be detected (Sucks lol)

                            Resist Bind (lvl 10, 20 sub) Decreases bind Duration.

                            Subtle Blow (lvl 15 nin, 30 Sub) Decrease Tp given to mob (Really useful)

                            Tonko (Lvl 9 Nin, 18 Sub) Invisible. (3 mins)

                            Monomi (lvl 25 Nin, 50 Sub) Sneak (3 mins)

                            Thats the two jobs for support side by side. Dnc gives you healing abilities, and a weak provoke, and some decent ACC, and Evasion.

                            Ninja gives you Sneak, Invisible, Dual weild, and Shadows, with some enfeebles. But while sacraficing self healing, Chr, Provoke, Acc, and Eva bonus.

                            As for the fishing Fatige... That was put in because RMTs where using Trial accounts to make tons of money. If you are using a trial account (the 1 month trial, if you are still on it), you will be getting fatigued. Also, if you are less than lvl 20, you will get fatigued after catching 10 fish. I know, its stupid.

                            Oh, and heres a good website to look at jobs and such:

                            FFXIclopedia, the Final Fantasy XI wiki - Characters, items, jobs, and more

                            Also, don't worry about asking questions. We are all newbs at some point.


                            • #15
                              Re: Opinions Needed and Appreciated

                              Takelli, I have been searching all morning about the fishing fatigue and you answered it for me. I'm not on the trial, but my girlfriend is, and I'm level 23 now and still only catching 10 fish a day, so maybe I'm still a bit too low, but atleast now I know it's supposed to be this way and I'm just not uber hated by the powers that be. So thank you very much, and thank you also for the ninja and dancer information. It seems that, for us atleast, dancer sub is the way to go until I can convince her to join groups.

