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New player, just bought the game.

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  • New player, just bought the game.

    hello everyone,

    some info about me. i played alot of mmorpgs.. korean open betas, wow, swg, eq uo, vanguard.. all sort of mmorpgs.. i know about ffXI a long time ago but didnt play it due to the fact that the game had this random server selection for yr characters which cause u unable to play with your friends..

    recently on a forum i randomly came across i saw a thread which mentioned about ffxi changed their stand on the random server thingy and made it that players can now choose their server upon character creation. so i decided to give this game a shot, after all being a fan of final fantasy series.

    so i went down and bought the game, installed it and proceeded to register the game. after that i proceeded to login into playonline and thats where i got my problem. "incorrect playonline id or password"

    now i only completed my registration no more than 15 mins ago. i copied down the id that was issued upon completion. so how can i have entered the wrong id or password. i cross checked with the id i wrote down and the id i copied and yet i cant login. i am well aware that it is case sensitive and the unfortunate thing is i closed the completion of registration window so i cannot verify against it.

    i cant call playonline as i am not in us or canada. i am in singapore, a country in asia. the only web chat is unavailable. and the email support replies to yr playonline email which u can only access by logging in playonline and i cant do that (how "supportive")

    has anyone ran into this problem or do anyone have any solutions? i am eager to play as i cant play much, currently in the military so i am stuck 5 days in camp every week. many thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Re: New player, just bought the game.

    Make sure you password is spelled out in lower case letters, the first letter too. Your ID should be in all CAPS.

    That shnagged me for a minute then so thats all I can contribute for ideas. Hope it helps.
    Apothecary Owner
    BLM 75
    RDM 75


    • #3
      Re: New player, just bought the game.

      Yeah,. the ID itself should be in all CAPS... while the password should be lowercase, assuming that's how you entered it initially.


      • #4
        Re: New player, just bought the game.

        thank you NicasinXS and Eohmer

        my problem is solved... to prevent others frm making the same stupid mistake as me wat i did was actually mistook the Q for G in my id.




        yes thats it.. its juz that simple....

        wat? i know its dumb but its that simple haha.


        • #5
          Re: New player, just bought the game.

          ok... i got into the game, created a elvaan warrior and got to lvl 4 and along the way some questions popped into my mind. i searched around but found no answers here. so if u dun mind answering, many thanks in advance.

          1)so what does leveling up do? do they give u attribute points to increase yr stats like some other mmorpg, or do u gain skill points to accquire new skills? or is it like wow where everytime u gain 2 new levels u have to find some trainer and purchase new abilities/spells/skills.. in other words.. when u level up, what happens? what is it that u need to do?

          2)i found out how to get missions from the guards but what about quests? do i have to speak to every npc i found or is there any indicators on them that indicates they have to a quest to give? like for wow npc that has quests has an exclamation mark above their heads.

          3)i am interested in crafting as a blacksmith, where do i get started?

          4)lastly, any tips for a newb? anything that i should do while starting out? i am an elvaan warrior at san d'oria


          • #6
            Re: New player, just bought the game.

            Expecting this to be like World of Warcraft is going to cause your undoing.

            As you level up you will gain stats and abilities. As you fight you will gain certain skills depending on what weapon you're using and how you're fighting. As you skill up a certain weapon you gain weapon skills, the first at level three. Mages must purchase their spells from NPCs or the AH.

            As a Warrior you should be using a Great Axe, the first of which is available at level five I believe.

            Save all your Beastman Seals, save everything that drops until it becomes a complete stack of twelve, then sell it on the AH. The AH here is very different. You can not see what price others are selling at, but instead what price it has been sold at in the past.

            There are no quest markers on NPCs, but you can probably find a list of them on


            • #7
              Re: New player, just bought the game.

              Originally posted by Vince View Post
              1) [...] in other words.. when u level up, what happens? what is it that u need to do?
              You get to go buy new equipment and spells (for mage jobs) to keep yourself up to date. (Well, you should actually get new equipment and spell scrolls before you hit the level to use them, but not everyone is so well prepared.)

              Until Lv.75 "meriting", every Elvaan Warrior has the same base stats (before equipment) as any other Elvaan Warrior, so where you make the difference is equipment (and player skill).

              Originally posted by Vince View Post
              2) [...] do i have to speak to every npc i found or is there any indicators on them that indicates they have to a quest to give? like for wow npc that has quests has an exclamation mark above their heads.
              You can look up quests in FFXIclopedia, or just run around and talk to every NPC. I personally liked talking to different NPC's, so did run around to do that that as a beginner. ^_^

              Originally posted by Vince View Post
              3)i am interested in crafting as a blacksmith, where do i get started?
              Bastok. It has the Blacksmith guild, and a nearby mine for you to obtain raw material from. The lizards outside should also drop Fire Crystals you need to craft as you level low level jobs.
              Last edited by ItazuraNhomango; 05-04-2007, 07:43 PM. Reason: Why did I put "Wikipedia"... >_>;
              Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
              yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
              Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
              leaving no trace in the water.

