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monk help

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  • monk help

    im a level 11 monk and i want to learn magic as a second job, how do i do this?
    ive been to my mog house and it wont let me highlight the 2nd job bit. plz help

  • #2
    Re: monk help

    You have to change your job completely. You can't get a subjob until you hit 18 and do the Subjob quest either in Mhuara or Selbina. I would link to those quests for you, but I can't get to FFXIWiki at work.


    • #3
      Re: monk help

      It is depends on where you on want to do the subjob quest is either at Mhuara or Selbina

      Here are the brief info about the subjob for Mhuara (Quest title: The Old Lady)
      Starting NPC @ Mhuara: Vera (G-10)
      Requirement : 18+
      Item needed: Wild Rabbit Tail
      Dhalmel Saliva
      Bloody Robe

      Walk through for the quest at Mhuara
      Accept the quest.
      Trade a Wild Rabbit Tail to Vera.
      This item is dropped by Mighty Rarabs in Buburimu Peninsula.
      This item is also dropped by Savanna Rarabs in West Sarutabaruta (S) and Vorpal Bunnies in Fort Karugo-Narugo (S).
      Trade a cup of Dhalmel Saliva to Vera.
      This item is dropped by Bull Dhalmels in Buburimu Peninsula.
      Trade a Bloody Robe to Vera to complete the quest.
      This item is dropped by Bogies.
      Note that Bogies only spawn at night in outside areas like Buburimu Peninsula.
      Bogies are quite difficult to defeat, almost impossible without higher level help.

      It is depends on where you on want to do the subjob quest is either at Mhuara or Selbina

      Here are the brief info about the subjob for Selbina (Quest title: The Elder Memories)
      Starting NPC @ Selbina: Isacio - Selbina G-10
      Requirement: Minimum 18
      Item needed for Quest: Damselfly Worm
      Magicked Skull
      Crab Apron


      Talk to Isacio at G-10. Accept the quest.

      You will need to get three items:

      Damselfly Worm which drops off Damselflies in Valkurm Dunes.
      Magicked Skull which drops off Ghouls in Valkurm Dunes, Buburimu Peninsula, Gusgen Mines, Maze of Shakhrami and Outer Horutoto Ruins.
      Crab Apron which drops off Snippers in Valkurm Dunes.
      Trade all three items to Isacio one at a time per his requests in the order above.
      He will reward you with the ability to equip a Support Job.

      I hope this information able to help you ^^


      • #4
        Re: monk help

        The Support Job can be chosen in your Mog House (via the menu or by talking with the Moogle) or by talking with a Nomad Moogle.

        Equipping a Support Job does not affect the Experience Points of the Main Job, and it has no effect on the level of the job in the Job Levels status screen.

        An equipped Support Job does not gain any experience points, so to raise the level of a Support Job, you must switch it to be your Main Job.

        Support Job - FFXIclopedia - a Wikia Gaming wiki
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