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Faluzure's Hi-Res Shots (NOT BANDWIDTH FRIENDLY)

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  • Searing light seems to be one of the worst 2 hours Kirin can use ><

    On the other hand, I find it odd it people take so long with Kirin. I really don't mean to brag or anything, but my LS can kill him in about an hour with 24-26 people, all NA besides 2-3..
    Zilart Finished | Windurst Rank10 | CoP M8-3
    Red Mage | Ranger | Black Mage


    • Aye, thats what i meant, thankee Fal, =), im thinking of just waiting till 60 to beat Shiva down, ....cept, i like SMN, and noobs in Qufim dont invite w/o Shiva >.> heh, but eh, i'll go back and kill her (or try to) with #6, if i have to

      Yeah, i just got the scythe when it came out cause i buy on impulse (example: SWEET! i found a shield BLM can use!! ..."You Buy the Fairie Shield for 50,000 >.>; Im using my staffs to farm more though...on Tabar Beaks and the like, not sure which i like mroe, heh. The thing is, when i farm, i sub THF, and staff WS's need a WHM sub to be useful (the ones i have anyways, Earth Crusher ect), and Slice does ncie damage with SATA, but like ye said, you have yer RDM for farming and soloing, so i'll stop rambling >.<

      Why do all the weapons a BLM can use (excluding Scythe), need a /WHM sub? i mean, honestly, is there a wsthat needs a BLM sub? >.< /end rant =)

      Sig is the courtesy of Enishi, Remora Server

      BLM 75
      WHM 44
      SMN 50
      SAM 54

      BLM Relic: 4/5 :D (I've been lucky >.>)
      HQ Staves: 6
      Zenith Mitts: O :D
      Ugg. Pendant: X ; ;


      • In most LS that hunt Kirin, who gets Osodes most often? Do BRD?


        • In most osode drops I would say RNG/BRD get osode before other jobs, maybe mnk after them. It's pretty much good for any job though but RNG/BRD I think at least stand out the most.


          • We BLM's don't need no stinking WS's! We have uber shiny spells!


            • Oooh, awesome plot shots, Fal. Tenzen is awesome (as is his sword ). About SMNs skillchaining, though... I heard Shiva's Double Slap is actually pretty effective for closing a Distortion SC when there's no THF around. What's your opinion on that, Fal?

              Rank 10 All Nations
              Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
              Assault Rank: Captain
              Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
              Unique Quests complete: 465
              Maps Obtained: 79/79


              • Well I finally finished the Zilart script... though I have a small question about it...

                Aldo and Gilgamesh both have closing cutscenes you can see after you complete the final Zilart Mission. Does Zeid also have one? Or is the final scene in Ru'Aun Garden the last time you see him in the Zilart storyline. (Some of his comments in later Bastok Missions seem to indicate that the Bastok rank 6+ Missions take place after Zilart, storywise)


                • noo falz thread is moving down! we cant let that happen!


                  • Zeid never has a place where he stands around for conversation purposes, unlike the other two. And there seems to be no connection between the various plotlines that involve him - Zilart missions, Bastok mission, DRK-related quests (job quest, Deathbringer quest, DRK AF) ...
                    Averter of the Apocalypse~
                    Unique quests complete: 330-something, keep losing count.
                    Mission plot lines complete: Windurst, Bastok, San d'Oria, Zilart, Promathia.
                    Maps not yet obtained: Promyvion-Dem, Promyvion-Mea, Promyvion-Holla, Promyvion-Vahzl, Sacrarium.


                    • /patiently waits fer Fal to come up for air =) =P

                      Vilurum, question, it says yuo have both the windy and bastok missions completed, which nation are you goin through the Prom missions as? im j/wing heh

                      Sig is the courtesy of Enishi, Remora Server

                      BLM 75
                      WHM 44
                      SMN 50
                      SAM 54

                      BLM Relic: 4/5 :D (I've been lucky >.>)
                      HQ Staves: 6
                      Zenith Mitts: O :D
                      Ugg. Pendant: X ; ;


                      • At the moment I'm San d'Orian, though it's more likely that I'll get rank 10 Sandy (at which point I plan to pop back to beloved Windurst, with three flags and three signet staves) before I ever manage to make any progress with Promathia missions. I must say, though, it's interesting to see the three storylines. It's a different sort of plotline for each of them.
                        Averter of the Apocalypse~
                        Unique quests complete: 330-something, keep losing count.
                        Mission plot lines complete: Windurst, Bastok, San d'Oria, Zilart, Promathia.
                        Maps not yet obtained: Promyvion-Dem, Promyvion-Mea, Promyvion-Holla, Promyvion-Vahzl, Sacrarium.


                        • Hey all. How are you guys? I'm doing okay, sorry for the lack of posts & replies. Not a lot has been going on in the FFXI realm for me these days. To tell you the truth, I'm getting somewhat bored of the game. Thus, I've taken a small break from it. I just thought you were deserving to know since a lot of you are waiting anxiously for my next set of pics. If anything, I'll just post some pictures tomorrow of some more Promathia missions, since those are the only ones I have at the moment.

                          Kyrial wrote:
                          Oooh, awesome plot shots, Fal. Tenzen is awesome (as is his sword ). About SMNs skillchaining, though... I heard Shiva's Double Slap is actually pretty effective for closing a Distortion SC when there's no THF around. What's your opinion on that, Fal?

