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Newbie needing help on Bahamut

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  • Newbie needing help on Bahamut

    I'm a lvl 7-8(?) Hume WAR working on changing to a DRG as soon as I can, of course I know about the specific mission required. My goal is to be DRG/SAM. I'm a very long way off but at least I have a goal.

    I need a party, even if that party is a bit above my lvl, just not too much beyond me to where I would become a hinderance to the party.

    I need help gaining GIL to get better weapons/armor/accessories as well. If anyone has an opening in their party or are in the same predicament as me, then we can party up.

  • #2
    Re: Newbie needing help on Bahamut


    I am not on the Bahamut server but I can point you in the right direction. What you want to do is get to lvl 10 before you put your party invite flag up. You will want to slowly but surely make your way to Valkurm Dunes for that is where you will be partying from level 10-19 prob. If you are in windurst I would reccomend farming all of the crawlers for silk thread. They sell for a decent profit. Just watch out for poison as it can sometimes stay a long time. Also Valkurm has the items you will need to collect in order to have a sub job. Good luck!


    • #3
      Re: Newbie needing help on Bahamut

      I appreciate it thanks.


      • #4
        Re: Newbie needing help on Bahamut

        Hows it going friend, I am in the same boat as you just started this last saturday. I can help with some stuff if your around bastok, I am logged at dunes right now.Going to try to get a party tonight.

        On gil my ideas are nothing special I am just working the market around bastok, copper ingots are in high demand so I was taking out worms for copper ore and vultures for fire crystals and then crafting out in the open on fires and lights day. Then when I kill So I am leveling and getting 3500 gil, is the great haul but until i can get enough money to afford stacks of pick axes with out ing at the gil lost, it pays the bills. Plus I use that profit to buy the goldsmith shop copper when its cheap to make another stack as long as i have 12 crystals. Slow an agonizing but it gets the needed gil.

        Got some money tips I got from this first week playing.

        Equipment is important, but less vital early on. So if you are training lvls 1-11 in your hume start clothes, with the onion sword you are saving money. (I did this I hit level 12 with only one death due to a quadav link so it is not as hard as it sounds just a bit tedious seeing 50 xp every mob)

        Sell junk to npcs, and by junk i mean stuff that is not useful and won't sell well on AH. In my neck of the woods it would be the shell sheild dropped from quadavs. They don't sell well on ah,you will get multiple of them, and they get 175 gil a pop from dragon claw weapons dealer.

        Avoid stupid deaths. Now by this I don't mean you get jumped by a skull when healing, I mean attacking stuff that are /checked even match high evasion and high defense or tough. the reason I say this is because they do give more xp, the walking time is not worth it, and you loose a little exp (10% what is required to level) Now don't be afraid of dying because it will happen, but just don't go up against overwhelming odds

        Final tip, don't turn the game into a level race, if you due you will grow to see everything as a chore, and slowly grow to not like what you will be doing a majority of the time

        hope that helped a little.

        Character name Kosaka
        Class Warrior lvl 11

        seeya around


        • #5
          Re: Newbie needing help on Bahamut

          Thanks Sekighara.

          I'm in San D'Oria right now...but I see no reason why i can't make my way over to Bastok. Or at least try. lol.

          character name: Ziophyn

