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Square Fan Radio from FFXI Linkshell

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  • Square Fan Radio from FFXI Linkshell

    I updated the thread below and hope to post music items that we play on the radio. Thanks for letting me have this thread here and I hope you enjoy the music.
    Last edited by tebian; 06-06-2008, 06:02 PM. Reason: posted url's
    "Square Music for a Round World"
    Final Fantasy Radio

  • #2
    Re: Square Fan Radio from FFXI Linkshell

    Well now I been here long enough to post link and you guys are really great peeps. I have add your site to the FFXI tool bar that the listeners use. Hope you all would enjoy the station it is just something I run for the linkshells as hobby and no ads on there to make money. As of now I know of peeps across 9 servers that tune in to the music. If you have any comments or suggestions please post them I enjoy feedback of any kind.

    Main Player Page where you can request songs too.

    Shoutcast Stream
    WMA Stream

    FFXI Tool Bar where I added this great site
    "Square Music for a Round World"
    Final Fantasy Radio


    • #3
      Re: Square Fan Radio from FFXI Linkshell

      Hi Tebian

      Just want to say the folks at Cosmic enigma love the station.

      /hugs Galen

      Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


      • #4
        Re: Square Fan Radio from FFXI Linkshell

        hehe, Love you guys, thank you for linking to me on your great linkshell site.

        /bow Cosmic Enigma
        "Square Music for a Round World"
        Final Fantasy Radio


        • #5
          Re: Square Fan Radio from FFXI Linkshell

          Added Nobou's new cd's to the play list now. Both "Blue Dragon" and "Lost Odyssey" are in the rotations and can be requested. Shot if he keeps this up I might have to rename the station. His new soundtracks are every bit as good as the Final Fantasy arrangements from the past. Also got up the "Before Crisis" sound track now which I think is more hardcore rock oriented, more like the Black Mages and along the lines of "Dirge of Cerebus" soundtrack.

          Thanks to all you guys that listen to the station from here and have signed the guest book. Hope your enjoying the music, its great hobby of mine and happy to share it with you all.

          (thank you Dreams of Van forums for letting me post this here)
          "Square Music for a Round World"
          Final Fantasy Radio


          • #6
            Re: Square Fan Radio from FFXI Linkshell

            Wait a minute? You're broadcasting Final Fantasy Music?
            I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

            HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



            • #7
              Re: Square Fan Radio from FFXI Linkshell

              Final Fantasy music on private station and only to limited group of people, not for profit and yes just like the old time internet broadcaster b4 congress went nuts. Is this lisc station, nope. You can get that through America Online where SE has stream setup to play there music with commercials. This station I just made for our Ls cause sky gets boring with that same old music, then I allowed others to listen in and now I have heard from about 10 servers who enjoy. I hope that is not a problem with anyone here at the forums, I can remove my posting if you guys want.

              I even made our Ls tool bar that we access the station generic so others could use too. It list links like this site and others that people using FFXI might use, plus the RSS feeds for the radio shows that are out there about the game. I can add anyones ls site to that thing also if it helps anyone out there.

              Linkshell Toolbar

              (i do hope i did not do something wrong here, you guys are great forums please just tell me)
              "Square Music for a Round World"
              Final Fantasy Radio


              • #8
                Re: Square Fan Radio from FFXI Linkshell

                Any public performance (IE not for your own use which this is) is illegal without a broadcast license.

                Though it seems you're already aware of that and just don't care.
                I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                • #9
                  Re: Square Fan Radio from FFXI Linkshell

                  I am sorry i have upset you concerning this and will remove all post if needed.
                  "Square Music for a Round World"
                  Final Fantasy Radio


                  • #10
                    Re: Square Fan Radio from FFXI Linkshell

                    Mhurron is an officer of the Police of Vice and Virtue, but he has no real power.


                    • #11
                      Re: Square Fan Radio from FFXI Linkshell

                      Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
                      Any public performance (IE not for your own use which this is) is illegal without a broadcast license.

                      Though it seems you're already aware of that and just don't care.
                      Neither do you I'm sure.

                      Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                      • #12
                        Re: Square Fan Radio from FFXI Linkshell

                        Oh good I was scared there for a minute. I really do take there rights serious and I own all the CD's I play. But that thing you have to do to really become a radio station is hard to believe. I looked into a few times cause there is only one other station out there that plays this specific music and I think it could be something legitimate if you really wanted. Personally I could not get past the website where the contract is located. I did contact SE once on this too but they never did reply.

                        Yep I am just person with hobby and hope you all enjoy tuning in. Some day I know the "man" will come and I will have to turn it off. For now I cant wait for the Black Mages III CD to be released. From the clips I have heard its not all new stuff but it is more of Nobou !
                        "Square Music for a Round World"
                        Final Fantasy Radio


                        • #13
                          Re: Square Fan Radio from FFXI Linkshell

                          Thank you all that have visited the station and signed our guest book. Hehe btw Mhurron "still" playing Final Fantasy soundtracks plus even the new stuff from Nobou 24/7 ! Enjoy the music guys and thank you Dreams of Vana'diel for letting me post this and for making these great forums.
                          "Square Music for a Round World"
                          Final Fantasy Radio


                          • #14
                            Re: Square Fan Radio from FFXI Linkshell

                            Does not seem like a lot of people of heard the whole sound track to the WoTG that was officially released last month, so I will be playing the full CD at midnight EST for next few days. Hope you all enjoy, personally I think this is the best one of the Final Fantasy XI set from Naoshi Mizuta.

                            One of the tracks might be interesting to the summoners out there "Cloister of Time and Souls".

                            Listing of the CD at Square Enix Music Online
                            "Square Music for a Round World"
                            Final Fantasy Radio


                            • #15
                              Re: Square Fan Radio from FFXI Linkshell

                              already posted sorry
                              Last edited by tebian; 06-06-2008, 08:17 PM.
                              "Square Music for a Round World"
                              Final Fantasy Radio

