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  • Greetings!

    Hello everyone! My name is Joe, and I am a former player of FFXI hoping to return around christmas. I used to play frequently with my friends until finance became an issue and I had to move(dad got a promotion to regional manager far to the south and we moved from ohio to louisiana), right now my house is still being sold and I'm stuck in a fema* with a dial-up speed card. I don't quite remember exactly when I quit or what month, but I regret it all the more and hope to make a good, well prepared return.

    I suppose it's in order for me to say a bit more about my hobbies and the like? I rather enjoy the guitar and have been a player of it for the past 3 years. I also enjoy drawing and talking with friends. I skateboard a bit, and am not exactly the kind of person you would see sitting at a computer almost all day, but guess where I am. ^_^;

    When I played I was an Elvaan Red mage. My favorite thing to do was form parties with strangers and mix match strategies to find out what worked. (whilst meeting new friends of course) I liked to overcome the challenges, like a different language player, or a missing role that was a necessity,(Tank, Nuke, Healer) and compensated, with the help of the auto translate, an English-(foreign language) dictionary, or some creatively helpful people, it just helped me get more into the experience of Vana'diel itself, and more into creating solid relationships with other players(which I'm sure is one in the same ^_^) I only made it to level 31, which I'm sure isn't much of a milestone, but along the way I made some great friends and had fun, and am hoping to get into it once again.

    I really hope to fit in here at the Dreams in Vana'diel community, or at least leave some sort of impression. I wish to make new friends and get well prepared for my return, so that I may enjoy FFXI once again. By the way, you can call me "Kash" (short for kashilna, my former player name)

    *side-note, Fema= a trailer well used in the south after the Katrina hurricane insident to shelter those who could not afford a full fledged house.
    Last edited by kash_the_wanderer; 10-02-2007, 07:30 PM. Reason: some punctuation

  • #2
    Re: Greetings!

    Well, let me be one of the first to welcome you (back) to Vana'diel! Hopefully your return is full of fun like your first time around was.


    • #3
      Re: Greetings!

      Pre-welcome back!!

