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Looking for an Odin gold world pass.

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  • Looking for an Odin gold world pass.

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to get me a gold world pass for Odin? As long as I get into Odin, I plan on playing for quite awhile so whoever gets the pass should get some nice shiny items.

    I'm kinda new-ish, I played once before, but that was a long time ago. I was hoping to get back on my old server Odin, but apparently it's full and not selectable. So here I am asking for a little help

  • #2
    Re: Looking for an Odin gold world pass.

    Originally posted by Endler View Post
    I was hoping to get back on my old server Odin, but apparently it's full and not selectable.
    It's not selectable because they don't want you to play on Odin. Pick a different server.

    PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
    Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
    When ignorance reigns, life is lost


    • #3
      Re: Looking for an Odin gold world pass.

      Originally posted by Ameroth View Post
      It's not selectable because they don't want you to play on Odin. Pick a different server.
      To clarify, Odin has reached its max player limit. Various parts of the game - Nyzul and Salvage in particular, along with densely populared zones - have some performance issues because of this. SE has removed both Odin and Bahamut from the server selection screen to prevent further players from piling on to the server.

      That said, being the most populated server does not mean more party invites or opportunities. Plenty of other servers work just fine and ALL servers will have seemingly-deserted starter cities. This is because the core playerbase has hit max level in many different professions and choose to spend thier time elsewhere in the game.

