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Menkhor's Daily High-Res Gallery

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  • Just amke sure you put SOME html in your main apge s it doesn't get deleted.

    what do you mean by put some HTML in your page??
    Jobs: NIN75 THF75 WAR75 PLD64
    MeritsPT total: 349 (Capped)


    • oops sorry for the double post /><'
      Jobs: NIN75 THF75 WAR75 PLD64
      MeritsPT total: 349 (Capped)


      • quadruple you mean *not a flame~*

        very sweet pixs Menkhor ^^ , and belated congratz on attaining DRK sub(though i don't exactly like that Flag quest myself...stupid sword...but...oh well :x)

        all i can say is that.....More! More! ^.^
        Eiyuu *Midgardsormr*
        DRG44 WAR30 THF25


        • This is kinda late in this topic, (after 7 pages) and probably getting really repetetive, but nice pics Menkhor

          I was just wondering, what kind of body armor is this guy wearing?


          • what do you mean by put some HTML in your page??
            I mean if you get a free site off of angelfire or geocities, you will get a home page entitled index.html If you don't put SOME sort of html code in there, or put some text, change the background, etc, basically not do anyhting to it, they will know your using their service for free to host files, in which case they will delete it. :p

            very sweet pixs Menkhor ^^ , and belated congratz on attaining DRK sub(though i don't exactly like that Flag quest myself...stupid sword...but...oh well :x)
            Thank you very much. On both the complitment and the grats. As for the quest, I did it outside of Bastok in about 30-40 minutes. I wasn't gonna let a little thing like killing mobs stop me rather than getting 30 levels.

            This is kinda late in this topic, (after 7 pages) and probably getting really repetetive, but nice pics Menkhor
            Nah, it never gets old. I appreciate every one I get. :sweat:

            And as for armor, I'm not sure. That is an NPC in Jeuno, but it is real armor. Not sure of the name though. Ask in another thread, they'll probably be able to tell you.
            Siren Server
            Elvaan Male
            35 THF - 17 DRK - 22 WAR
            Windurst Rank 4
            AF - 0/6
            RSE - 2/4
            Character Page:
            Screenshot Forum:


            • Originally posted by Chigga75
              This is kinda late in this topic, (after 7 pages) and probably getting really repetetive, but nice pics Menkhor

              I was just wondering, what kind of body armor is this guy wearing?
              from my knowledge, that's PLD AF
              [Restarted 8/2008] | [MySpace!]
              .,~`'<{:My Old Char's Stats Here:}>'`~,.


              • It's actually Iron Musketeer's's a Bastokan CQ item. There is some other job specific armor for Pld that looks similar...nice and gold and shiny.


                • eh ok ^_^
                  [Restarted 8/2008] | [MySpace!]
                  .,~`'<{:My Old Char's Stats Here:}>'`~,.


                  • I found out what it was tonight. EverybodyGetsOn is right. It's Iron Musketeer's Cuirass.
                    Siren Server
                    Elvaan Male
                    35 THF - 17 DRK - 22 WAR
                    Windurst Rank 4
                    AF - 0/6
                    RSE - 2/4
                    Character Page:
                    Screenshot Forum:


                    • Haha that was my first post on this forum...had to make sure I was saying something knowledgable, so as to give you all good impression.


                      • Nice!

                        Nice Pics ! :]

                        75BRD 61WHM


                        • Haha that was my first post on this forum...had to make sure I was saying something knowledgable, so as to give you all good impression.
                          LoL, thanks for coming... and with the knowledgable information.

                          Nice Pics ! :]
                          Thank you! :sweat:

                          More coming soon hopefully. Exams are coming and it's getting busy, so if and when I'm on I'm pissing around in Yhoater Jungle lvling my THF or in the maze/bubu/dunes lvling my DRK. Not much to show, lol, but I'll keep an eye out for anything.
                          Siren Server
                          Elvaan Male
                          35 THF - 17 DRK - 22 WAR
                          Windurst Rank 4
                          AF - 0/6
                          RSE - 2/4
                          Character Page:
                          Screenshot Forum:


                          • Kick-arse!

                            These are simply kick-arse screens here Menkh! They rock, and as you've just begun in your career, this is really amazing! I can hardly wait till you advance in your career (if you intend to keep this up). Just had to tell you man.

                            keep up the scenery photos, they make a really nice touch in your collection. oh btw, good luck on your exams, study! (I really should take my own advice <<; )
                            I've missed my ex aim's getting better though >=D

                            if the phone doesn't ring, it's me =}


                            • Thank you very much for the kind words. And yes, I intend to keep it up, even if it is at a very slow pace.

                              I'll keep the scenery photos up, don't worry. Afterall, FFXI is the best looking MMORPG out there.

                              And as for the studying... we'll see. LoL
                              Siren Server
                              Elvaan Male
                              35 THF - 17 DRK - 22 WAR
                              Windurst Rank 4
                              AF - 0/6
                              RSE - 2/4
                              Character Page:
                              Screenshot Forum:


                              • This game is one of the most excellent games I've ever seen. Too bad my computer can't run it, the computer version looks the best. I have the playstation version. Nice screenshots! I can't wait until I'm leveled enough to slaughter some frikin orcs with erm... my stone spell? :D

