Faluzure, don't worry too much about the Ninja AFB, I know how hard it is to find on a server with so many people. If you find it around though, it would be very cool to see ^^ A screenshot that would probably be far easier to find would be a Mithra Red Mage in full AF, the same model as that thief in AF you snagged around the beginning of this thread. Heck, any cool shots of that character model would be great ^^-b
As for crafting the reason I ask is because I've levelled it so far, and want to see if it tends to be a more exclusive craft at the near 100 levels. I rely on it at the moment for profit, and levelling both red mage, ninja and ranger chews up a horrendous amount of gil.
Also, how high is your red mage right now? I ask, because our set party's blm is subbing red mage, and I'm curious how it might work in higher levels. Better than whm in your opinion? Or is whm a more beneficial combo?
Finally, I've noticed a lot of mithra in various jobs in your screenshots. Most notable was paladin, ninja, blm, whm....well, just about every job really. How do they perform in your opinion? What have you seen them do the best?
Thanks for taking such time and effort to make this a great thread. ^^
As for crafting the reason I ask is because I've levelled it so far, and want to see if it tends to be a more exclusive craft at the near 100 levels. I rely on it at the moment for profit, and levelling both red mage, ninja and ranger chews up a horrendous amount of gil.
Also, how high is your red mage right now? I ask, because our set party's blm is subbing red mage, and I'm curious how it might work in higher levels. Better than whm in your opinion? Or is whm a more beneficial combo?
Finally, I've noticed a lot of mithra in various jobs in your screenshots. Most notable was paladin, ninja, blm, whm....well, just about every job really. How do they perform in your opinion? What have you seen them do the best?
Thanks for taking such time and effort to make this a great thread. ^^