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New Member and New to FFXI

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  • New Member and New to FFXI

    Yeah, hey. I'm new here and new to FFXI. I'm a UK resident and bought the 2008 edition with all expansions today.

    Okay, so about me. I'm 13 and a huge video game and movie fan (I make films as hobby). Final Fantasy is my favourite video game series after The Legend of Zelda. I have completed every Final Fantasy (core series) except V and XI. And I own all of them except V and VIII. I'm waiting for V to come out on DS, and I'm hoping to get VIII as a Christmas present, to own it.

    VII is my favourite. I know. A cliché, but hey. I love it. It was my first and is my favourite. Then it's VI, as it is as close to VII as possible methinks. Then XII - I LOVE XII. It's so underrated I think. Really good, I like the battle system too... Then it's VIII, then IX, then X and then just... Yeah... But still, all of them are awesome. I'm even working on buying all of the recent spin-offs - I'll be getting Crystal Chronicles soon, possibly tomorrow, too. Then I'll be getting Tactics A2 and Chocobo's Dungeon for Christmas... FF Overload...

    Anyway, so yeah, XI. I need a beginners guide, or just some beginner's guidance. And then, I dunno, maybe I could party up with some of you? I'm such a n00b... I'll install it now - I'm not sure whether or not I'll pay the fees after the initial 30 free days, but if I enjoy it, I probably will. So yeah...

  • #2
    Re: New Member and New to FFXI

    Well search around this site It has ALOT of good links and info to get you started. Also, what server are you or thinking about joining?
    Originally posted by Raydeus

    Other than that the only thing I'd like to see is SE changing Homam so RDM can use it, but the chances of that happening are the same as those of me winning the Mog bonanza.


    • #3
      Re: New Member and New to FFXI

      Personally, I had a hard time playing FFXI at your age. I still played though, just I didn't quite understand the concept of everything up until 1-2 years ago.

      This sight is full of information that will most likely help you with starting out, and continuing your adventure. ^^


      • #4
        Re: New Member and New to FFXI

        Yeah, thanks, but that's kinda the problem... It all seems so over-whelming at first. Anyone willing to give me a good pointer or two to begin with? I've just finished installing the game and all of its expansions...

        EDIT: Yeah, need to choose my race... I'm thinking Hume? I've always been a balanced kinda player, jack-of-all-trades, ya know? So I was thinking, to start with, to be a hume and as my first job to be a Red Mage. What would any of you suggest?

        EDIT 2: Oh yeah... And what's all this about servers? This is also my first MMO so I have NO IDEA about like, anything... So, yeah...

        EDIT 3: While reading the manual, it says about "Worlds" which certain people play in, and you can only play with people in those worlds... I guess these are the servers? Which one should I join?
        Last edited by DimXD2077; 11-16-2008, 07:18 AM.


        • #5
          Re: New Member and New to FFXI

          Servers/worlds are where the FFXI MMO Community is split up. Basicly you dont want 500000 ppl on the same world b/c it would be over crowded.

          FFXI was my first MMO as well and I went with Hume as well for the reason that I didnt know what I wanted to do. Hume is very well balanced so I would recommend it being your first MMO.

          I also started of as a red b/c it was the middle ground of a dd (at lower lvls) and a mage as well. After I got to lvl 14, I saw that I loved killing and not casting so I went with a WAR for my first job. Basicly, jump in and see what you like.
          Originally posted by Raydeus

          Other than that the only thing I'd like to see is SE changing Homam so RDM can use it, but the chances of that happening are the same as those of me winning the Mog bonanza.


          • #6
            Re: New Member and New to FFXI

            If you're indifferent about looks, and like having well-rounded stats, pick Hume. If there's any race you really like for its looks, and there probably is, pick that one instead. The only stats between races that really make a difference are HP and MP, and even then that only really makes a difference during the first few levels (a Galka WHM will have a rough time starting.)

