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Faluzure's Hi-Res Shots (NOT BANDWIDTH FRIENDLY)

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  • Scenery Shots
    This latest set shows you some scenery of some of the new expansion areas. I really like the Tavnazian region. I tried to keep those of you who use screenshots as wallpaper in mind, so there are a couple really nice ones in this set.

    Character: Faluzure
    Server: Quetzalcoatl
    Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
    Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
    Black Mage Profile
    Red Mage Profile
    Summoner Profile


    • Awesome pics, Fal. Tavnazia looks soooo pretty. ^^ I can't wait to go there... I just need to buy level 30 equipment for the Promvyion areas... and find a PT to do them with. :sweat: I have a couple questions though. First, are all those Tavnazia pics in the same area, or different areas? Second, are those Fomor mobs for a quest/mission, or are they just regular mobs? They look awesome. ^^

      Rank 10 All Nations
      Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
      Assault Rank: Captain
      Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
      Unique Quests complete: 465
      Maps Obtained: 79/79


      • To Kyrial: Hi Kyrial. I'm beginning to think you're the only person who reads this thread. At least you're faithful. Maybe it should go into retirement? I mean it is getting pretty big and repetitive? Oh wells...

        Tavnazia is really gorgeous. I think it is even better than Ru'Aun Gardens. Ru'Aun Gardens is cool because of the tranquil feeling you get while walking up there. The music as well as walking around in an abandoned sky fortress is quite peaceful. However, Tavnazia is just natural beauty (and the music is pleasant also). I especially like the one near the lake and that valley opening with the blue skies. The Tavnazia picture I posted are both of Misreux Coast and Lufaise Meadows in the Tavnazian Archipelago region. The coast (obviously) has pictures of the coastline. Lufaise Meadows is just that. The tileset looks very similar to La Theine Plateau but the difference is the lush vegetation found naturally in archipelagos. The trees are not as sparse and the valley is a much more green in color.

        The mobs you saw are actually enemies located in the Tavnazian region. The mobs you see are similar to those found in White Mage AF and San'Dorian history. Those of you that are familiar with San'Doria know that Eldieme Necropolis is supposedly a burial ground for Elvaans a while back (or something like that). As for the Fomor mobs, I don't know if the ones you see in my screenshots are specifically tied to a quest. I was trying to finish this quest for an NPC in the Tavnazian Safehold. He said something about a forest so I was walking to all the forest regions in Lufaise Meadows. I saw these guys from a distance circling a campfire and thought they were NPCs. I read Fomor as "Former" so I thought they were people that left their jobs. I walked up to them and noticed they were just like the Elvaan Undead. I casted Dia on one of them and they all started attacking. You'll see more of them in later screenshots that I have in store for this thread. As for "cool", I wouldn't say they are "cool". They look just like low level people with black faces. If you think those are cool, wait until you see my mission pictures.

        I'll let some replies come in before posting the mission pictures (hopefully people still read this thread!)
        Character: Faluzure
        Server: Quetzalcoatl
        Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
        Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
        Black Mage Profile
        Red Mage Profile
        Summoner Profile


        • Originally posted by Roulette
          Fal do you think you have any pictures of high level Elvaan BST's or any race? If you dont thats cool, but could you keep an eye out?
          Oh Roulette, I almost missed your reply. Hmm. When you say high level BST, do you mean ones in AF or ones in the Thick Set (the stuff Dark Knight's wear at level 69+). I'm assuming the ones in AF because the BSTs that wear the Thick Set (Hauberk-set) look just like every other Dark Knight (and some Warriors) at level 69+.

          I'll keep an eye out for all BSTs, especially Elvaans.
          Character: Faluzure
          Server: Quetzalcoatl
          Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
          Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
          Black Mage Profile
          Red Mage Profile
          Summoner Profile


          • Hi Faluzure I've been lurking this thread for awhile and I just wanted to say I really appericiate you posting these pics they're really awesome! ^^


            • Beautiful pictures - I love seeing all your new screenies.

              Never posted on this thread though (first time for everything :p )

              Oh and btw fal earlier on in the pictures your wearing the body armor which is identicle to Excenmille in Sandoria (The Ballista person or if you read the Vanadiel Tribune, the guy who killed all those gigas).

              What is that armor called and stats on it? It looks godly

              Genkai 1 -Completed-
              Genkai 2 -Completed-
              Genaki 3 -Completed-
              Genkai 4 -Meh-
              Genkai 5 -Meh-

              100% Purple!


              • (/slap) Faluzure.

                You will NOT stop taking pictures. Maybe we are all in awe and too dumbfounded to type out a reply saying

                "OMG those areas are so great, and you are the uber"

                ^^ Keep up the good work, and transfer to Fenrir soon so I can meet you.


                • Faluzure- I've been following your pictures thread for a loooooong time (i think when the thread had around 30 or so pages). For the most part i never bother posting in forums and this would be the first time I've posted on this forum for that matter. Case in point however is that for all my viewing I haven't thanked you for what you do - so here's a big thanks from this retired ffxi player! /clap

                  (Oh and keep up the good work I want to see what i'm missing out on!)


                  • Fal,

                    You absolutely positively cannot stop this thread EVER! LOL
                    Well you can if you REALLY want, but what am I supposed to do in the mornings at work, if I can't look at your pretty pictures?!?

