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[Kick My Axe] - A Music Video

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  • [Kick My Axe] - A Music Video

    [Kick My Axe]

    Server: Asura
    Creatore: Kobiko
    Song: Kick My Axe (Remix from Axelay for SNES)
    Artist: Midee
    Running Length: 4:27



    This video took a lot of working around my computer's abilities. With the first part of the song, there are clips that are 35 miliseconds long, and having a hefty bunch of those clips made my PC unable to write the finished video. So what I had to do was save the 35 milisecond clips into 3 seperate final movies (running from 100 frames a second to 30) which unfortunatly lost some of the insanely precise syncing. There was no way around this unfortunatly, but I'm working with what I have (simply the unregistered version of

    Fraps and Windows Movie Maker). After finishing the video I had to save it into many split sections in order for my machine to process without having that darned "Low Visual Memory" warning. It worked out ok in the end, not perfect, but the only significant damage is near the end of the video where a little bit of the syncing was thrown off, nothing too drastic though.

    As for inspiration for this video, I originally wanted to use clips from the CoP cutscenes to tell the story, however, just making a movie to tell a story with new music is sort of cheap and boring. Not to mention, trying to sync the song with the actions would be difficult, and frankly, I don't have enough clips to create such a video. So instead I took footage of both the CoP cutscenes and a few events my LS did. This was exciting to be able to mix our powerful group with some nice cinematics.

    The majority of this video is footage of us taking on Alastor Antlion, Xolotl, and Kirin. So I give a shout out to all my people from Sheikahz! Near the end I did what I wanted to do in the first place, and that was put some cut scene footage of before and after CoP 3-5 (they're only spoilers if you can read the text). Also you'll notice the final sequence of the video may end on a rather slow note, that is because I wanted to throw in these cutscenes. And the very final scene is Tenzen and I passed out (because that's what I felt like at the time I finished this video). After the brief credits I included a scene which I forgot to take off the party info (Print Scrn) of a party running around charmed by Xolotl. I just found it funny

    Special Thanks: To my linkshell Sheikahz for not yelling at me when I was standing around taking footage at these events (honestly I don't think anyone noticed >.>. Also thanks for doing a great job at kicking things butts to provide me with some good footage (All but Strycker, he stood in front of me whenever I had a really good shot at something, strycker f a i l s). Also thanks to the good people at ocremix for providing a wealth of great songs from the greatest games, I may have to make another video from a song I find there.

    § If you want to download this song or other classic video game remixes, visit
    § Again, I apologize if this video is a little less quality but the only way I would be able to finish this project was at that cost.
    § This video was saved as many seperate segmants and combined to create the finished video. Some syncing may be off.
    § Recommended that you play this in Winamp. I play it in Windows Media Player and after it finishes, I try to play again and it refuses to play (or may freeze up), some of you may have the same issue.
    § What's with the little starship shooter scene? Just a little clip from the game that the song came from. Axelay for SNES. Put it in for nostalgia and comedic value.

    Post any comments you have.

  • #2
    Re: [Kick My Axe] - A Music Video

    Sweet! Nice footage, some of the best editing I've seen in a FFXI vid, and it doesn't hurt that I was a big fan of Axelay back in the day. ^^

    The clip of it in the middle is kinda ... wierd though. And a bit long. What's with the clip at the end with everyone running around charmed? Seemed kinda out of place after the signature.
    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


    • #3
      Re: [Kick My Axe] - A Music Video

      it's all explained in the above


      • #4
        Re: [Kick My Axe] - A Music Video

        I read your explanation, ^^ I'm just commenting that it's kinda clunky flow-wise compared with the rest of the video. Great stuff, anyway.
        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


        • #5
          Re: [Kick My Axe] - A Music Video

          Very cool! I agree with Task though, that last bit just kinda throws you off.


          Stephen King's Wizard and Glass: Fools are the only folk on earth absolutely guaranteed to get what they deserve.


          • #6
            Re: [Kick My Axe] - A Music Video

            I will probably remake an alternate 2nd half cause even I don't really like it. Only problem is I'll have to cut the movie and not the clips that make the movie, thus destroying some of the syncing, oh well, when I get more clips I'll make a 2nd release.


            • #7
              Re: [Kick My Axe] - A Music Video

              Good video.
              And, was the music from that space game?
              And where you all charmed at the end of the video? lol
              Signature, ah!


              • #8
                Re: [Kick My Axe] - A Music Video

                Yeah, the music was from Axelay from SNES.
                The end I didn't put into the video because it would have clashed with the overall style of the video (having party information shown is a big no no for me ).

                I wish this video could have been better, well, I guess I'll save that for motivation on my next video. ^^


                • #9
                  Re: [Kick My Axe] - A Music Video

                  The video was actually good.
                  Signature, ah!


                  • #10
                    Re: [Kick My Axe] - A Music Video

                    nice video pretty damn cool
                    It's Official Promathia Hates me....
                    それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
                    A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

                    BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


                    • #11
                      Re: [Kick My Axe] - A Music Video

                      I liked it. Well done. ^^
                      "From the void all things are born.
                      To the void all things return."

                      -philosophy of the Walahra

