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Faluzure's Hi-Res Shots (NOT BANDWIDTH FRIENDLY)

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  • Faluzure, don't worry too much about the Ninja AFB, I know how hard it is to find on a server with so many people. If you find it around though, it would be very cool to see ^^ A screenshot that would probably be far easier to find would be a Mithra Red Mage in full AF, the same model as that thief in AF you snagged around the beginning of this thread. Heck, any cool shots of that character model would be great ^^-b

    As for crafting the reason I ask is because I've levelled it so far, and want to see if it tends to be a more exclusive craft at the near 100 levels. I rely on it at the moment for profit, and levelling both red mage, ninja and ranger chews up a horrendous amount of gil.

    Also, how high is your red mage right now? I ask, because our set party's blm is subbing red mage, and I'm curious how it might work in higher levels. Better than whm in your opinion? Or is whm a more beneficial combo?

    Finally, I've noticed a lot of mithra in various jobs in your screenshots. Most notable was paladin, ninja, blm, whm....well, just about every job really. How do they perform in your opinion? What have you seen them do the best?

    Thanks for taking such time and effort to make this a great thread. ^^
    -pdac (retired)

    At the endgame, I had: Full AF for RDM, RNG and NIN. Sky, Clothcraft 97, smithing 45 and far too much gil. My Jobs ended at RDM 75, NIN 65, RNG 59, BLM 37, WAR 33 and SMN 26. Finally, I synthed a Royal Cloak /signed/ for a friend.

    Time to move on.

    See you all on the flip side (*'-')/


    • Actually, I have an Elvaan male bard close friend of mine which has full AF. I can snap some screens of him.

      The RDM Enhancing spell calculator - Main (Mirror)
      Credit goes to Apple Pie for his wonderful formulas, and Ninja Kitten for the lower-level enspell formula.

      Clothcraft: 60.2+1


      • Can I have a screenshot of Faluzure trading Kisada a Peacock Charm?


        • To pdac: Its not that its hard to find because the number of people on the server. Its just hard to find because many Dynamis runs that I've seen go through, only 2-3 AF pieces would drop period. On top of that... the first 3 Dynamis Areas only dropped legs, feet, head, or hands (depending on the job). Body specifically wasn't open to the public until they released Dynamis Xarcabard & Dynamis Beaucedine. So at most I can give you (if I can find it) is a picture of a NIN with partial AF2.

          You want a Mithra Red Mage in full AF with the same face as the THF AF Mithra on page 2? The red-head Mithra right? Ok, will look for that.

          Crafting in Clothcraft, I really couldn't tell you. Your target buyers are usually mage-types or Ninja/Samurais. I do know that a bunch of Clothcraft items are really expensive, such as the Damascene Cloth that's used to make the Vermillion Cloak. I got one from an NM drop and it sells for 650K and a Vermillion takes 3 of them. I know I'm looking for someone to make me a Noble's Tunic when I hit 68 but that takes Shining Cloth (which only drops from Kirin, KB, or Suzaku) and its several million on my server. So failing in that is a heart attack...

          My Red Mage just hit 52 yesterday. The higher INT from Red Mage as well as additional enfeeble magic makes a BLM/RDM mainly offensive. The INT+ bonus aids slightly in nuking capability. BLM/WHM sub (which is what I'm used to) is nuking, but also backup healing. Personally in party situations, I found WHM sub to be more helpful. As during a God fight with my LS, I found I couldn't remove any type of debuff status on my teammates as BLM/RDM. So I either had to nuke or just sit and watch them be paralyzed, poisoned, etc. until our WHMs could cycle through them all. I have dispel, but we have BRDs & RDMs who already do that. At times of healing, I was really lacking because I didn't have Divine Seal + Cure III to heal our tank in emergencies...

          However, I will note that being a RDM sub makes the BLM job able to solo much better. I use BLM/RDM when I farm or solo play. Since all the RDMs spells are mainly single target, Phalanx + Stoneskin as well as the Enspells and Dispel lets me solo like mad. I could take on several orcs in Monastic Cavern where with WHM sub, I could only take 1 at a time.

