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Taking Sig Requests

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  • Taking Sig Requests

    Hey guys,
    I'm just tryna get back into the FFXI gaming community after a couple months hiatus. Since i have nothin to do until my new rig gets here *Super exited* I was just wondering is anyone needed some sigs done. I am quite rusty but i would like to just brush up on my skills, so if u are interested just post what u would like in the sig and i will give it a try.

    Info Needed:
    - Name You would like me to pu ton the sig
    - What Job you want
    - Race
    - Any special effect/idea/quote/request in mind.

    *Some of my previous Work*

    Thanks again,
    Last edited by RogueWolf; 10-20-2007, 08:24 PM.

    there is no such thing as failure, only death and success.

  • #2
    Re: Taking Sig Requests

    Sure I'd love one.

    DRG and SAM are the jobs I'm aiming at so maybe include the wyvern
    I'm male Elvaan the black bearded one.

    Signature courtesy of Roguewolf


    • #3
      Re: Taking Sig Requests

      I'd love one =D Mithra with the white hair.. dont remember the actual code for it. But its the most common one. :p Name is Shrayn~ My main is sam. I'd like to be on one side of the sig, doing a kasha twords the other side. JSE is fine, the hachiman. Thanks in advance :D :D


      • #4
        Re: Taking Sig Requests

        Job: Both MNK and SAM(in the foreground)
        Race and Gender: Galka N/A
        Face type:I want to say 2A, but since i dont have access to playonline I will have to say what you dont want me to say... same as my avatar ><

        Head:MNK AFv2
        Body:Kirin's Osode
        Hands: MNK AFv2
        Legs: Byakko's Hadiate
        Feet: I forget the name of the lvl 72 MNK/SAM/NIN feet that have haste on them...._______ sune-ate
        Weapon: Destroyers

        Head: Wyvern Helm
        Body: Haubergeon
        Hands: any of the giga line bracers
        Legs: Shura Hadiate
        Feet: SAM AFv2
        Weapon: Amanomurakumo

        Background: upto you
        Quote: N/A


        • #5
          Re: Taking Sig Requests

          Ahah, I've been wanting a new sig lately...

          I'm Elvaan male, face 7A, and the name is Reikouki
          Job - RNG
          Head: Wyvern Helm
          Body: Kyudogi
          Hands: Skadi's Bazubands
          Legs: Dusk Trousers
          Feet: Scout's Socks

          Preferably with the bow out, aiming pose.

          Quote: Ikyuu....nyu....kon! (One shot, with all my soul in it!) Whichever one fits better or looks better. >_>;;

          If you make this I'll be your bff.

          Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D


          • #6
            Re: Taking Sig Requests

            Hey guys,
            I sat down yesterday to do at least 2 of 3 sigs but the website went down right after i was done with nebis's sig so i couldnt get your info and what u wanted.

            Well here's nebis's

            I always saw drg as a somewhat "evil" job lol. dont mean to offend anyone but u have a dragon flyin behind u, so i ranw ith the whole "dark mood" and the wyvern poppin out of the name roarin. If u guys don't don't like ur sigs please let me know, id rather redo one than u just take it and never use it. Well tell me that u think.


            Last edited by RogueWolf; 10-20-2007, 08:27 PM.

            there is no such thing as failure, only death and success.


            • #7
              Re: Taking Sig Requests

              I have now completed Shrayn's Sig.



              Same as before tell me if u don't like something

              Now onto Restless Tornado's Sig, then koukiryun.


              there is no such thing as failure, only death and success.


              • #8
                Re: Taking Sig Requests

                hello...once again,

                I just inished Restlesstornado's sig, i think imma call it a night.
                Being a galka myself *ignore the sig, never been an elvaan, galka since beta!*, i'd like to think of us as a "ALL OUT" race just explodin so this is what i got. hope u like it.



                okay koukiryun, i will most likely be done with urs tomorow.


                there is no such thing as failure, only death and success.


                • #9
                  Re: Taking Sig Requests

                  I love you RogueWolf. :D Thanks so much, it looks fantastic. Looking at it now, I was wondering if you could change the head piece to a gala flower. And the left bigger image, a winy salute with the Gktn Shinsoku. But really, super job.

                  Edit: Wanna see if this will show my sig now :D
                  Edit: Nope.
                  Last edited by Shrayn_lolsam; 10-20-2007, 10:28 PM. Reason: Nope, edits wont show my sig ; ;


                  • #10
                    Re: Taking Sig Requests

                    I love it but how come it's tiny? did I do something wrong when I added it?

                    Woot that fixed it!
                    Last edited by Ketsum; 10-21-2007, 01:07 AM.

                    Signature courtesy of Roguewolf


                    • #11
                      Re: Taking Sig Requests

                      I must see my sig, so i'm posting again. Woot.

                      Edit: It's tiny =o
                      Last edited by Shrayn_lolsam; 10-20-2007, 10:33 PM. Reason: Hmmm


                      • #12
                        Re: Taking Sig Requests

                        umm i just post it as


                        Without the (-), does that help?

                        there is no such thing as failure, only death and success.


                        • #13
                          Re: Taking Sig Requests

                          Hmm, I don't understand what you mean.


                          • #14
                            Re: Taking Sig Requests

                            [IMG] [/IMG]

                            without the spaces between the [img] and the [/img] and the link.. get it?

                            there is no such thing as failure, only death and success.


                            • #15
                              Re: Taking Sig Requests

                              Yea I got the link ^-^; Same place it took me in the message you sent me.

