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Well that didnt work
Anyway, to some up what I tried to say, I dont have the money to shell out for a new game, and being an MMO vet FFXI is the only one I haven't played. Next month I'll have the money after paying some bills, but was wandering if anyone had a Buddy Key they could send me, unless it requires the discs too, then nevermind, and I'll see you all next month in game!
Well that didnt work
Anyway, to some up what I tried to say, I dont have the money to shell out for a new game, and being an MMO vet FFXI is the only one I haven't played. Next month I'll have the money after paying some bills, but was wandering if anyone had a Buddy Key they could send me, unless it requires the discs too, then nevermind, and I'll see you all next month in game!