Hi everyone. I want to start by saying I appreciete all the experienced players who come to the part of the board to help us newer players, not everyone does things like that and I feel you are really servicing the community be educating new/soon-to-be players on some of the concepts of the game, rather then having them dive right in clueless.
Let me introduce myself first. My name is Randy and I'm 19 and from the US. I have some amount of MMORPG experience. I started on Everquest but only played that for a few months because it was on a friends account. Currently I have been playing World of Warcraft, I really enjoy playing it but it's getting somewhat repetitive and the community doesn't seem that supportive. I am helping lowbies on a regular basis but no one will help me when I need it
It just doesn't seem like there are too many players in the game who want to do anything that's not for themselves. A friend from work was telling me about FFXI, and some of the things he talked about really caught my interest. He talked about how this game was much more community based and it is much more structured than WoW, not through rules set by the creators of the game, but by morals and ethics set by the players. That really interested me. But I'm babbling and I'm sure most of you won't read this. If I plan to be a big part of the community though I figure I should get my foot in the door the right way though. Anyways here is a few of questions I have:
What is the general idea behind this game? In WoW it's raids, PVP and soloing. Is this game any different?
I heard a lot about the storyline in this game, how does that work into the gameplay?
What are some of the commonly used accronyms so I won't be so confused when going through the board.
Is it going to be a major change going from WoW to FFXI or will it be a smooth transition?
What are the different servers(I think you call them worlds) like? Are they all pretty much the same or are there signifigant differences between them?
Which world/server would you recommend for a player like me?
I appreciet all those who answer these questions and I hope to see you in the game. Catch you later!
Let me introduce myself first. My name is Randy and I'm 19 and from the US. I have some amount of MMORPG experience. I started on Everquest but only played that for a few months because it was on a friends account. Currently I have been playing World of Warcraft, I really enjoy playing it but it's getting somewhat repetitive and the community doesn't seem that supportive. I am helping lowbies on a regular basis but no one will help me when I need it

What is the general idea behind this game? In WoW it's raids, PVP and soloing. Is this game any different?
I heard a lot about the storyline in this game, how does that work into the gameplay?
What are some of the commonly used accronyms so I won't be so confused when going through the board.
Is it going to be a major change going from WoW to FFXI or will it be a smooth transition?
What are the different servers(I think you call them worlds) like? Are they all pretty much the same or are there signifigant differences between them?
Which world/server would you recommend for a player like me?
I appreciet all those who answer these questions and I hope to see you in the game. Catch you later!