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**Requested Pictures SlideShow**

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  • thx, whats with the glow?

    how about a pic of Shadow Lord?

    ~*ExileNET*~Home of Blackwind

    "The only help I give to the needing is the edge of my sword" - Akira Strider


    • GM's are like that its probly just to intimidate people
      "Take it to the sky, just before you die"


      • Me too

        Can u show me a pic of Ifrit :spin:


          Gaara - blm61
          Keffy - thf73


          • I'd like to see a pic of the Dark Knight's Darkness ability
            We are not the masks we wear. But if we don them, do we not become them?


            • erm.. Elite .. If your still taking requests i got one..
              male elvaan, face 2, hair a, monk or warrior.. thanx.

              (thanks TenTako for the perfect signature)
              ''its a dangerous business, going out your door. you
              step onto the road and if you dont keep your feet...
              there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." - bilbo baggins


              • request: male elvaan redmage or bard. please? :spin:


                • WTF, how come the thread's attachemnts are all messed up? Anyone else have some different pics attached? BTW, take a look at the first couple pages and then tell me if you don't know what I'm talking about


                  • Originally posted by Aldo
                    WTF, how come the thread's attachemnts are all messed up? Anyone else have some different pics attached? BTW, take a look at the first couple pages and then tell me if you don't know what I'm talking about
                    i know, i have the same problem. What is up with that :confused:
                    Sieg . . . . . was attired in dark blue hitatare, a suit of blacklaced armor, and a five- plate helmet. At his waist, he wore a sword with a black lacquered hilt and scabbard . . . . . He let fly a fast and furious barrage from his twenty-four arrow quiver, . . . . He abandoned the weapon and fought with his sword.


                    • awsome

                      Dam these pics are awsome i do have a few request.
                      Anything with chocobos or summons


                      • I dont have any problems viewing the the pictures hmm...
                        Dra Bmyhad Ec Toehk - FF7
                        Final Fantasy XI - Zandria


                        • yo elite

                          wuts poppin elite,
                          can i please see some pics of a hume 6a, i think, dark knight
                          good lookin out
                          Player Name:Sebastian the Bard
                          Main Job/Sub Job:Bard/White mage
                          Clan:Alexandrian Knights


                          • the pics are all messed up becuase a while back there was some server problems and the pics got all screwed up
                            Findecano is inactive

                            He may return if things change .....
                            but anywho i still got my ffxi friends *pulls out list of 1000000000 people*


                            • I have no probs vieuwing te pics, but i do have probs with signature pics. BTW, Could you get a nice screenshot to use as a background for 1024x768 resolution? Thanks.

                              Expecting FFXI in a few days, probably going Elvaan Ranger.


                              • Hi Elite i was wondering if maybe when ever u had some spare time,if you would make me a Sig, i want it just like your, its so fucken awesome!!! put name of DeaminicouS on it. also i was wondering if there was any way i could join ur guild pls tell me info on how i would go about doing that, ill have FFXI when it comes out. im too poor for the imports . alright c ya bro

