I've been gathering my materials for this movie I'm working on. Getting people who're interested in voice acting... The proper Utilities to make this happen... Adobe Premiere Pro... After Effects... Photoshop... VirualDub...
Originally making an FFXI movie was the main reason why I wanted to get heavily into .DAT editing. But I ran into a few problems.
· Creating and scripting Cutscenes would take a Private Server which is neither here nor there.
· Because of the style of Camera you're given in the game, it's very difficult to get the angles you want. Hence why I posed the first question if one could script his / her own cutscenes.
So, having neither option available to me for the production of my FFXI movie, I had to tap into my creativity and come up with my own alternative. That being--
Record the backdrops and scenes I need to record for my movie with FRAPS, then add in the other characters by making animated .GIFs out of them with the FFXI Model Viewer. To which point, I would "Overlay" the character GIFs onto the scene so it would appear as if they were really there.
I'm talking about something like this, with the exception of course that the background wouldn't be still. Try to imagine that the Attowah Chasm background is moving as if someone were walking around it in first person mode (for Camera / Cinematic purposes) and the Taru was just an animated .GIF that was overlayed on top of the video, like in the picture above.
That's pretty much what I'm trying to do for my video / movie.
However, I've run into a bit of a problem. I've saved some animated characters into both animated .GIF and .PSD format and tried loading them into Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe AfterEffects. The problem I'm encountering is that when I choose to "Import" them into my "Project" it asks for either which ONE Layer I want to use, or if it's going to be "Footage"... I select "Footage" and then drag and drop it into the "Sequence" below. The .GIF / .PSD doesn't play. Just one frame sits there, Frozen. I'm not sure how to have an animated .GIF (With Transparency on the edges) can be overlayed on top of a video. Atleast not with Adobe Premiere Pro or AfterEffects.
Does anyone happen to have any ideas? I could really use some assistance.
I figured what better place would it be than to ask here?
In summary:
I load my program to edit.
I load my video into the program.
I put it in the sequence.
I load in my Animated GIF which I plan to Layer on top of the video...
I do so.
It won't animate. It remains as one motionless frame.
Please, if anyone can "Drop Some Knowledge On Me"... please do so, I ask of you kindly.
Originally making an FFXI movie was the main reason why I wanted to get heavily into .DAT editing. But I ran into a few problems.
· Creating and scripting Cutscenes would take a Private Server which is neither here nor there.
· Because of the style of Camera you're given in the game, it's very difficult to get the angles you want. Hence why I posed the first question if one could script his / her own cutscenes.
So, having neither option available to me for the production of my FFXI movie, I had to tap into my creativity and come up with my own alternative. That being--
Record the backdrops and scenes I need to record for my movie with FRAPS, then add in the other characters by making animated .GIFs out of them with the FFXI Model Viewer. To which point, I would "Overlay" the character GIFs onto the scene so it would appear as if they were really there.
I'm talking about something like this, with the exception of course that the background wouldn't be still. Try to imagine that the Attowah Chasm background is moving as if someone were walking around it in first person mode (for Camera / Cinematic purposes) and the Taru was just an animated .GIF that was overlayed on top of the video, like in the picture above.
That's pretty much what I'm trying to do for my video / movie.
However, I've run into a bit of a problem. I've saved some animated characters into both animated .GIF and .PSD format and tried loading them into Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe AfterEffects. The problem I'm encountering is that when I choose to "Import" them into my "Project" it asks for either which ONE Layer I want to use, or if it's going to be "Footage"... I select "Footage" and then drag and drop it into the "Sequence" below. The .GIF / .PSD doesn't play. Just one frame sits there, Frozen. I'm not sure how to have an animated .GIF (With Transparency on the edges) can be overlayed on top of a video. Atleast not with Adobe Premiere Pro or AfterEffects.
Does anyone happen to have any ideas? I could really use some assistance.
I figured what better place would it be than to ask here?
In summary:
I load my program to edit.
I load my video into the program.
I put it in the sequence.
I load in my Animated GIF which I plan to Layer on top of the video...
I do so.
It won't animate. It remains as one motionless frame.
Please, if anyone can "Drop Some Knowledge On Me"... please do so, I ask of you kindly.