Since I am extremly stubborn sometimes when it comes to guides and it feels like
everybody says : "You have to do it that way or you fail!", well I came up with my
personal unique battleplan against Maat as WHM.
It shows me fighting Maat and....
....casting Regen instead of Haste
....overhealing massive
....wasting Divine Seal
....getting interrupted often
....wearing normal stuff
and still surviving the fight. XD
For all those people that have the bravery to try new things and don't fear failure
i present the total average but still other way to win against Maat.
http://www.nomido.at/download/WHMvsMaat_NomidoStyle.zip (132MB)
Nice Day
Ps.: Curse Maat for using Benediction and Cure 5.
Since I am extremly stubborn sometimes when it comes to guides and it feels like
everybody says : "You have to do it that way or you fail!", well I came up with my
personal unique battleplan against Maat as WHM.

It shows me fighting Maat and....
....casting Regen instead of Haste
....overhealing massive
....wasting Divine Seal
....getting interrupted often
....wearing normal stuff
and still surviving the fight. XD
For all those people that have the bravery to try new things and don't fear failure
i present the total average but still other way to win against Maat.
http://www.nomido.at/download/WHMvsMaat_NomidoStyle.zip (132MB)
Nice Day
Ps.: Curse Maat for using Benediction and Cure 5.