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Faluzure's Hi-Res Shots (NOT BANDWIDTH FRIENDLY)

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  • To post a image like that you need to use

    <img src= >

    no space at the end :D

    Great picture by the way Faluzure!


    • I just have one request. Any and all pictures you can get of Dynamis items, God items and Cursed items, that are of course uncursed. It'd be nice to see some in game stats of them too.


      • Re: Thanx

        Originally posted by Healing Angel
        I liked the Elvaan pics, the one I like is the second one a little off topic what make better BLM Elvaans or Mithras??
        Mithras, Elvaans make bad BLM's because of low mana and low INT but you can still rock as one ;D
        Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

        Merits - 98
        Goldsmith - 85.2


        • Just a question, Ladon? Is that a spawn from Guivre or a totaly different HNM?

          The RDM Enhancing spell calculator - Main (Mirror)
          Credit goes to Apple Pie for his wonderful formulas, and Ninja Kitten for the lower-level enspell formula.

          Clothcraft: 60.2+1


          • nice screenshots faluzure, and congrats on 75!


            • Originally posted by Fragnarok
              I just have one request. Any and all pictures you can get of Dynamis items, God items and Cursed items, that are of course uncursed. It'd be nice to see some in game stats of them too.
              Will do. I have yet to go to Dynamis. I'm actually worried about it because if I die, I lose my level. As for the God Items, I have to do some Zilart Missions before I can even step into Ru'Aun. Cursed Items are kind of hard, because I don't examine other players. I know American players do it all the time, but the Japanese players think its somewhat rude to do so without asking. Its very doubtful that any American players have any of these items unless they imported & have played since release.

              Originally posted by BlueFire
              Just a question, Ladon? Is that a spawn from Guivre or a totaly different HNM?
              Ladon is just a normal mob. Nothing special. Guivre is in the same area and looks just like him.

              Originally posted by kazthegun
              nice screenshots faluzure, and congrats on 75!
              Thanks! I still have so much to do still. :dead:
              Character: Faluzure
              Server: Quetzalcoatl
              Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
              Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
              Black Mage Profile
              Red Mage Profile
              Summoner Profile


              • Request

                When you have the chance, could you show an Elvann in the red SAM JSE gear? thx in advance.

                Great pics btw
                Ryuujin - Hume (account hacked thus deleted)
                l RDM-29 l WAR-16 l MNK-2 l BLM-2 l SAM-31 l BST-2 l RNG-1 l WHM-2 l THF-1 l SMN-7 l


                Ryuujin - Elvann (deleted)
                l WAR-30 l THF-15 l WHM-1 l RDM-1 l BLM-1 l MNK-1 l SAM-36 l BST-1 l RNG-1 l NIN-1 l DRK-1 l PLD-1 l


                lWAR-18 l THF-1 l WHM-8 l RDM-1 l BLM-5 l MNK-9 l


                • Re: Request

                  Originally posted by ssj2liger0
                  When you have the chance, could you show an Elvann in the red SAM JSE gear? thx in advance.

                  Great pics btw
                  Red Sam... JSE gear? I don't think the JSE gear is red. Its more of a dark purple/black. I've seen the Red Gi set for NIN/SAM/MNK that's available in the level 40s. Even then, its rare because people around that level usually go for the Jujitsu Gi set.

                  Someone out there reading this correct me. I"ll be on a lookout in the meantime.
                  Character: Faluzure
                  Server: Quetzalcoatl
                  Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
                  Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
                  Black Mage Profile
                  Red Mage Profile
                  Summoner Profile


                  • Yea i think Faluzure is right the Red Gi is not and JSE but normal armor (and i too think it was around lv 40)
                    Truth i never saw any armor that oculd loo like Sam JSE o0

                    Faluzure i have one question. What model of Elvaan are you using ? Low, Mid or High ?
                    ~~ Tarutaru~~


                    • Originally posted by Gokulos
                      Yea i think Faluzure is right the Red Gi is not and JSE but normal armor (and i too think it was around lv 40)
                      Truth i never saw any armor that oculd loo like Sam JSE o0

                      Faluzure i have one question. What model of Elvaan are you using ? Low, Mid or High ?
                      Haha. Um... I don't know? To tell you the truth I didn't even know you could select more attributes. When I got this game, I was so excited and anxious to play (especially after the huge 2 hour update patch.) I immediately created my character (only changing his hair) and jumped onto a server. (That's also why I didn't know there were names for the models, like when someone asked me for Elvaan Female model 1A/1B. I didn't even know what it was, I just found the model in the game based on the avatar that person had). Sorry I can't answer your question
                      Character: Faluzure
                      Server: Quetzalcoatl
                      Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
                      Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
                      Black Mage Profile
                      Red Mage Profile
                      Summoner Profile


                      • FYI to my Faithful Readers
                        Ok guys, just to give you a heads up. There *may* be a slowdown in the number of screenshots for a few days (maybe weeks who knows). It all depends on how fast I can pump out these missions. As you have read in the past few posts, my HNM LS wanted me to go to Tu'Lia with them, but since I didn't do any Zilart XP Missions, I must do them ASAP.

                        So... over the next couple days, I'll try to assemble a PT (or alliance) to go do them. Hopefully I can get at least 1 mission done per day (that's an optimistic guess). So roughly, that should take me about a week and a half to get through 13 of them.

                        I notice a lot of the older Zilart Mission screenshots people are posting are low-res (in game PS2 screenshots). Its not their fault though, many people imported it and are using the PS2 version. So as an incentive for those of you who patiently wait, I hope to supply you guys with high-resolution images of these missions.

                        I did dish out about $200 on a new video card (9800 Pro), so I can run FFXI at an even higher resolution with AA and make it look prettier than the ugly screenshots you've seen in the past. For those of you wondering, I got the 9800 Pro. I know the 9800XT is better, but I need a floater card until PCIXPress comes out in the fall. By then a newer video card better than the 9800XT should be out, so I just need something to tide me over (thank you IRS for my great tax return )

                        So, I have a handful of pics over the weekend that I'll post, but after than there may be a huge lapse. I'm expecting not to get a party on a few days of the week. As you know, you can sometimes sit for hours shouting in Jeuno over & over and not get a single person to help. Hopefully me shouting in Japanese will get some peeps to help out.

                        Wish me luck & continue to check back as you normally do. I may be able to get some of these done this week.
                        Character: Faluzure
                        Server: Quetzalcoatl
                        Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
                        Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
                        Black Mage Profile
                        Red Mage Profile
                        Summoner Profile


                        • gl Faluzure! i think i can speak for everyone when i say that we hope you can finish the Zilart Missions ASAP so we can see some of those fabled new amazing SS's

                          Fuk it, Cut the cord...


                          • Originally posted by Faluzure
                            FYI to my Faithful Readers
                            Ok guys, just to give you a heads up. There *may* be a slowdown in the number of screenshots for a few days (maybe weeks who knows). It all depends on how fast I can pump out these missions. As you have read in the past few posts, my HNM LS wanted me to go to Tu'Lia with them, but since I didn't do any Zilart XP Missions, I must do them ASAP.

                            So... over the next couple days, I'll try to assemble a PT (or alliance) to go do them. Hopefully I can get at least 1 mission done per day (that's an optimistic guess). So roughly, that should take me about a week and a half to get through 13 of them.

                            I notice a lot of the older Zilart Mission screenshots people are posting are low-res (in game PS2 screenshots). Its not their fault though, many people imported it and are using the PS2 version. So as an incentive for those of you who patiently wait, I hope to supply you guys with high-resolution images of these missions.

                            I did dish out about $200 on a new video card (9800 Pro), so I can run FFXI at an even higher resolution with AA and make it look prettier than the ugly screenshots you've seen in the past. For those of you wondering, I got the 9800 Pro. I know the 9800XT is better, but I need a floater card until PCIXPress comes out in the fall. By then a newer video card better than the 9800XT should be out, so I just need something to tide me over (thank you IRS for my great tax return )

                            So, I have a handful of pics over the weekend that I'll post, but after than there may be a huge lapse. I'm expecting not to get a party on a few days of the week. As you know, you can sometimes sit for hours shouting in Jeuno over & over and not get a single person to help. Hopefully me shouting in Japanese will get some peeps to help out.

                            Wish me luck & continue to check back as you normally do. I may be able to get some of these done this week.
                            I'll miss you my Elvaan friend
                            Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

                            Merits - 98
                            Goldsmith - 85.2


                            • Re: Re: Request

                              Originally posted by Faluzure

                              Red Sam... JSE gear? I don't think the JSE gear is red. Its more of a dark purple/black. I've seen the Red Gi set for NIN/SAM/MNK that's available in the level 40s. Even then, its rare because people around that level usually go for the Jujitsu Gi set.

                              Someone out there reading this correct me. I"ll be on a lookout in the meantime.
                              Hmm i thought only samurai could equip that armor. The one that Samurai Musketeer from Bastok wears. I'll look in the AH in Jeuno next time I get a chance and tell you what it's called (that is when I get 20).

                              Btw good luck getting those missions done.
                              Ryuujin - Hume (account hacked thus deleted)
                              l RDM-29 l WAR-16 l MNK-2 l BLM-2 l SAM-31 l BST-2 l RNG-1 l WHM-2 l THF-1 l SMN-7 l


                              Ryuujin - Elvann (deleted)
                              l WAR-30 l THF-15 l WHM-1 l RDM-1 l BLM-1 l MNK-1 l SAM-36 l BST-1 l RNG-1 l NIN-1 l DRK-1 l PLD-1 l


                              lWAR-18 l THF-1 l WHM-8 l RDM-1 l BLM-5 l MNK-9 l


                              • Originally posted by Arto
                                To post a image like that you need to use

                                <img src= >

                                no space at the end :D

                                Great picture by the way Faluzure!
                                That's the way you do it in HTML, but on these boards you have to use vB Code, not HTML. To post an inline image, you've gotta use [IMG ]the image URL[/IMG ] without the spaces.

                                But anyway.... great shots, Fal! ^^ I can't wait to see the Zilart SSs, especially the Crystal Warriors/Ark Angels! I just wish I had your server's unlimited space and bandwidth. As you can see by looking at my journal, my bandwidth for this month is all used up (even my sig was down for awhile, but I've since moved it to another server). I never thought I'd use 3500 MBs in one month, but then again, I never expected my journal to be so popular. :sweat:

                                Rank 10 All Nations
                                Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
                                Assault Rank: Captain
                                Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
                                Unique Quests complete: 465
                                Maps Obtained: 79/79

