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A Good, Free Screenshot Program?

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  • A Good, Free Screenshot Program?

    Hello I what are some good Screenshot Programs that are completely free? Please post link to site. Thanks.

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    =Luck Ain't Even Lucky=

  • #2
    Capture Plus AKA Capture Pro

    3DMark01se :18975


    • #3
      does this work with FFXI? I cant get any of my screen capture progs to work after the update.

      Originally posted by SevIfrit
      we asked for more wyvern control the give us emotes.... /em slams head off desk...


      • #4
        Clipper, it's what I've been using for a while now and it gets the job done just fine.
        Angelusforever - Caitsith - Elvaan Male - Rank 4 - Hero Fame All Around - Title: ??? - Currently bringing NIN to 37
        THF 37 / WAR 32 / MNK 26 / NIN 21 / PLD 15 / WHM 13 / DRK 11 / RNG 10 / SAM 10 / BLM 7 / DRG 4 / RDM 1 / BST 1 / BRD 1
        Bastok - EternalSlayers

        Current Equipment:
        Main: Windurstian Kukiri
        Sub: Windurstian Kukiri
        Range: Chakram
        Ammo: N/A
        Head: Emperor's Hairpin
        Neck: Spike Necklace
        Earrings: Drone Earring / Drone Earring
        Body: Mercenary Captain's Doublet
        Hands: Battle Gloves
        Rings: Ametrine Ring / Ametrine Ring
        Back: Nomad's Mantle
        Waist: Mercenary Captain's Belt
        Legs: Magna M Chausses (Elvaan RSE)
        Feet: Leaping Boots

        NM Stats:
        Drop Obtained / Times Fought / Times Seen

        Leaping Lizzy: 0 / 5 / 7
        Hoo Mjuu The Torrent 0 / 8 / 16
        Stray Mary: 2 / 4 / 4
        Jagged Ear Jack: 1 / 3 / 3
        Dragonclaw Dracos 0 / 1 / 1


        • #5
          Sheesh, why is square pushing this so hard? The copywright thingy is so annoying and uses such Microsoft-ish tactics...I just want a good program that allows you to take good pictures at good angles without having to press Scroll Lock+Prnt Screen before the camera re-centers...
          (12/15/04) Been too lazy to lvl it but im getting better about it...


          • #6
            Well, i use Fraps. It's a decent screen shot program, and you can create 15 sec movies also. This is in the demo, but if you buy it, you can make videos for as long as you want.

            Kujata server:

            Reneki: Elvann/Male

            DRK lv 60/ Mnk lv32/ War lv28
            Thf lv30/ Whm lv28/ SAM lv21

            Elias: Taru/Male
            Rdm lv11


            • #7
              Yeah, i know a lot of people that used that in PlanetSide. It's a really cool proggie.
              (12/15/04) Been too lazy to lvl it but im getting better about it...


              • #8
                can you still use fraps i cannot take ss any more should i reinstall or has square wiped it out in the last patch?

                can any one confirm this?


                Rdm=61 Blm=32 Whm=36 Smn=30 Bst=12 Rng=1 Nin=12 Drg=1 Pld=1 War=11 Thf=9 Sam=1


                • #9
                  Originally posted by John Crichton
                  Capture Plus AKA Capture Pro

                  this prog still works just fine, just tested it i suppose thats because it doesn't use hotkey's like fraps.

                  the picture quality isn't as good as fraps tho but still loads better than squares own ss system :confused:

                  Rdm=61 Blm=32 Whm=36 Smn=30 Bst=12 Rng=1 Nin=12 Drg=1 Pld=1 War=11 Thf=9 Sam=1


                  • #10
                    Re: A Good, Free Screenshot Program?

                    Thought I'd revive a totally dead thread. I've heard good things about both clipper and fraps. If I dont want to pay for one which would be the best to get? (i heard clipper is nolonger free) And are the sites posted here still accurate for d/ls? Are there any newer programs that are better than either of these?

                    Thanks in advance.
                    I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                    PSN: Caspian


                    • #11
                      Re: A Good, Free Screenshot Program?

                      Originally posted by Prince Caspian
                      (i heard clipper is nolonger free)
                      That is true. Clipper is no longer free. Unless you have an older version... which I happen to have. I put Clipper.exe and Clipper.ini into a .zip file, so you can download it from here.

                      I use Clipper myself and I think its a great program.
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by tomfin10; 07-27-2005, 04:41 PM.
                      "From the void all things are born.
                      To the void all things return."

                      -philosophy of the Walahra


                      • #12
                        Re: A Good, Free Screenshot Program?

                        Thanks, but be careful. I'm not sure posting that is entirely lawful. I'd hate for you to get in trouble on my account.
                        I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                        PSN: Caspian


                        • #13
                          Re: A Good, Free Screenshot Program?

                          I bought Fraps.. and I love every second of it. I record and edit all my Linkshell's events with it. Awesome program, definatly worht the money, plus you get all the updates, never have to pay anything again...

                          PLD75| BLM42| WAR37| DRK30| THF25| WHM25| NIN22| MNK20| BST10|


                          • #14
                            Re: A Good, Free Screenshot Program?

                            I use fraps, for demo users it takes decent pictures and about 15 seconds of videos although I have the full version so i'm not complaining :D


                            • #15
                              Re: A Good, Free Screenshot Program?

                              I'm still using the older version of FRAPs. Got it since it was still a freeware. Never have any problem so far
                              There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                              but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                              transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                              - Pablo Picasso

