Hey I'm joining FF11 as I type this and was wondering if anyone could name me off a server that has a decent amount of new players on it, or if any new players would be interested in me joining their server with them. I may be having a friend who is going to join soon as well. I plan to be a warrior for awhile and focusing on mainly tanking gear // probably changing to paladin/war, war/ninja, or ninja/war later on to tank. Thanks!
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Hello, new to FF11 here! :)
Re: Hello, new to FF11 here!
u can find new players on every server bro so doesnt matter where u go. maybe if wanna join a Ls that help u u can go Kujata some ppl of this forum made a Ls there and i belive they acept new players and help them with some things they can need.
Good Luck and welcome to the fantastic world of Vana'diel!
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Re: Hello, new to FF11 here!
Thank you for the quick reply, I decided I'll join Kajuata seeing as how I really want to strart playing tonight. If anyone else is new on that server or plans on making a new character feel free to message me, my ingame name is Zane.
Thanks 0
Re: Hello, new to FF11 here!
The forum LS on Kujata has been dead for a week or more. Sorry you've signed up there already. It's fine as a server, and some of us are still there, but there's no LS anymore.Ellipses on Fenrir
There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
. . .
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