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  • #61
    Still Here

    Hey everyone!
    Again, I must begin this check-in by giving a million thanks to everyone for taking the time to post anything in my favor whether positive or negative. So, THANKS( A million times)! Secondly, I have to apologize for the relentless slave master called "LIFE"! Currently, I'm freelancing for myself full time while going to art school, and trust me If there was a pause button for time, I would have used it a hundred times by now! So, even though I'm under all the constant pressure, I thought it only respectful to at least let you'all know that this site is always swirling around in my mind. My goal to establish myself as one of the best American FFXI illustrators has not changed or wavered in the slightest, so I want everyone to know that I have a hand-full of character illustrations nearly ready for posting. I personally love the request for illustrations that sometimes are given here, like the one from HolyCrusader12 above. Any, and every challenge is a welcome one. So, to all, I say thanks and continue to be patient with me. Peace to all of you, and see you soon!


    • #62
      I -JUST- got around to checking back on this thread (I PMed you why and what happened). I saw the Galka Samurai and I am very very very pleased with the way it came out. Prehapse as I mentioned before, I will collect all the Samurai pictures and make a background and then post in on the boards. Then again, I've got my own issues with this slave master you call "Life" also, so free time is thin.

      Again, great work and thanks for answering my request!

      -Mr. Black


      • #63
        Ryuujin's illustration

        Hey folks!
        And so, here they are! Starting from this day, I will post two character illustrations at a time. I Hope everyone enjoys them!
        Since Ryuujin was the first character to respond to my model call, I see no better way to return the support than by showing his first.
        Attached Files


        • #64
          Ryuujin's illustration

          Attached Files


          • #65
            Ryuujin's illustration

            And with each illustration, I'll attach a memory shot!
            Attached Files


            • #66
              Obsydian's Illustration

              Obsydian's pictures were superb, and made the illustration process a breeze. That, along with the weapon shots made it all to easy to transfer the model to an action pose.
              Attached Files


              • #67
                Obsydian's Illustration

                Attached Files


                • #68
                  Obsydian's Illustration

                  Obsydian's memory shot.
                  Attached Files


                  • #69

                    The memory shot's perfect since i had to start over about a week after i sent the pics (guy stole my password and stole all my stuff). Thx a lot!
                    Ryuujin - Hume (account hacked thus deleted)
                    l RDM-29 l WAR-16 l MNK-2 l BLM-2 l SAM-31 l BST-2 l RNG-1 l WHM-2 l THF-1 l SMN-7 l


                    Ryuujin - Elvann (deleted)
                    l WAR-30 l THF-15 l WHM-1 l RDM-1 l BLM-1 l MNK-1 l SAM-36 l BST-1 l RNG-1 l NIN-1 l DRK-1 l PLD-1 l


                    lWAR-18 l THF-1 l WHM-8 l RDM-1 l BLM-5 l MNK-9 l


                    • #70
                      FAWKING ROCK!

                      You just made my day, Soul!

                      Grats on a bleeding awesome job, I think I just skidmarked my drawers^^
                      Alright.... who farted?

                      Obsydian: 47 THF/ 31 MNK/ 24 WAR/ 19 RNG/ 10 SAM/ 8 NIN
                      Anomalie: 24 GFR
                      Saetynn: 17 GFR
                      Jelloshot: 10 GFR

                      RSE - 4/4

                      NM Record (raredrop/enc):
                      Spiny Spipi - 2/3
                      Leaping Lizzy - 1/2


                      • #71
                        Sir, if you're just doing this out of the kindness your your artistic heart. I would love for you to illustrate a picture of my Meitao. I've tried myself, but could nevr get that kinda quality from my hands. Well not yet. ^^ So if your up for it, I have Many shots of my black mage I would be more than happy to send to ya. Please take this into consideration if you havent gotten loooooads of requests by now. Thanks alot man. Get back at me.


                        • #72
                          you should consider talking to the ffxionline admins about a ffxi comic. you've certainly got a great sense of comic book style, and your art seems pretty professional. kudos.


                          • #73
                            Comicking isn't easy though. You could make a doujinshi (independant fan work) though publishing in America is much more expensive and difficult than Japan.
                            Realistically though, if Square were to commission a comic, it'd be done in Japan.

                            But that in no way would stop you from making a fan-site-comic sorta dealie


                            • #74
                              Wow. Simply wow. That's fantastic stuff. ^^
                              Kuno's super cool stats!
                              Server - Bahamut | Nationality - San d'Orian | Rank - 9 | Jobs - 75 BLM/74 SMN

                              Fishing 100+ - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35
                              Lushang's: Ok!


                              • #75
                                Wow that looks great Soul I'm patiently yet anxiously waiting to see how mine came out. :D

                                Sandoria Rank 10
                                Dynamis Jeuno, Windurst, Sandoria, Bastok, Beaucedine: Defeated.
                                Fafnir, Nidhogg, Behemoth, Adamantoise, Genbu, Suzaku, Seiryu, Byakko, Kirin: D E F E A T E D

