If someone would be so kind to make me a few renders D:
Body: Amir body
Legs: Amir legs
Feet; Amir Legs
Hands: Amir hands
head: amir head
wpn: gold algol
body: hauberk
legs: amir
feet: black feet drk jse
hands: black gadlings hands drk jse
wpn: gold aglol
front and back shots
thanks in advanced :]
Body: Amir body
Legs: Amir legs
Feet; Amir Legs
Hands: Amir hands
head: amir head
wpn: gold algol
body: hauberk
legs: amir
feet: black feet drk jse
hands: black gadlings hands drk jse
wpn: gold aglol
front and back shots
thanks in advanced :]