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Newbies @.@

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  • Newbies @.@

    Alrighty after the "6 hours" of going thru the update paces and then realizing that my graphic card doest like FF11.... i found this page that gave me a fix for it....

    So in retrospect i wanna say thanks to this forum and add,

    I'm new to the game and am wondering where should i start, any suggestions?

    (BTW i wanna be a summoner/white mage)

  • #2
    Re: Newbies @.@

    Well, there's not a particular starting place for most jobs, if SMN is your goal then you'll be looking to work through BLM and WHM initially (do BLM first, unlock subjob, then level up WHM) and later on you'll want to unlock SCH and SMN. WHM will always be your main subjob, but SCH comes in handy later in your career.

    Since you're an aspiring SMN, my main suggestion would be to persue quests that build your fame, Bastok, Windurst and Sandoria each have quests that can help you in this pursuit, though as far as repeatable quests go, I'd suggest checking out the one in Port Bastok that lets you spam Zinc Ores. You'll be killing a lot of worms out there anyway and they drop the stuff.

    The Quests involving this item are "Beauty and the Galka" and "Shady Business." Talib at (F-6) in Port Bastok is the NPC you'll want to speak with regarding that quest. This quest will earn you fame in Bastok and a distant city called Norg that's in SMNs interersts if they wish to obtain Leviathan. Fame in Bastok will help you obtain Titan.

    So you'll want to learn a bit about fame, for more on that, go here:

    Reputation - FFXIclopedia, the Final Fantasy XI wiki - Characters, items, jobs, and more

    But that said, when you get WHM to 30, give the other jobs a a chance and unlock them as well. Sometimes the job one sets out to be (often because they liked it in other FF games), doesn't always turn out suiting them. SMN doesn't exactly work in the "air strike" fashion it does in other games, the mechanics are rather different, as they are different with other jobs as well.

    So take your time, find out what you like playing and go with that. There's lots of fun jobs in FFXI, so there's no need to settle on one just yet.

    When I started, I thought Red Mage and Dragoon were the jobs for my Tarutaru. I ended up going with Scholar and Beastmaster. I swore up and down that my Mithra would only ever need to be a Corsair, but I ended up taking Ranger all the way on her first and enjoy it just as much as I do Corsair and now I'm pondering adding White Mage or Thief to her repitore.
    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 05-31-2009, 08:16 AM.


    • #3
      Re: Newbies @.@

      Don't let people tell you that your roll is to provide gimp heals for the party. Do not fall into this trap. SMN is a dps job with a few buffs here and there. PERIOD!!!


      • #4
        Re: Newbies @.@

        Any job that CAN heal, might be called upon to do so. Just because you don't care for the playstyle, don't deny the capability /WHM gives you, Cruz. Granted, with PLs everywhere SMN might not need to heal as much, but you should always be able to do so. I mean, as BLM I'll back up the WHM with heals if MP is running low, or if there's too much to heal ... SMN can at least do that much!

        That said, playing the job as nothing but an MP pool for the /WHM heals is something of a waste ... tossing out some pacts can help the PT kill faster or take less damage, both good things.


        • #5
          Re: Newbies @.@

          MSTRChaos I am not going to lie there will be players that are not going to want you to use your summoning in xp, alot of players don't care as long as you can heal, but some will want you as a cure bot. It is about the same when a blm burn party requests a drk to be a tank in quifim. It is up to you to take the request or deny. If you really don't feel like doing then politely leave or if party already started pulling /sea for a replacement that will fit their needs and when they arrive politely leave.

          Remember to try to avoid stupid conflicts because it makes you look bad and as a social part at later stages of the game, choose your battles, because there are people I won't invite on any type of run because of repeated fickle and agressive attitude or overally flakey.

          Good luck on your road to smn, I recommend you remember locations and weathers very well. the Wiki will explain why. Take it easy and welcome.


          • #6
            Re: Newbies @.@

            On the healing part i don't mind, since in RO i was a full support priest.
            Honnestly i think healing and full support/ buffing my allies is fun (when you have actual allies to buff) but sometimes i get bored (since i usually play alot there are times where im alone for hours on end) that i want to blast some baddies. (and the priest holy light skill isnt cutting it)... so thats why i want to be smn/wht coz i get to heal and when im bored i can torment the low lvl monsters?

            But speaking of low lvl monsters @.@ i got my blm to lvl 8 yesterday (which is weird since i can normally get lvl 50 in less then a day on RO) so i have to confirm the rumors that some people have been saying... this is not a game to solo!! (its not that i cant do it, it's just that it takes a while to lvl.)

            So i wanted to know is there any server that is suggested to join so im not spending hours by myself (altho i say i play alot and for long hours a good portion is me sitting down and talking to friends @.@with me rarely fighting [at least at the higher lvls] unless a friend wants me to)

            PS i actually don't mind starting from the start as long as i know im not going to be alone for 67% of my time


            • #7
              Re: Newbies @.@

              You just need to find a linkshell to join. When you join a party, you can ask people if they'd be able to get you a pearl to join.

              If you still feel like you don't want to be on that server, feel free to join Kujata. I can give you a pearl and help you out. Been having a lot of newbies join there lately.
              To be the best in this must help each other become the best.