                    Seriously though, I know this thread has been an inspiration for me to see the end-game myself and a treasure trove of information. Don't ever stop, we love ya Fal!

                    P.S. I think Kyrial is just wayyyyy more outgoing than most of your loyal legion of thread lurkers ^_^
                    Server: Sylph
                    Primary Linkshell: ShadowsOfSylph Leader
                    Secondary Linkshell: HonorAmongstThieves Sackholder
                    Aonir (Thief) - 45THF/22NIN
                    Aonir (Ninja) - 22NIN/10WAR
                    Aonir (I Wish) - 75THF/37NIN


                    • I talk about this thread in my LS alot ^^ i started coming to this site regularly after you started this thread. In fact sometimes i visit just to see if you have posted more screenshots! Your screenshots motivate me to level further and experence all that i can in FFXI.


                      • I've been looking at your pics for some time Faluzure, so don't stop posting. There were so many cool things, I guess I never needed to request anything. It's nice for some of us that don't have that time to experience some of these things to get to see some high level stuff.

                        Thanks again.


                        • To Everyone: Wow... ok ok. I guess I was wrong. I didn't know there were so many of you so called "lurkers". I'm not used to forum speak, so 'lurkers' is someone who reads but doesn't post? Is 'trolling' the same thing? It's nice to see a lot more people appreciate this thread than I realized. I guess I'm only used to a select % of people actually being expressive about it. Plus towards the end (before Promathia), I felt it was getting kind of repetitive showing you the same HNMs over and over. Thank goodness for Promathia.

                          Thanks for the reinforcement guys. I appreciate posting these as much as you like looking/reading them. I notice other screenshot threads are already showing what I planned to show (especially missions). I'm a little behind on the missions; I can't really rush through them like some people due to my LS's nationality & time zone differences. Again thanks a bunch (especially Sierra12, Gekoman, Ka1'E1, whoisdallas, Aonir, gungus, and Kyrial.)

                          To Gekoman: I didn't know an NPC had this armor. The armor I'm wearing is the following:
                          Crimson Scale Mail
                          Level 73 - DEF 52
                          HP+40 MP+40 INT+10 MND+10
                          Breath damage taken-10%

                          I tend not to wear it much. I don't like showing off what I wear because I hate bragging. So those of you on my server will rarely ever see me wear this armor while standing around. I used to not wear my Joyeuse either. The first time I got it I accidently wore it in town and a bunch of people who knew me promptly examined me. Well now that everyone has one (Joyeuse), I wear it without shame.

                          To Sierra12: Glad you enjoy it. Thanks again for the compliments.

                          To Ka1'E1: Haha thanks man. There's no worldshift to existing worlds! It would be cool to meet you in game (as well as other readers of mine).

                          To whoisdallas: Oh you're retired? I know a few former FFXI players still read this thread because they are interested in the story but couldn't continue to play. Glad to help you see how things progress in Vana'diel.

                          To Aonir: I know a lot of readers usually read my forum in the morning while they are working. I'm glad you find it useful. I'll try to keep it going as long as I can. I can keep it alive as long as I have content to post. Yes, Kyrial is quite outgoing. I can always expect her to push me forward with her heartening comments.

                          To gungus: If you ever do need to request something that's in my ability, feel free to do so. I agree FFXI is a big timesink and it is just something I do in my free time. Time is something a lot of people don't have, whether it is school, work, family, life, etc.... I guess I'm kind of lucky, but I suppose once I get a girlfriend or dog (or gain more responsibilities at work), its bye-bye time for FFXI.

                          Next up (for tomorrow), I'll start posting the Promathia screenshots with NPC dialogue. I know Nodoka was waiting for this one. :spin:

                          Ulmia is my new girlfriend. Haha!
                          Character: Faluzure
                          Server: Quetzalcoatl
                          Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
                          Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
                          Black Mage Profile
                          Red Mage Profile
                          Summoner Profile


                          • Yeah Fal, I read this thread all the time (every day) the only time I reply is if I need to ask you a question or something. I am pretty sure you have seen your fair share of "OMG those are f*cking awesome man! Dude you rock" kind of posts, so I don't think I will add to them.

                            P.S. OMG those are f*cking awesome man! Dude you rock ^^
                            Trys - 67 BRD/WHM - Ragnarok (Active)


                            • <----- lurker and yes i do LOVE your SSs^^
                              Windurst Rank10
                              Bastok Rank10
                              Sandy Rank10
                              ZM: Completed
                              DRG75, WHM75, SAM40, WAR37, THF37, SMN37, NIN37, BLM17




                              • Fal like usual AMAZING work, and yea just keep an eye out for any high level BSTs that would be great.

                                P.S. I saw the bison gear pics and there high level BST I guess but meh.....

                                O well anything is cool and yea like everyone else said theres alot of lurkers out there who just read and dont write so keep the pics coming.

                                P.P.S. Troliing is making stupid topics/questions/points on purpose while lurking is looking and not reading.

                                Edit: DUH! the whole point in making this post I am trying to make a gallery of different jobs in various high level armors and well not to many BSTs on my server so I though you could maybe help out. Yea I would give credit where credit is due of course and if you have any other high level job shots that would be great man.

