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Video/Fraps movie type makeing help :3

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  • Video/Fraps movie type makeing help :3

    ok everyone, :3 iv been looking through alot of ffxi vids, and i really think i could do good with it, but i need a really detailed step-by-step process, im not very good with that kinda stuff, like tooo.. put some vids onto another and stuff :x sorry i know im not explaining this good x.x but if anyone could help me, ill make ya proud and you have a houndred thanks :3 if you dont understand what i mean, ill try and explain it

  • #2
    Re: Video/Fraps movie type makeing help :3

    just saying something cuse i noticed the new posts got refreshed after i posted it :3


    • #3
      Re: Video/Fraps movie type makeing help :3

      moved it to the appropriate section.

      it's quite simple, grab a copy of FRAPS, install, start and play FFXI. when you want to start recording, hit the record key (configurable). once you got what you want, hit the stop key (same as record) and you're done.

      Edit the file in another program like Windows Movie Maker or Primere if you wish and save.

      Thanks Yyg!


      • #4
        Re: Video/Fraps movie type makeing help :3

        Speaking of Fraps, does that even work without causing undue lag for people? The fraps demo didn't work, period.


        • #5
          Re: Video/Fraps movie type makeing help :3

          yes, i tried the demo, it was horrabel ._> is there another program for vids that wont cost me? :x


          • #6
            Re: Video/Fraps movie type makeing help :3

            there's an open source one called taksi, never used it though

            but that'll probably lag your system a bit as well. think about it, you are writing 30 screenshots to your harddrive every second...
            Last edited by neighbortaru; 09-26-2006, 03:19 PM. Reason: accuracy

            Thanks Yyg!


            • #7
              Re: Video/Fraps movie type makeing help :3

              oki, ill check that later when i get home ^^,


              • #8
                Re: Video/Fraps movie type makeing help :3

                Originally posted by neighbortaru View Post
                there's an open source one called taksi, never used it though

                but that'll probably lag your system a bit as well. think about it, you are writing a screenshot to your harddrive every second...
                Exactly, you're using your computer's processing power to play the game AND record it. I purchased one of the ATi All-In-One's to record from a console, and it seems to have problems as well. The signal from the console is lagged, though the recording isn't, and it has conversion issues. Exporting as WMV seems to export it into a Windows Movie Maker non-compatible file.


                • #9
                  Re: Video/Fraps movie type makeing help :3

                  There's also GameCam:

                  It's not really better than FRAPS, but it does do video compression, which can solve some of your hard drive bottlenecks with the tradeoff of less accurate video and more processor usage.



                  • #10
                    Re: Video/Fraps movie type makeing help :3

                    ok... but i have no clue what that means >:D :3


                    • #11
                      Re: Video/Fraps movie type makeing help :3

                      Originally posted by I'm just a guy View Post
                      ok... but i have no clue what that means >:D :3
                      Mmm... how to explain this in layman's terms?

                      Computers are like a chain. They operate only as fast as their weakest link. In the case of video capture, usually your slowest component is your hard drive (which are trying to save 30+ pictures per second).

                      The difference between FRAPS and GameCam is that GameCam takes the view that it's ok to make your other computer components work harder in order to reduce the amount of data that your hard drive has to deal with - in other words, put more work on your faster components so that you aren't working your slower components as much, which "should" result in smoother gameplay.

                      Unfortunately, part of this process involves video compression. You can think of video compression like this:

                      Take a piece of paper. Draw something on it. Now crumple the paper into a ball, and then flatten it out. The result doesn't look as good as when the paper was completely flat. That's what video compression does to images and video - it makes it easier to move around, at the cost of accuracy.



                      • #12
                        Re: Video/Fraps movie type makeing help :3

                        lol, was that so hard? , hehe thanks for all of the info ^^, but i still dont exacly know how to put vids together and do things with them.. go to and check out some of the ffxi vids to get my point :3 thanks again, when i sart to make vids, ill be sure to show you alllll ^^


                        • #13
                          Re: Video/Fraps movie type makeing help :3

                          play around in windows movie maker for a bit with some test videos. you'll get the hang of it very soon. don't worry, it's stupid easy.

                          p.s. change your "other" profile before I ban you.

                          Thanks Yyg!


                          • #14
                            Re: Video/Fraps movie type makeing help :3

                            ek, i gotta go for like a hour and a half, bbl :D


                            • #15
                              Re: Video/Fraps movie type makeing help :3


                              I don't know if you've seen any of my vids, but if you haven't and you'd like to know who you're speaking to, please check my YouTube link in my sig.

                              With that out of the way, I'm going to try as hard as I can to give a thorough guide to creating an FFXI.

                              First we need tools. What tools do we need? Well obviously FFXI. Also a video capture program. Fraps is probably the best out there, you can get the full version by 'non legal' means if you look hard enough cough cough search for fraps cough cough.

                              Now install fraps and open up FFXI. Turn the effects on FFXI down, so no shadows, maybe reduce clipping a bit. This will help with the lag. Another thing you should note is that when you are using FRAPS the PC gives priority (Usually) to it. So despite the game will be lagging a bit your vid will be smoother than what you are seeing.

                              So now that's done you want to make a video. Video about what? HNM fight? Video series? Random stuff?

                              Plan your video out carefully so you know exactly what you want to do and start filming. Take care, as you will use up a lot of your HDD space.

                              Once you have all your scenes you can begin work on editing them. Unfortunately each editing program varies so I can't be specific about this unless you use the same program I use (Adobe Premiere Pro 7.0).

                              First things first, import all the files you will need into the program. Then bring them into the 'timeline' one by one. Here you should be able to use tools to enhance your video. You can 'cut' certain clips to remove parts you do and do not want to appear in your video. You can bring in text and move it around. You can change from scene to scene using video 'transitions' There are lots of different types. You can dissolve, so it will give it a 'faded' look. You can have on scene 'push' the other scene out of the way. And loads more.

                              You'll also want music. You can import any compatible music file into your video. Also some programs allow you to take apart the audio and video connection. So basically you can remove the audio you don't want in a scene you recorded.

                              Once that's done watch it all and see how it looks. If it looks good you can now 'render' the video. Once you've done this you can 'convert' the video to a more practical format. I like Divx, as the quality is still good and the size is not too large. You can convert using programs such as Divx convert ( )

                              I hope that helped. If you have any real specific questions I hope I can aid you more.

                              Good luck.
                              Kisats - Unicorn Server

                              Essorance Entertainment - FFXI Video Entertainment