                          To Kyrial: I'm not sure what you mean by "effective". If you mean just causing a skillchain, then yes it is effective (but SMNs can do all that). If however you mean by damage like thieves on mobs you're killing for XP, then that is a big no. It is a physical double attack. With physical attacks you have 2 problems. Accuracy and damage. Unless the mob has low evasion and defense, you will have a greater chance to miss and doing very little damage (thus wasting your precious 1 minute BP). I'm assuming you mean using Double Slap in terms of XP PTs, where mobs are VT to IT. These mobs naturally have high evasion and defense. Shiva's Double Slap won't do anything to this mob in terms of damage. Despite it being the most powerful physical attack before you get Eclipse Bite, the damage isn't great on mobs that are a lot higher than you. So if all you're caring about is to create a skillchain, then yes.. avatars in general are good. If you are trying to do damage, you're better off making another melee to try and do another SC.
                          Character: Faluzure
                          Server: Quetzalcoatl
                          Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
                          Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
                          Black Mage Profile
                          Red Mage Profile
                          Summoner Profile


                          • No Fal! Don't stop now.

                            Just kidding. I'm actually going to quit this month myself since I just don't have time to level much past where I'm at now with all that pesky real life stuff going on. I'm definitely going to keep an eye on this thead though to keep an eye out on the cool things I never got to do. If you never post any more, I am still appreciative of all the time and effort that has obviously gone into all these screenshots.

                            I'm thinking about trying WoW, but who knows what will happen.


                            • If you're bored with the game, by all means ... go do other stuff for a while. Take some time for yourself and do whatever you feel is best for you. It'll give you some perspective ... which may lead you to think that you're better off remaining away from FFXI, or it may lead you to come back to FFXI, set new goals for what you want to accomplish, and enjoy it more when you do return.

                              Either way, you should do what's best for you. Don't worry about responsibilities to the game, to your friends, to your LS, or even to your anxious viewers in this topic. Worry about yourself first. Even if that means the rest of us never get to see how the Promathia story turns out.
                              Averter of the Apocalypse~
                              Unique quests complete: 330-something, keep losing count.
                              Mission plot lines complete: Windurst, Bastok, San d'Oria, Zilart, Promathia.
                              Maps not yet obtained: Promyvion-Dem, Promyvion-Mea, Promyvion-Holla, Promyvion-Vahzl, Sacrarium.


                              • gungus wrote:
                                No Fal! Don't stop now.

                                Just kidding. I'm actually going to quit this month myself since I just don't have time to level much past where I'm at now with all that pesky real life stuff going on. I'm definitely going to keep an eye on this thead though to keep an eye out on the cool things I never got to do. If you never post any more, I am still appreciative of all the time and effort that has obviously gone into all these screenshots.

                                I'm thinking about trying WoW, but who knows what will happen.

                                Vilurum wrote:
                                If you're bored with the game, by all means ... go do other stuff for a while. Take some time for yourself and do whatever you feel is best for you. It'll give you some perspective ... which may lead you to think that you're better off remaining away from FFXI, or it may lead you to come back to FFXI, set new goals for what you want to accomplish, and enjoy it more when you do return.

                                Either way, you should do what's best for you. Don't worry about responsibilities to the game, to your friends, to your LS, or even to your anxious viewers in this topic. Worry about yourself first. Even if that means the rest of us never get to see how the Promathia story turns out.

                                To gungus & Vilurum: Hey guys! Long time no chat. Oh no, I'm not stopping! FFXI is still fun and I still have things to do before I quit, but I have had little motivation to play. For the past week, I haven't done much of anything (no leveling, no farming, kind of just... sitting there). Half-Life 2 came out and it is amazing. Plus WoW is about to come out in a few days and that game is very fun. Better than FFXI? I'm not sure yet because I haven't experienced the "end game" of WoW. There is one thing that I will admit... it is a refreshing change. It still has many of the core features found in all MMORPGs but it is different enough to have fun with. You can compare it to one's preferred taste in soft drinks. My favorite is by far Coca-Cola, but that doesn't mean I will always drink Coke. Sometimes I feel like a Dr. Pepper or Mt. Dew. Heck, sometimes I just want water. FFXI has been ruling the MMORPG experience for me for a year now and when I saw/played WoW, it was an enjoyable change but by no means is it my ticket to ultimately cancelling my account on FFXI.

                                I've been working out of college for approximately one year now (not including my internship) and I haven't really bought much for myself. There are still a few goals I've been wanting to accomplish in my life (the first were to graduate from college & get a job, which I have already done). There's a bunch of small things I want to buy & do that I've been putting off. Just recently, my coworker bought himself a BMW 325i for himself. That ride is sweet and it made me really think about what I've been drooling over for a couple months now. My baby! All I have to do is find one in that color. I've been talking to the dealership and it seems I'm 80% sure that I want to follow this deal through. I really want the Daytona Blue one, but because it is hard to get one, I may just settle for Black, White or Silver (in that order).

                                Anyway, this thread is still going and I'll still play FFXI. So I'm not leaving! I'll let you know when my career in FFXI is over. I'll post some Promathia stuff tomorrow, as I don't have access to those pictures at this moment.
                                Character: Faluzure
                                Server: Quetzalcoatl
                                Jobs: BLM75/RDM75/SMN75/WHM75
                                Rank: 10 (Windurst) - Zilart & Promathia Completed
                                Black Mage Profile
                                Red Mage Profile
                                Summoner Profile