          So depending on your party's make-up, your BLM can decide which sub he wants. Like, if the party consists of a WHM main and a RDM main (or BRD), your BLM is fine as a RDM sub because the other 2 jobs will take care of any healing-type spells. If you're lacking in the WHM for your party, its better that he sticks with WHM sub.

          As for Mithras, I think the reason you see them in so many various jobs is because they are very well rounded for all job types (as the hume are). For Mage classes, Mithra is the same as Hume. They have the same mana, HP, and the same INT and MND is only lacking by 3 points. This makes them suitable for any Mage type job. In melee jobs, I think Mithra shine as non-tanking melee. I have rarely seen a Mithra tank it up in any leveling party I've been in unless they are Ninja or Paladin. They do have less strength but their insane Agility and Dexterity make up for that. As for the Mithra Paladin in our LS, she's the 3rd Paladin (the other 2 are Hume & Elvaan). She's our 3rd choice when doing NM hunts (the other 2 are always picked as first and backup). Some NA players tell me that Charisma affects the hate control of a Paladin, but I'm not a Paladin so I can't agree or disagree. I'm not going to comment on something I haven't experienced because that would make me lose credibility in my posts. I *do* know that Mithras have lower CHR compared to Elvaans & Humes and very low VIT. So whether or not its the CHR or VIT that factor it in, I do not know.

          I think my best experiences with Mithra is when they are fellow Mages or they pick Ranger, Thief, or Ninja. Hope this helps...

          To Kisada: You don't need a Peacock Charm! That thing is worthless! Oh wait, you're a DRK... maybe you do need it... I'm sorry, but I cannot fill that request due to the difficulty of it. :spin:
          Character: Faluzure
          Server: Quetzalcoatl
          Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
          Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
          Black Mage Profile
          Red Mage Profile
          Summoner Profile


          • Here ya go. I messed with the brightness and contrast to get it so you could see him better. Cheers.
            Attached Files

            The RDM Enhancing spell calculator - Main (Mirror)
            Credit goes to Apple Pie for his wonderful formulas, and Ninja Kitten for the lower-level enspell formula.

            Clothcraft: 60.2+1


            • Current Screenshot Request Listing:
              1) Charity wants 2 Hume females & 1 Mithra. (WIP, I haven't forgotten!)
              2) Eyes of All wants random location pictures. (WIP, I haven't forgotten!)
              3) Ka1'E1 wants badass RDM & DRG (or other cool level 65) equipment. (Done!)
              4) balz wants me to own up some beastmen. (WIP)
              5) HPM wants a Mithra in a battle stance with a Great Axe (Hard hard! I did get the Mithra standing with G. Axe -_-)
              6) Venkelos wants Elvaan Male Bard in AF. (Filled by the generous BlueFire, Thank you!)
              7) pdac wants Red Headed Mithra in any AF
              8) Someone wanted Gun pics (I seemed to have overlooked this until I got in a party with a ranger the other day, so I'll post them along with the DRG pic).

              So I got #3, #5 (partially), #6, & #8 filled. I can only post this one for now. I'll post the rest later.

              Character: Faluzure
              Server: Quetzalcoatl
              Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
              Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
              Black Mage Profile
              Red Mage Profile
              Summoner Profile


              • Nice sreenshots, Faluzure!


                • Request Fills:
                  Here's the rest. Now all I have to fill are the following:
                  1) Charity wants 2 Hume females & 1 Mithra. (WIP, I haven't forgotten!)
                  2) Eyes of All wants random location pictures. (WIP, I haven't forgotten!)
                  3) balz wants me to own up some beastmen. (WIP)
                  4) pdac wants Red Headed Mithra in any AF

                  If I forgot anyone, let me know.

                  Character: Faluzure
                  Server: Quetzalcoatl
                  Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
                  Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
                  Black Mage Profile
                  Red Mage Profile
                  Summoner Profile


                  • Thank you Thank you.

