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  • Salutations...

    ...or "hi" as most would say. I was surfing for a FFXI discussion forum to be a part of, and I'm liking the look of this place. I'm not new to the game, but overall I'll admit I'm still only an amateur. I'm currently at level 20 with RDM, with a BLM support at level 9. I completed my chocobo license quest today, so there's much rejoicing over here.

    It looks as though this forum could prove very useful for delving into the nitty-gritty of the game (crafts, notorious monsters, advanced partying tactics and etc.), and perhaps something miraculous will happen and I'll be able to help others out as well.

    See you around!
    Ryan's blog: Rigmarole of an Adolescent Cynic
    Last updated on Tuesday, 5th September '06
    | Comment! Please and thank you.

  • #2
    Re: Salutations...

    welcome to vanadiel and welcome to the forums!

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #3
      Re: Salutations...

      Welcome to FFXIOnline - Dreams in Vana'diel!

      Hope you enjoy the game, as well as your stay here on the forums. You can find a lot of information on this site in the various "sticky" posts at the top of each forum which provide general information and answer frequently asked questions.

      For more specific questions, the Search function is very handy to look for specific words in posts by our members, and if all else fails, you can always post a question in the forum related to your topic. Our members are usually good about providing information when it is available, particularly on the more obscure and hard to research topics.


      FFXIOnline Super Moderator


      • #4
        Re: Salutations...

        Welcome to FFXIOnline! :D


        • #5
          Re: Salutations...

          Thanks for the welcome all. I'm quite forum-savvy as I've been a bit of an addict in the past, so I ought to adapt quickly.
          Ryan's blog: Rigmarole of an Adolescent Cynic
          Last updated on Tuesday, 5th September '06
          | Comment! Please and thank you.


          • #6
            Re: Salutations...


            Hope you like the forums here. FFXI isn't in any way, shape or form, affiliated with the nonsense and shinanigans that go on in Allakhazam, Killing Ifrit, or any other nonsense forums that have members constantly flaming each other out in order to satisfy their e-peens.

            ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


            • #7
              Re: Salutations...

              Hey hey! Welcome! Some things may be broken due to some up date phase it's going through at the moment. It can be pointed out in the comments/suggestions near the bottom of forum list. Or Here.



              • #8
                Re: Salutations...

                Level your sub!


                • #9
                  Re: Salutations...

                  Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                  Level your sub!
                  That's a hell of a way to say hi.

                  Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                  • #10
                    Re: Salutations...

                    Originally posted by Macht View Post
                    That's a hell of a way to say hi.
                    I've decided to stop greeting people, so now instead I offer them free advice! It's win/win!

                    I'm undecided about my farewells.


                    • #11
                      Re: Salutations...

                      Advice could be win/win in that situation too.


                      • #12
                        Re: Salutations...

                        I'll level my BLM, don't worry. I'm not overly concerned with it as it's only temporary - until I can unlock SMN - so there you go. Anyway, this doesn't belong here.

                        PiNG, the only fault I've come across is the FFXI Character Information section simply loads with a blank page, but I won't fret over it. I'll check to see if it's working whenever I log in.

                        Thanks again for the reception.
                        Ryan's blog: Rigmarole of an Adolescent Cynic
                        Last updated on Tuesday, 5th September '06
                        | Comment! Please and thank you.

