Let me tell you a story.
Today I went to camp Mee Degi for a pair of Ochiudos Kote. I also bought a party with me-- Magebyte, Damien, and Bradley. We waited a while for him to pop. There was one other Gilseller already there, Ahuei (Who panicked because we bought a PT).
We waited for them to spawn. Three other gilsellers appeard and waited in the same spot. When I make a turn, I see Mee Degi the Punisher-- already claimed!
We all get a claim, but they WAY they did it was the mega pissy part.
...They stood there, and WHAM. It pops on the Gilsellers. And they, the gilsellers, were positioned onto him. Guess what? They used a hack. I saw one of them with a nice Speed Hack, name is Hiphop. There is NO WAY that anyone can move THAT fast. Really. That mithra moved so fast it was a blink on my screen. We just camp that thing-- it's completely monopolized.
So this is the "Gilsellers Wanted List". Post all screens of gilsellers that you see. Name, server, and all.

Ramuh Server: Ahuei, Hiphop, and Santagaming.
...........It's stuff like this that makes my blue fur stand on end.
Today I went to camp Mee Degi for a pair of Ochiudos Kote. I also bought a party with me-- Magebyte, Damien, and Bradley. We waited a while for him to pop. There was one other Gilseller already there, Ahuei (Who panicked because we bought a PT).
We waited for them to spawn. Three other gilsellers appeard and waited in the same spot. When I make a turn, I see Mee Degi the Punisher-- already claimed!
We all get a claim, but they WAY they did it was the mega pissy part.
...They stood there, and WHAM. It pops on the Gilsellers. And they, the gilsellers, were positioned onto him. Guess what? They used a hack. I saw one of them with a nice Speed Hack, name is Hiphop. There is NO WAY that anyone can move THAT fast. Really. That mithra moved so fast it was a blink on my screen. We just camp that thing-- it's completely monopolized.
So this is the "Gilsellers Wanted List". Post all screens of gilsellers that you see. Name, server, and all.

Ramuh Server: Ahuei, Hiphop, and Santagaming.
...........It's stuff like this that makes my blue fur stand on end.