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SPaZZ INC. is recruiting for upcoming film!

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  • SPaZZ INC. is recruiting for upcoming film!

    ATTENTION ALL PLAYERS ON THE MIDGARDSORMR SERVER: SPaZZ INC. is recruiting players to form the staff for their upcoming music video!

    Sound interresting? It gets better! When you sign up to work on the upcoming film, your player name will be added to the credits at the end of the video!

    The following positions need to be filled:
    - Location Scout (Think you know the perfect place to film part of the movie...this is your job!)
    - Monster Control (Take out your weapon and clear the area! Your job is to make sure the monsters dont mess up the filming.)
    - Public Affairs (Monsters can be a menace... but so can other players! Your job is to make sure players cooperate.)
    - Film Extra (Your job is to stand there and look pretty for the camera. You dont have a role... no script... just stand there and take direction.)

    If you would like to apply for any of these positions, please send a PM me.... e-mail me.... or post a reply with the following information:

    AOL Instant Messanger Screen name:
    Character Name:
    Character Level:
    Character Race:
    Character Sex:
    Position of interrest:
    Why do you want work that position:

    This offer will only be open for the next 7 days!
    Filming will start as soon as all the positions are filled!

    Please keep in mind that this is strictly volunteer work and all staff members will not be given any form of payment other than their name in the film credits ~ and that all players who apply MUST be on Midgardsormr and MUST be lvl 20 or higher!

    This film will be posted on the internet for all to see! If you would like to work on the film but have an issue with your name being put on the film/internet... please contact me!

  • #2
    This sounds really interesting I'd sincerely like to help, but I'm on JPN time and it may be difficult to find a common time.. my weekends are mostly booked solid by the LS and other friends. :/ If something does manage to work out I could help a little.. I think lol.

    E-mail: whren @
    AOL Instant Messanger Screen name: kagiakimae
    Age: ehh...
    Character Name: Whren
    Character Level: 75
    Character Race: Hume
    Character Sex: Female
    Position of interrest: Monster Control
    Why do you want work that position: Whren to the rescue~ *hits mob for silly pld damage*

    If you need me to do some crazy stunt I could go for Film Extra too.. you know you want Savage Blade in that vid.


    • #3
      i would like to help ou

      i would like to help you out only problem is i dont really get a chance to play during the week i normally play for like a hour during weekdays but on if you shoot it on the weekend i would be able to help for owever long you need me

      AOL Instant Messanger Screen name:Fbinazi89
      Character Name:Slipknotz
      Character Level:21
      Character Race:Tarutaru
      Character Sex:Male
      Position of interrest:Film Extra
      Why do you want work that position:i like to just stand around and look pretty and i like to help ppl but there is a chance i cant kill the monsters and a bigger chance that noone will listen to me


      • #4
        AOL Instant Messanger Screen name: sntntentty
        Age: 20
        Character Name: Rufio
        Character Level: 53/28
        Character Race: Galka
        Character Sex: Male?
        Position of interrest: Film Extra or Monster control.
        Why do you want work that position: I'm bored and i need something to do. And i wanna be famous


        • #5
          AOL Instant Messanger Screen name:Eastcoastkidd420
          Character Name:Neocypher
          Character Level:26
          Character Race:Elvaan
          Character Sex:Male
          Position of interrest:Film extra
          Why do you want work that positionrob. couldnt kill off mobs in the area so this is all i can do


          • #6
            I just got my PS2 and hopeing to get back online. I am online A LOT hehe so I would be willing to help ya anytime. Just as long as I'm not busy or in a EXP PT.

            AOL Instant Messanger Screen name: Zynk303
            Age: 19
            Character Name: Zynk
            Character Level: 64
            Character Race: Hume
            Character Sex: Male
            Position of interrest: Film Extra/Monster Control
            Why do you want work that position: I'll do anything you would need me to do. I just love the movies/videos ppl make of FFXI and all the players. I would love to be in one or help anyway that I could. Thanks so much for comeing up with this kinda idea.

            You think you're the best, but there is always someone better.


            • #7
              AOL Instant Messanger: Cybersharkx9
              Yahoo IM: Cybersharkx9
              Screen name: CybersharkX
              Age: 26
              Character Name: Requin
              Character Level: RDM30/NIN15
              Character Race: Elvaan
              Character Sex: Male
              Position of interrest: Extra / Monster killer/ Public relations (aka. Bouncer)
              Why do you want work that position: Sounds like something intresting to do and would really love to be in a video XD


              • #8
                AOL Instant Messanger: supersayinjeff
                Age: 18
                Character Name: sourjirou
                Character Level: monk 64/32 war
                Character Race: Elvaan
                Character Sex: Male
                Position of interrest: film extra monster control
                this sounds interesting. whats my motivations
                74 monk , 50 nin ,37 warrior, 30 thief, 24 sam
                my monk
                my nin


                • #9
                  Dangit i wanna be in the vid .. >.< check sig

                  Leaping boots:X Emp hairpin:X 2xSniper's Rings:X Utsusemi Ichi:X (again) .. I can now LVL NIN!!


                  • #10
                    AOL Instant Messanger Screen name: crazecookoo
                    Age: ...
                    Character Name: Cosmo
                    Character Level: 30
                    Character Race: Tarutaru!
                    Character Sex: Male
                    Position of interrest: Film Extra/Monster Control
                    Why do you want work that position: I'll help with lots of stuff. I like to stand and look pretty . Also i can take out lvl 25ish monsters. Sounds fun!


                    • #11
                      AOL Instant Messanger Screen name: OddyseyKid
                      Character Name: Janeba
                      Character Level: 40
                      Character Race: Elvaan
                      Character Sex: Male
                      Position of interrest:All of them ^^
                      Why do you want work that position: Cuz I just want to be apart of something so people can be like "omg I saw him walk by the screen on that one video! "


                      • #12
                        Alrighty, here is the deal people =)

                        My main PC is down and in the shop for repairs. I can not begin shooting the video until then. HOWEVER - we can do a practice run to show all of you (who are envolved) how things will work.

                        Here is a list of people's InGame Names who I have personally choosen. (Please keep in mind that I was swamped with E-mails and PMs)

                        MONSTER CONTROL

                        FILM EXTRAS

                        PUBLIC RELATIONS

                        LOCATION SCOUTS

                        It is not too late people... please feel free to post your info!

                        I will be contacting each and everyone of you ingame to discuss further details of your job.

                        I will probably be making a LS for this project - so... It would be nice if everyone could chip in a couple hundred gil so we can do that.



                        • #13
                          - Public Affairs (Monsters can be a menace... but so can other players! Your job is to make sure players cooperate.)

                          So your just gonna find an area of the game and bar others players from it? You know that's listed as harrasment in the eula. Trust me anyone barr me from an area of the game they'll have a GM down their neck so fast they'll cry for mommy.
                          Insert signature -here-.


                          • #14
                            We will not be using alot of places that have a high population - and if we do encounter people... they will be asked to move out of the shot or to be an extra. We will never force anyone to move.



                            • #15
                              Well just so you know my PC dont work the best in the world anymore but I play ffxi on the ps2 and im online almost all the time just give me a tell in-game and let me know when you plan to do what. thanks a lot.

                              You think you're the best, but there is always someone better.