            Servers are the same thing as Worlds. You make a character on a specific server and it stays on that server (it's possible to move it, but it costs money.) You can only play with people on the same server as you. There isn't too much of a difference between them, so you can just pick whichever, or ask if there's anyone that plays often and wants to act as a mentor to you in-game and join his server instead.


            • #7
              Re: New Member and New to FFXI

              Sounds like a good idea. So anyone willing to play mentor? If so, which server do you belong to?


              • #8
                Re: New Member and New to FFXI

                I actually quit not long ago but now I am slowly picking it back up so I dont think I could help to much ingame but I can do all I can from the site.

                I am on the Unicorn server if you feel the need to come say hi lol.
                Originally posted by Raydeus

                Other than that the only thing I'd like to see is SE changing Homam so RDM can use it, but the chances of that happening are the same as those of me winning the Mog bonanza.


                • #9
                  Re: New Member and New to FFXI

                  Mmkay. Wait - can I ask something? How does the payment method work? I'll need to enter my mum's credit card number, but I don't want to pay for anything until after my free trial. And I'm not sure I'll even want to do that. So how does it work? How do you cancel your subscription or whatever?


                  • #10
                    Re: New Member and New to FFXI

                    I did the Hume-Red Mage to start as well- and I'll say that I liked it well enough. What I would recommend is to take each of the first 6 available jobs to level 15- you get an idea of not only what type of job you want to be, but what role you'd like to have in parties (tank, damage-dealing, support).

                    My first char, a male Hume, is 26 Red Mage, 20 White Mage, 20 Black Mage- then I made an alt and tried out Warrior and Monk, and decided I liked damage dealing jobs better.

                    As for server, they're all largely the same, I think- you'll find helpful people whereever you go. The only thing going on right now, I think, is that Odin is getting a little overpopulated or something because SE is offering free migration out of that world.

                    As for resources, definitely check out FFXIClopedia - It is probably the best source of FFXI info. that I am aware of- other than picking the brains of the folks here.
                    Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

                    If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.


                    • #11
                      Re: New Member and New to FFXI

                      You will need your "mum's" card number b/c it is 12.99 a month i think and it will automaticly withdraw that from her account. You can cancel at anytime you want though. Even b4 it starts to pull from her account.
                      Originally posted by Raydeus

                      Other than that the only thing I'd like to see is SE changing Homam so RDM can use it, but the chances of that happening are the same as those of me winning the Mog bonanza.


                      • #12
                        Re: New Member and New to FFXI

                        Originally posted by Amberly View Post
                        You will need your "mum's" card number b/c it is 12.99 a month i think and it will automaticly withdraw that from her account. You can cancel at anytime you want though. Even b4 it starts to pull from her account.
                        The main reason why it's difficult to play when your young.

                        Make sure you make up your mind during the 30day free period, and explain all this to your parents for them to ok it.

                        I'd mentor, but unfortunately I'm just starting back up again, with a brand new character.


                        • #13
                          Re: New Member and New to FFXI

                          Originally posted by SukiYomi View Post
                          The main reason why it's difficult to play when your young.

                          Make sure you make up your mind during the 30day free period, and explain all this to your parents for them to ok it.

                          I'd mentor, but unfortunately I'm just starting back up again, with a brand new character.
                          Okay, cool enough. What server will you be in?


                          • #14
                            Re: New Member and New to FFXI

                            Originally posted by DimXD2077 View Post
                            Okay, cool enough. What server will you be in?
                            I've already started, and Ive got my RDM to 14 in Shiva. ^^


                            • #15
                              Re: New Member and New to FFXI

                              The best way to get that money out of your parts is telling them that paying 12.99 a month is 40ish dollars cheaper than buying a new game each month. Hell you could play 3 months and it will still be cheaper lol. But amke sure you like it b4 you go all out like that.
                              Originally posted by Raydeus

                              Other than that the only thing I'd like to see is SE changing Homam so RDM can use it, but the chances of that happening are the same as those of me winning the Mog bonanza.

