ATTENTION ALL PLAYERS ON THE MIDGARDSORMR SERVER: SPaZZ INC. is recruiting players to form the staff for their upcoming music video!
Sound interresting? It gets better! When you sign up to work on the upcoming film, your player name will be added to the credits at the end of the video!
The following positions need to be filled:
- Location Scout (Think you know the perfect place to film part of the movie...this is your job!)
- Monster Control (Take out your weapon and clear the area! Your job is to make sure the monsters dont mess up the filming.)
- Public Affairs (Monsters can be a menace... but so can other players! Your job is to make sure players cooperate.)
- Film Extra (Your job is to stand there and look pretty for the camera. You dont have a role... no script... just stand there and take direction.)
If you would like to apply for any of these positions, please send a PM me.... e-mail me.... or post a reply with the following information:
AOL Instant Messanger Screen name:
Character Name:
Character Level:
Character Race:
Character Sex:
Position of interrest:
Why do you want work that position:
This offer will only be open for the next 7 days!
Filming will start as soon as all the positions are filled!
Please keep in mind that this is strictly volunteer work and all staff members will not be given any form of payment other than their name in the film credits ~ and that all players who apply MUST be on Midgardsormr and MUST be lvl 20 or higher!
This film will be posted on the internet for all to see! If you would like to work on the film but have an issue with your name being put on the film/internet... please contact me!
Sound interresting? It gets better! When you sign up to work on the upcoming film, your player name will be added to the credits at the end of the video!
The following positions need to be filled:
- Location Scout (Think you know the perfect place to film part of the movie...this is your job!)
- Monster Control (Take out your weapon and clear the area! Your job is to make sure the monsters dont mess up the filming.)
- Public Affairs (Monsters can be a menace... but so can other players! Your job is to make sure players cooperate.)
- Film Extra (Your job is to stand there and look pretty for the camera. You dont have a role... no script... just stand there and take direction.)
If you would like to apply for any of these positions, please send a PM me.... e-mail me.... or post a reply with the following information:
AOL Instant Messanger Screen name:
Character Name:
Character Level:
Character Race:
Character Sex:
Position of interrest:
Why do you want work that position:
This offer will only be open for the next 7 days!
Filming will start as soon as all the positions are filled!
Please keep in mind that this is strictly volunteer work and all staff members will not be given any form of payment other than their name in the film credits ~ and that all players who apply MUST be on Midgardsormr and MUST be lvl 20 or higher!
This film will be posted on the internet for all to see! If you would like to work on the film but have an issue with your name being put on the film/internet... please contact me!