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Elvan Portrait

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  • Elvan Portrait

    I just find the site to d/l the latest version for Open canvas (my favorite drawing program). and i really wanted to test it out. so there, 4 hours of studying is wasted on this...
    its an elvan white mage.

    update: totally redo the pic...
    Attached Files

  • #2
    thats interesting, thats a hundred percent comp you say? Hmm maybe i should invest in one of these drawing programs, its pretty difficult to get a painterly feel with photoshop, (aside from applying the paint filter). I reallly shoould focus more on color but the computer is a bastid, and btw do you use mouse or tablet?


    • #3
      defenitely a tablet. i cannot do anything with a mouse.

      as for the program, try the trial version here:

      the version 1.1 is free, but I dont know where they have it. it lacks some features, but I'm used to it. also, painter classic is another program give you oil painting feeling.


      • #4
        thats a very cool drawing but i think her chin is too long and her skin is too tan, it needs to be a bit whiter. Very Nice though , i like it, the coloring is great!
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        • #5
          hum, i dont think the chin is long, maybe its her nose. the nose is messed up. yeah, the skin color is way off. i'll figure out a not so tanned version...


          • #6
            Yeah the nose is off, the chin is fine, I mean she looks like shes supposed to have sharp features. One thing i would stay away from is using black of dark colors for the eyes (lashes) when in the rest of the painting nothing is that dark, it makes it look like a combination drawing, painting. As for the skin tone, i don t think its too tan, maybe you could use less colors, but thats a style choice. I don t know if you did, but the best way to paint and draw realistically is to use models, so you should use reference for realism stuff


            • #7
              good point on the eye... i always wonder why the eyebrow and eyes look so fake... like paste on, now you answered my question.
              i know i should use referrence, now i have the fineart site in my favorite, that should be a no problem.

              and here: an updated version, i think the nose is somewhat better now. and changed the skin tone to more rosy color. (also changed her head shape tiny little bit... )
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Yeah i think it comes together better now, the nose is still a bit off, heh its the hardest part of the face, One thin that i think is a little wierd with the noe is, she has no ridge, there is no indent at the eyebrow, on most people they have an indent at right at the brow, not always huge but almost always there, because you don't exactly have that the cinnection between theridge of the nose and the other part of the nose is a little weird. Basically though i think after you start using mor reference, you will start to just know the rulkes with out having to look at real life stuff.


                • #9
                  that's one of my worst problems, no ridges for the nose. even though i know there is one, and i actually try to draw it in, but it just "disappears'. but thanks for pointing that out. i'll fix it tomorrow. so sleepy now.

