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My worst day ever <_<

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  • My worst day ever <_<

    Damn you ramuh

  • #2
    nice you trained a wight to tower and didn't give a warning!

    no serously, ramuh has always been the hardest for me. did all avatars twice over and he always pisses me off. 90% of the time he will paralyze you in the beginning so you have to paralyna that asap. not sure if the paralyze affects carbuncle as well but if you cure yourself you should be good to go. if you want to be super careful you can run down and wait till carb dies and re summon a new one without paralyze effect. done it both ways and it seems to work.


    • #3
      ya. dont know what happend there <_<... bad day...
      i need ramuh to finish my collection. (cept fenrir)
      I killed all the other ones with zero problems.. but ramuh *shivers*


      • #4
        lol just llook at the movie about 3 threads up....

        the summoner took out all summons in under 5 mins with carb alone

        at the beggining run up towards ramuh but dont get to close... and use yagudo drink<sp?> then summon carb and have it atack for about 10 secs and use astral flow and searing light....

        then u run away about 3/4 the way down the slope to the craystal thingy and wait for carb to die < mp doesnt kill it cause of drink> and summon it yet again.....this time use a Hi-Ether and then command it to use searing light AGAIN.....
        and repeate the process until dead...... took the SMN in the movie 3 Slights and a few wakes of the pole....... take a Hi-Potion to be safe
        Every dead body that is not exterminated, gets up and kills. The people it kills, get
        up and kill.

        DaRk CarNiVal!!!!

        <(o_0<) <(o_o)> (>0_o)> (kirby likes to dance)

        Bastok Rank 4
        Others Rank 1


        • #5
          Originally posted by Genso
          ya. dont know what happend there <_<... bad day...
          i need ramuh to finish my collection. (cept fenrir)
          I killed all the other ones with zero problems.. but ramuh *shivers*
          From your movie, here is what I think went wrong (and keep in mind this is constructive critizism ):

          It was interesting that you chose to remove all clothes. I am assuming you did that so each attack on you would hit for more, and thus lower your hate faster.

          I think you Astral Flow'ed too early. You need to let Carbuncle hit Ramuh a good few times in order for him to properly tank for you. Astral Flow does indeed generate hate, and from your video, it made more than Carbuncle had at the time you used it.

          In your video, you mention that both Searing Lights didn't go off, but I only saw you do it once. I may have missed the other, but the one I did see, the reason why it didn't go off is because Ramuh's Thunder II on Carbuncle killed Carbuncle in the middle of his 2hr prep. So, that's why it didn't go off that time.

          I had all my avatars when these level 20 battles came out, but I did play against Shiva and Titan, but I didn't use the immediate 2hr method... I kited them around letting carbuncle attack as much as he could until my MP got close to Astral Flow buffer. Then, I 2hr'ed and did Searing Light as needed. It's a longer battle, but the way I see it, all your MP is going to disappear when you 2hr. You may as well make use of some of it before you blow it all away.

          In my experience, I have tested Astral Flow a good number of times, and the amount of MP you have when you use a 2hr does not seem to affect the damage the 2hr does.

          I have done Howling Moon with 200 MP for 1000 and I have done Tidal Wave with 850mp and had it do 50 before. It's a matter of resistance and accuracy (which I believe is based on Summoning Skill) than the MP you have at the time.

          Anyways, make what you will of my comments and good luck on future Ramuh runs. ^^


          • #6
            What codec did you encode in, I cant see the movie


            • #7
              me neither


              sorry got it. 3ivx btw


              • #8
                i think that woulda been hilarious if that wight killed you at the end
                74 monk , 50 nin ,37 warrior, 30 thief, 24 sam
                my monk
                my nin


                • #9
                  W. ya umm . i used Divx i think O_O about the no armor..i was just goofing around ^^> I went back and killed him with great ease. so now i got all the summons. I killed all the other ones like that <_<... it was just a bad day LoL