              - Mugaku


              • #8
                Re: New player, just bought the game.

                Bastok. It has the Blacksmith guild, and a nearby mine for you to obtain raw material from. The lizards outside should also drop Fire Crystals you need to craft as you level low level jobs.
                San d'Oria has a blacksmith guild too you know. It's in Northern San d'Oria, as well as the Carpenter's Guild. And you can mine for ores in Yughott Grotto, though that's not a very safe option early on so you'll likely be forced to buy ores from the guild shop.

                The Zeruhn Mines in Bastok is a much more ideal place to begin mining, but it's by no means nessesary.

                In regards to your warrior, there are two weapon types you'll want to focus on: Great Axe and Axe. Great Axe is much more important earlier on, and if you only focus on one of them it then ignore axe until later as it's much easier to skill up.

                The reason for this is because Great Axe is WAR's (every job in this game has a 3-letter abbreviation) A+ (highest possible) rated weapon. This means you'll get the most skill increases out of it per level of WAR.

                The first weaponskill you learn for it, Shield Break, is also amazingly powerful. When it connects, it gives an enemy minus 40 evasion. That's insanely good for a long time. Truth be told, you'll likely out-perform most (if not all) other jobs in the damage department until the 30's if you gear yourself right and use food.

                That's another thing you should learn soon too. Food is invaluable in this game. Being a brand new warrior (and player in general) you'll likely want to use Meat Jerky. It's easily accessible as it costs 1488 gil for a stack of 12, and each jerky lasts 30 minutes. While there is better food available, this is probably your best bet until you find a way to bring in a steady income. You can purchase them from Boncort in Northern San d'Oria inside the Phoenix Perch Inn located at F-8.

                Now, you asked about level ups and abilities? The way it works in Final Fantasy XI is your character will gain Job Levels as opposed to character levels. Unlike WoW and other MMO's, you do not require additional characters to play multiple jobs. Rather, you can switch at any time via your moogle inside your mog house, or by nomad moogle in certain locations.

                So if say, you become a level 6 warrior. You can at any time go switch to say white mage, which will bring you back to level 1 since you haven't leveled it yet. If you switch back to WAR, all your stats (including EXP) will revert to how they were before.

                You don't allocate points at all either. Every level up has set stat gains at each level, along with racial modifiers (e.g. Elvaan have high STR and MND, so you'll always have more in those stats naturally than other races of the same jobs). This doesn't matter a whole lot for the most part except early on and with certain skills (such as Sneak Attack) and can largely be compensated by gear, food and skill.

                As a WAR, your main role will be to protect the party from harm by diverting the mob's attention to yourself. At level 5 you'll learn the job ability "Provoke". Upon activation, it generates a large "hate spike", essentially pissing the mob off and making it smack you around until it feels it's vented it's frustration (or one of you dies, whichever comes first).

                Apart from provoke, all you have going for you in terms of getting hate is dealing damage. Thankfully, WAR excels at this. At level 15 you'll learn what's arguably the strongest damage dealing ability in the game, Berserk. For 3 minutes, your attack rating will jump up 25%. Conversely, your defense also drops by the same amount.

                So, while it's not a good idea to use it while "tanking" a mob, it will give you everything you need to push you ahead of others on the damage dealing curve. Stacked with some meat jerky and you'll be the hardest hitter in the early levels.

                I hope that wasn't too much to absorb. If you need any help, just ask around on the WAR forums!

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #9
                  Re: New player, just bought the game.


                  This is a good place to start.
                  Read my blog.
                  Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                  Entry 32: Death to Castro


                  • #10
                    Re: New player, just bought the game.

                    thank you everyone.. very detailed replies.. thank you.

                    i am now at lvl 6.. been dying alot.. =/ dont know why.. would try to get a great axe and the food.... i am now familiar with the controls.. all is left is to get some gil for equipments and i am well on the way.. thx everyone for the great help.


                    • #11
                      Re: New player, just bought the game.

                      Are you checking the relative strength of your targets?

                      By level 6 you should try hunting Orcs. Keep in mind their level and job type though.

                      You can easily identify them by what weapon they're carrying and by name. Axe = WAR Staff = BLM and Bare handed = MNK.

                      Don't fight any orcs that check higher than "Decent Challenge". Well, I suppose you might be able to handle an "Even Match" thanks to the recent signet update, but not if it's a MNK type. I've always found them to be the hardest to kill, probably because they tend to guard a lot.

                      Target the mages as much as possible. Their spells (mostly blind) can get annoying but they have the lowest defense and HP of the 3 types you'll commonly see thus making them squishy targets!

                      WAR doesn't have any real survival tools outside of a few defense traits/abilities, so you more or less have to pick your battles carefully to survive. You'll get the hang of it! ^^b

                      Oh, if you haven't been doing so already, make sure to always go out leveling with Signet active. You can get it from a Temple Knight.

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