                    What was that going off on the orc in the picture?


                    • Thank you so much...those pictures are amazing. I love the gear...especially the weapon!

                      So there is hope for us 'Goons after 50 huh.


                      • I can log in once I get home from work and get a few screenshots with my great axe for HPM, if you still want some battle stances. I'm pretty low level, but if you don't mind that I'm in Lizard armor, not AF, I can post a few. ~.^ I didn't realize those were so hard to come by, or I would have offered sooner. ^.^

                        Those are some great screenshots of that Dragoon armor. It's one of my favorite armor models that I've seen. And that lance he's using in the party shots is wicked! I also love that little taru with the rifle - it just seems so wrong somehow. ~.^

                        I think it's really cool that you keep track of all those requests and try to fit them in when you can, Fal. You could practically run your own message board for them all, and it's impressive that you put that much time into it. I don't want to seem like a total fangirl here ( *^.^* ), but thanks again for all the awesome screenshots.
                        ~Jhalu the job-impaired
                        18war / 7whm / 6mnk / 5blm / 5rdm


                        • To Ka1'E1: Np np! I knew you wanted it and for the longest time I didn't know of any high level Dragoon except until I realized one was right under my nose! So I got together with him and his LS and we went to Davoi to bash on some high level orcs. As for "what went off" in those pics, that was Full Swing, my level 200 WS. I thought it would be neat to show it since I was meleeing orcs up by the church in Davoi.

                          To Tape: I can't really comment on the DRG situation. I have seen some DRGs around more frequently though. Maybe the patched fixed something I'm not aware of? I know they kinda nerfed the multi-hit WS TP gain. *shrug*

                          To ashirys: I'm blushing, I really am. Thank you so much for the nice comments. :spin: As I said, this thread is mainly for you guys & gals, to show you things that you haven't seen. I do try to fulfill requests because I know people want to see things other than my normal postings. So as a pre-emptive apology, I'm sorry if I do happen to overlook any type of requests. If you do see a request that you posted a while back and I haven't addressed it, please let me know.

                          I don't think HPM specified any gear, just Mithra w/ Great Axe in battle stance. If you don't mind, I'd appreciate it. Its just I don't see that many Mithra warriors, especially while fighting. They always tend to be the sneaky job types or mages.

                          As for requests, Charity should be happy today. I got some in for her. I'll post those later today. See you!
                          Character: Faluzure
                          Server: Quetzalcoatl
                          Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
                          Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
                          Black Mage Profile
                          Red Mage Profile
                          Summoner Profile


                          • Hm.. well here's my Great Axe battle stance screenshots. They're not quite as cool as most of Fal's, but I suppose they'll do. ~.^

                            Mithra Battle Axe stance:

                            Mid-swing from a couple angles:

                            Hope that's what you're lookin' for, HPM. Enjoy! ^.^
                            ~Jhalu the job-impaired
                            18war / 7whm / 6mnk / 5blm / 5rdm


                            • To Charity: Here you go! You've been wanting this for a while, sorry I find it until now. As you know, this is a rare model... I'm working on the Mithra now and that other Hume. See you!

                              Character: Faluzure
                              Server: Quetzalcoatl
                              Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
                              Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
                              Black Mage Profile
                              Red Mage Profile
                              Summoner Profile


                              • Help please Faluzure

                                Hey man. Im new to the forums. May i just say i absolutely love what you guys have going on here. Its like a second community next to Vana Diel. Well also i would like to congratulate you on those awesome picks. I could only someday hope to fulfill the FFXI experience to the fulness with wich you live it. Also i have a quick question im hoping u can answer for me. I am currently a 45 RNG/ 22 NIN on Lakshmi. From what ive seen on this thread pertaining to the pics, apparently Rng isnt used a lot in HNM or BCNM fights. Im beginning to get a little worried as im feeling that my Elvaan Ranger is going to waste if all that will happen in the future is that he will gather dust. Can you help me out with this. Your input would be greately appreciated. Thank you.
                                :sweat: :dead:

