Originally posted by Dua
Fal, I know this is you thread and I dont want to turn this into a flame war, but if you mention our LS (Ascension) in even a slighty negative way again, the flame war will begin. This is not the 1st time you have trashed our LS in this thread, but this will be the last time.
Fal, I know this is you thread and I dont want to turn this into a flame war, but if you mention our LS (Ascension) in even a slighty negative way again, the flame war will begin. This is not the 1st time you have trashed our LS in this thread, but this will be the last time.
As for trashing your LS, where have I done so? I have constantly commended your LS efforts both in this thread and to your leaders. If you're talking about Promyvion in terms of "trashing the LS", then yes you did get my PT killed. I said nothing to any of you. We decided to sit back and let your alliance jump through a couple islands just in case you got in our way again. I *DID* receive apologies from various members of your LS that evening because you guys knew what you did. If you did nothing wrong, then why did MANY of your LS members apologize for what they did to my party that evening?
Secondly, my post that I posted about Ascension camping Adamantoise was indeed a PROMISE made by Silverblood, one of YOUR main leaders and one of my FRIENDS on FFXI. We have been friends for a long time and he vowed that you guys would eventually camp him, but the LS would wait until you have succesfully tried for Fafnir. It was a surprise to see you guys in Valley of Sorrows yesterday evening.
Thirdly, I do know that there is supposed "information leaks" regarding your LS' events and such, but you have no right to target members of your LS who are friends with me. I've stayed out of NA drama since I started this game and I will continue to do so. I do not spread rumors nor do I spread shit about lsmes or internal events. If it indeed requires me to cut ties with certain people, then so be it. I can blacklist as fast as a blink of an eye.
As for me being "associated" with DrgnAsh, that is true. However, I am associated with them just I am associated with you guys. If you recall, I have helped your LS numerous times with Gods in Ru'Aun Gardens in the past. I was offered a shell, why did I not take it? You can ask Nasya, Almaut, Silverblood and even Phazen. I am loyal to one HNM LS and I will not betray them. In addition, obtaining a pearl/sack gives me access to the Linkshell's LSMES. I refused your linkshell's pearl because I knew I could never be a true member. By being a guest, it is better I do not have rights to see what is on your LSMES. Better safe than sorry, because I don't want people pointing fingers at me when someone happens to "leak information". As for me having a DrgnAsh sack, it was given to me because I was specifically told to check the LSMES when DrgnAsh was interested in Promathia. They post absolutely no useful information in the LSMES at all. The last LSMES was some bullshit about how slacker and Aurorine were going to get married. Wow, that's very informative! I'm going to leak that information to all people on our server!
I've helped DrgnAsh once with a God run & one Kirin battle. The last Kirin run was me being "hired" to fill the role as RDM and I got paid for it in gil. I have helped your guys and I got paid with a Genbu Shield. I helped Nnep when he once ran an HNM LS and he paid me in gil. People have asked for my help & advice in regards to HNMs and I freely give it. People often need a certain job for an HNM because their members are not available, thus they "hire" me. Someone asks for my help, I provide it. I do not discriminate and I don't give a crap whether it is DrgnAsh, Ascension, some JP HNM shell or even Satan himself.
My LS has held Adamantoise for months now since his release. We have had little to no competition. Have you ever wondered why? Perhaps it is because my LS is a kind LS. Perhaps it is because my LS doesn't mind sharing things. How did you think Scypio got his Adamantoise Egg? Many of the things that drop from Aspidochelone are given away. Many of the people are external members. How are candidates selected? A friend of one of us. People have walked away with so many abjurations it's not even funny. All you have to do is make a request. I put the request in, you are then placed in a queue for the abjuration you want. That simple. All the LS asks in return is that you show up on the days he will spawn. This is how for many months, my LS has reduced competition for the turtle to almost nothing. We are generous and we'd rather see someone gain something they need than just give it to some random member who has no use for it.
So the only person flaming & threatening here, good sir Dua, is you. I ask you do not openly threat me again, for what I said was not trashing, bashing, stomping, whatever you want to call it. If you have a problem with what is said then you tell your leaders to contact me and we'll deal with it. As far as I'm concerned, you're just a member with a pearl (not a pearlsack) and what you say is reflective of you only, not the LS. If there is a problem, the LEADERS handle the situation, NOT the members. I highly doubt Almaut & Silverblood or even Nasya, members of FFXIOnline forums would agree with your stance or your post and you wrongfully attacked me. I guarantee you if Phazen were around (as he was also a leader), he too, would back me up and said your attack was unnecessary.
Sorry, I got so caught up with the response to him, the pictures & responses to other posts will be posted on Monday.